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养德 cultivating moral英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-15 17:27:31


养德 cultivating moral英语短句 例句大全

养德,cultivating moral

1)cultivating moral养德

2)cultivation of medical ethics医德修养

1.Being the genetic mechanism of medical ethics, the cultural behaviors of hospital is related closely to the education/cultivation of medical ethics.医院文化行为是医德的心理发生机制 ,它与医德教育、医德修养有着密切关系。


1.The education/cultivation of medical ethics and cultural behaviors of hospital;医德教育、医德修养与医院文化行为

2.Medical Ethics Should Be A Major Subject in Medical Education;医德修养应成为医学院校教育的一门主修课

3.On the Professional Morality Accomplishment of Medical Staff论医务人员职业道德修养的若干问题

4.Survey-based Analysis of Teaching Results of the Course of "Moral Education and Fundamentals of Law" at Medical Colleges and Universities;医学院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》教学效果调查分析

5.Discussion on teaching of " ideological and moral culture and legal basis" course at medical col-lege;高等医学院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学方法探析

6.Reformation of the curriculum of ideology,moral culture and the basis of law in medical college论医学院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程之改革

7."Perfecting Morality to Acquire"--Talking about Leadership s Morality Cultivation;“修文德以来之”——浅谈领导者的道德修养

8.The curriculum of reformation of the ideology, moral culture and the basis of law in medical college should be inosculated into the medical humanities医学院校在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程改革中应当融合医学人文精神

9.Morality cultivation: A Required Course of The Present-day College Students;思想道德修养:当代大学生的必修课

10.Views on the Morality Inculcation in the Course of Its Training;谈“思想道德修养”教学中的道德灌输

11.The Thonght of "Running the Country by Virtue"and Teaching in the Moral Class;“以德治国”思想与思想道德修养课教学

12.On rule by virtue and Communists moral training;“以德治国”与共产党员的道德修养

13.On LIChun s Moral Education and Recuperation Thoughts;李存的道德教化与道德修养思想探析

14.Improving the Teaching Effect of Courses about Ideological and Political Theories in Medical Universities--A case study of the course 《Ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis》;提高医科院校政治理论课教学效果的思考——以《思想道德修养与法律基础》课为例

15.On Formation and Development of Moral Character of Preiodical Edition;试论期刊编辑品德修养的形成与培养

16.On the Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Etiquette Cultivation of Vocational School Students;浅议高职学生思想道德修养与礼仪修养教育

17.Towards Ways of Cultivating Personal Moral Behavior;论躬行——培养个人道德意志的道德修养方法

18.The meanings and measures to cultivate medical students" medical morality under the situation of medical reforming医改形势下医学生医德培养的意义及对策


cultivation of medical ethics医德修养

1.Being the genetic mechanism of medical ethics, the cultural behaviors of hospital is related closely to the education/cultivation of medical ethics.医院文化行为是医德的心理发生机制 ,它与医德教育、医德修养有着密切关系。

3)Moral culture道德修养

1.On the College Students Moral Culture in the Network;网络社会中大学生道德修养刍议

2.Sound moral culture is the essential condition for promoting the art of linguistic expression, while fluent common spoken Chinese is its prerequisite.良好的道德修养是提高语言表达艺术的必要条件,流畅的普通话是提高语言表达艺术的前提。

3.The moral culture of the editors of high school transactions should be improved greatly so that the quality ofl transaction can be enhanced.高校学报编辑是办好学报的核心力量,应大力加强高校学报编辑的职业道德修养,才能进一步提高学报的办刊质量。

4)moral training道德修养

1.Role of moral emotion inmoral training;浅析道德情感在道德修养过程中的作用

2.Review of Zhang Wentian s thought on themoral training for young cadres;重温张闻天关于青年干部道德修养的思想

3.On rule by virtue and Communistsmoral training;“以德治国”与共产党员的道德修养

5)moral cultivation道德修养

1.It describes in detail about the connotation and the requirement of teachersmoral cultivation in a new stage.详细地描述了教师道德修养的内涵以及新时期对教师道德修养的要求。

2.This paper points out that strengthening themoral cultivation is an important topic in service for readers, and probes into how to strengthen the personalmoral cultivation.指出了加强道德修养是读者服务中的重要课题,探讨了如何加强个人道德修养。

3.The leading cadre should strengthen one s ownmoral cultivation,lead the people to carry on the construction of the new socialist countryside,and advance the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics in an all-round way.领导干部要不断加强自己的道德修养,领导人民群众进行社会主义新农村的建设,全面推进建设有中国特色的社会主义的伟大事业。

6)moral accomplishment道德素养

1.The clerical staff is required to have great enterprising spirit,a strong sense of duty,higher professional quality and professionalmoral accomplishment because of the specific characteristics of secretarial work.文秘工作的性质与要求,决定了文秘工作者必须具有强烈的事业心与高度责任感、较高的业务素质与职业道德素养。


