100字范文 > 废石胶结充填 mullock cementation filling英语短句 例句大全

废石胶结充填 mullock cementation filling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-20 04:49:16


废石胶结充填 mullock cementation filling英语短句 例句大全

废石胶结充填,mullock cementation filling

1)mullock cementation filling废石胶结充填

2)cemented rock-tailings fill废石尾砂胶结充填

1.This paper expatiates on systemic test research ofcemented rock-tailings fill.对废石尾砂胶结充填进行系统试验研究。

3)Cemented rock backfill method块石胶结充填法

4)Cemented crushed stone bachfilling碎石胶结充填


1.Through the experiments, the mixture ratio of cemented crushed stone backfilling materials was optimized.通过试验,优化了碎石胶结充填料配比。

2.permeable consolidated gravel pack可渗透胶结砾石充填体

3.Optimization of Binder Filling Coefficient of Cement-Fly Ash Stabilized Crushed Stones水泥粉煤灰稳定碎石结合料填充系数的优选

4.The cement paste covers the surface of the stones and sand particles, binding them together when it hardens.水泥浆充填盖满石子和砂粒的表面,硬化时将它们胶结在一起。

5.Theoretical and Applied Study on the Strip-Filling Mining Technology Using Cementing Gangue in Long-Wall Face of Coal Mine井下长壁工作面矸石胶结条带充填开采的理论与应用研究

6.Reliability of Cemented Phosphgypsum Backfilling in Xinqiao Pyrite Mine新桥硫铁矿磷石膏分层胶结充填技术可靠性研究

7.Furthermore, a portion of space is filled with clay and cementing material.而且,部分孔隙被粘土和胶结物质填充。

8.Study on Improving the Early Strength of Filling提高胶结充填体早期强度的试验研究

9.Research and Application of the Cemented Backfilling Technology with Total Directly Discharged Tailings直排全尾胶结充填技术的研究与应用

10.Studies on Polypropylene Eilled with Wollastonite Modified by Sol/Coupling Agent锡溶胶/偶联剂改性硅灰石填充聚丙烯的研究

11.Study on Ultrfine Gangue Mineral Power Used as Natrral Rubber Reinforcing Filling;超细煤矸石作天然橡胶补强填充剂的性能研究

12.Studies on the Properties of Natural Rubbers Modified with Acetylene Carbon Black and Graphite乙炔黑与石墨填充天然橡胶的性能研究

13.Study on the properties of Methyl-vinyl Silicone Rubber Reinforced with Attapulgite and Fumed Silica凹凸棒石/气相白炭黑填充硅橡胶的研究

14.The contents of the experiment included the measurement of the physical characteristics of filling aggregate and the test for the mixture ratio of cemented backfilling materials.试验内容包括充填骨料物理性能测定和胶结充填材料配比试验。

15.A qualified cemented rockfill system has been developed in Xinqiao Pyrite Mine according to the key techniques and parameters of cemented rockfill derived from the model test of large stope.通过大型采场模型模拟试验,得出了块石胶结充填新工艺实施中的关键技术与参数。

16.The Research and Experiment of the Material Structure of the Base with Gap Filling Macadam;填隙碎石做路面基层结构材料的试验研究

17.Experiment and Application of Cemented Undercut and Fill Stoping with Hexagon High-access下向六角形高进路胶结充填采矿法试验与应用

18.Stability Analysis of Winning Track"s top Tray of upper to Lamination Consolidated Fill上向分层胶结充填采场顶板稳定性分析


cemented rock-tailings fill废石尾砂胶结充填

1.This paper expatiates on systemic test research ofcemented rock-tailings fill.对废石尾砂胶结充填进行系统试验研究。

3)Cemented rock backfill method块石胶结充填法

4)Cemented crushed stone bachfilling碎石胶结充填

5)Cemented waste rock filling块石胶结充填

1.Cemented waste rock filling can be divided into cemented boulder-sand slurry filling, cemented boulder filling and cemented gravel filling.块石胶结充填可分为块石砂浆胶结充填、块石水泥浆胶结充填、碎石水泥浆胶结充填。

6)Rock cemented fill碎石胶结充填料


废石废石wastefelshl废石(waste)矿体周围的岩石(围岩)和夹在矿体中的岩石(夹石)的统称。凡是不含有用成分,或者有用成分含量过少,或含有按当前技术无法加工提取的成分,按技术经济条件不宜作为矿石开采的,均列为废石。废石的概念不是绝对的,随着技术经济的发展,采矿、选矿和冶炼技术水平的提高,以及对矿石需要量的增加,有的废石可转变为有开采价值的矿石。 (刘兴国)
