100字范文 > 单点剪切力 single point shear cut force英语短句 例句大全

单点剪切力 single point shear cut force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-18 08:09:13


单点剪切力 single point shear cut force英语短句 例句大全

单点剪切力,single point shear cut force

1)single point shear cut force单点剪切力

2)unit resisting shearing单位剪切抗力


1.Numerical Simulation of Electrolytic Nickel Board"s Cutting Process and Shear Stress电解镍板剪切过程数值模拟及其单位剪切抗力的确定

2.Simple Model of Stiffness of Short-leg Shear Walls With Shear Deformation;考虑剪切变形的短肢剪力墙结构简化模型及抗震性能研究

3.Relationships between anti-shearing force and quality properties of wheat grain小麦籽粒抗剪切力与其品质性状的关系

4.Simulation of Tension and Shear of Nano Single-crystal Copper Based on Molecular Dynamics;基于分子动力学的纳米单晶铜拉伸与剪切模拟

5.Embedded columns can increase shear strength as well as control of displacement and failure.配以暗框边柱能提高剪力墙的抗剪强度、位移控制和破坏控制能力。

6.Studies on Effects of the Numbers and Spatial Positions of Shear Walls on Seismic Performance of Frame-wall Structures;剪力墙数量与空间位置对框架—剪力墙结构抗震性能影响的研究

7.Besides, the relation between shear force and relative plastic shear displacement is also presented.此外,还得到了不同含水量时剪力-塑性剪切位移的关系。

8.Interaction between Simple Modeling of Two Shear-flexural Structures under Horizontal and Vertical Loads;简单模型弯剪型抗侧力体系的相互作用

9.Experimental study on seismic performance of a three-layer shear wall structure with single row of steel bars三层单排配筋剪力墙结构抗震性能试验研究

10.Seismic behavior and design method of RC shear wall structure with single row of steel bars单排配筋剪力墙结构抗震性能及设计研究

11.Experimental study on seismic performance of medium-height RC shear wall with bi-directional single row of steel bars双向单排配筋中高剪力墙抗震性能试验研究

12.single-strand crop and cobble shears单线式端头-废料剪切机

13.d crop and cobble shears单线式端头废料剪切机

14.Displacement-Based Seismic Design for HPC Shear Wall;高性能混凝土剪力墙结构基于位移的抗震设计

15.Seismic Behavior Analysis of a High-rise Building of Frame-shear Wall Structure with High Transfer Floor;高位转换框支剪力墙高层建筑抗震性能研究

16.Analysis of the Earthquake-resistant Behavior of Tall Building of Short Leg Wall with High Transfer Floor高位转换短肢剪力墙结构抗震性能分析

17.Triaxial shear test on anti-shear properties of asphalt mixture沥青混合料抗剪性能的三轴剪切试验

18.Effect of Orientation of Principal Stress on the Undrained Behavior of Saturated Sand under Monotonic Shearing饱和砂土不排水单调剪切特性试验研究——考虑剪切过程中变化的总主应力方向的影响


unit resisting shearing单位剪切抗力

3)shear force切力,剪力

4)four-point shear test四点剪切

1.The experimental results offour-point shear tests on concrete specimens are presented where the broken surface of concrete specimen.本文分析了混凝土四点剪切加载试件的断裂性能,计算了断裂韧度、断裂能等相关参数,并通过扫描电子显微镜对断口形貌观测,运用分形理论计算了此类断口的分形维数,分析了 型断裂断裂能和分形维数之间的关系。

5)cleavage site剪切位点

1.The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the characters of protein signalpeptide, then discuss and try to identify the signal peptide and itscleavage site withmathe.本论文的主要目的在于介绍蛋白质信号肽的特征和性质,并在此基础上利用数学方法对信号肽和信号肽的剪切位点进行讨论和预测。

2.Finally,we predicted 258 miRNA:target binding partners, and identified thecleavage sites of six out of ten miRNA targets by modified 5\" RACE.另外,本研究利用Hitsensor软件,预测出63个miRNA与83个靶基因之间的258对互作,并对其中10个互作对进行了验证,证实了其中的6个互作对,并确定了靶基因的剪切位点。

6)splice site剪切位点

1.Based on the conservation of nucleotides around thesplice sites,the compositional feature and the existence of reading frame with 3-periodicity in coding sequence, the complete sequences of the eukaryotes genomes can be grouped into three kinds: introns, exons and intergenic DNA.基于剪切位点附近序列的保守性,序列的组分特征和编码序列阅读框存在三周期性,三种序列的标准离散源由序列上64个三联体的概率和5′端与3′尾剪切位点附近(共30位点)上4个碱基的概率,共184个参数构成。

2.Based on the conservation of nucleotides aroundsplice sites,and the compositional feature and the existence of reading frames with 3-periodicity in a coding sequence,the complete sequences of the 5 model species genomes are grouped under three kinds:intron,exon and intergenic DNA.基于核酸序列在剪切位点上保守性、组分的不同和编码序列阅读框架的3周期性,模式生物全基因组序列分为外显子、内含子和基因间序列三类。

3.Based on the conservation of nucleotides aroundsplice site, the compositional feature and reading frame with 3-periodicity in coding sequence, the three kinds of the sequences are predicted by use of the least increment of diversity (LID), in which different parameters of the diversity sources were chosen.基于基因组的全序列剪切位点附近序列的保守性,序列的组分特征和编码序列阅读框存在三周期性,在对序列进行长度分布统计之后,通过不同的参数选取方法构建离散源,利用最小离散增量方法对序列类型进行预测,比较得到离散量和离散源的参数选择之间的最优化结合点。


闭式单点、双点压力机代码:00413设备名称:闭式单点、双点压力机型号规格:公称力≥800kN 计量单位:台主要参数内容国际先进国内先进国内一般国内落后评定方法及说明(一)加工精度参照GB10924-89、GB10933-89、JB5200-911、滑块下平面对工作台上平面的平行度(mm)30%精度储备20%精度储备达到规定值大于规定值0.02+0.10/100×滑块下平面的被测长度2、滑块行程对工作台上平面的垂直度30%精度储备20%精度储备达到规定值大于规定值0.05+0.02/100×滑块行程长度(二)结构性能1、离合器、制动器接通率,当滑块行程次数≤16次/分时为70%,≤25次/分时为60%,≤45次/分时为50%大于规定值10%大于规定值达到规定值达不到规定值2、液压超负荷保险装置、微调装置、吨位指示器全部具有全部具有部分具有没有(三)噪声dB(A)1、公称力≤400kN≤85≤87≤88>882、公称力>400kN≤87≤88≤90>90
