100字范文 > 生均培养成本 the average cultivating cost英语短句 例句大全

生均培养成本 the average cultivating cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-28 02:35:21


生均培养成本 the average cultivating cost英语短句 例句大全

生均培养成本,the average cultivating cost

1)the average cultivating cost生均培养成本

1.Through collecting and employing the index system based on the definite documents, the author tries to construct a standard cost accounting pattern ofthe average cultivating cost of the undergraduates, and calculates different kinds of cultivating costs of the normal universities, and universities o高等教育生均培养成本是一种合理的高等教育定价依据,它能加强高等院校内部管理、合理配置教育资源,也有利于评价办学效益、进行宏观调控和遏制教育乱收费行为,为政府确定财政拨款和收费标准提供科学依据。


1.A Model Research on Average Education Cultivation Cost for Each Student in University and Its System Development;高校生均培养成本模型及其系统研究

2.Research on Comparing Educational Costs of the Two Universities;对两所高校学生生均培养成本的比较研究

3.Empirical Study of the Cost of College Student with Accounting Law会计法对高校生均培养成本的实证研究

4.The Empirical Research on Individual Cultivation Cost of Postgra duates at Fudan University;研究生人均培养成本实证研究——以复旦大学为例

5.Individual Yearly Cultivation Cost in Hiberarchy of Fudan University;复旦大学各类学生年度人均培养成本研究

6.On the Cost of Establishing Training Programs for Undergraduates in Colleges and Universities;高校制订本科生培养方案的成本分析

7.Studies on the Tissue Culture Industrial Process and Cost-reduction of Cymbidium Hybridum;大花蕙兰组织培养生产流程及降低成本的研究

8.AHP and the Application in the Model of the Training Cost of the University Students;AHP及其在大学生培养成本模型中的应用

9.Calculation of Costs for Cultivation of College Students: A Case Study;高等学校学生培养成本计量的案例研究

10.Simply Discussion about the Formation and the Raising of College Students Basic Chemistry Experimental Operation Skill;大学生化学实验基本操作技能的形成与培养

11.Construction and Cultivation of Research Quality Of Undergraduate Students of Sci-Tech Colleges and Universities;试论理工院校本科生科研素质的构成及其培养

12.The Research of Training Students" Innovative Capability by Low-cost Physics Experiment利用低成本物理实验培养学生创新能力的研究

13.Cost Sharing in Three-assistantship under the Reform of China"s Postgraduate Training Mechanism我国研究生培养机制改革下“三助”成本分担研究

14.The Training Paradigm of Students in Normal University:From "Teacher-based Paradigm"to"Student-based Paradigm";“师本”到“生本”:师范生培养范式的转型

15.Bringing up the Formation Consciousness, Caring the Students’ Process of Life Growing;培养生成意识 关注学生生命成长

16.On Undergraduates" Education Model of University of Oxford基于培养方案的牛津大学本科生培养模式研究

17.Studies on the Tissue Culture Characteristic of Mature Embryos of Indica Rice and Establishment of Plant Regeneration System of Rice Callus from Mature Embryos of Indica Hybrid Rice Parents;籼稻成熟胚组织培养特性研究及籼型杂交稻亲本再生体系的建立

18.A Theoretical Study of Expenditure of Scientific Research Funds to Be Calculated into Cultivation Cost of Students in Colleges and Universities;高校科研经费支出计入学生培养成本:一个理论探讨


High Annual Average Education Cost年生均培养成本

3)Checking and Ratifying of Students Average Cultivation Cost生均培养成本核定

4)Even standard raise cost生均标准培养成本

5)student"s educational cost学生培养成本

6)cultivation cost培养成本

1.Based on the demonstration research, this paper uses the relative methods to measure the individual yearlycultivation cost of the doctorate ,master ,undergraduate and the technological college students, and then revises these results by some experienced modulus.本文在实证研究的基础上,运用有关方法,初步测算了复旦大学博士生、硕士生、本科生和专科生的年度人均培养成本,并根据某些经验系数,对所得结果进行了校正,校正后的各类学生年度人均培养成本分别为:博士生42756。

2.How to calculate the expenditure of scientific research funds in colleges and universities into thecultivation cost of students has always been a difficult problem in the measurement of educational cost.高校科研经费支出如何计入学生培养成本,一直是教育成本计量的难题。

3.In research fields on the economics of education, it is very difficult for the researchers to measure quantitatively the individualcultivation cost and the total value of college permanent assets.定量测算研究生人均培养成本和高校固定资产总值,是教育经济学研究的两大难点。


