100字范文 > 探究-反思教学模式 Inquiry-reflective teaching model英语短句 例句大全

探究-反思教学模式 Inquiry-reflective teaching model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-07 11:43:59


探究-反思教学模式 Inquiry-reflective teaching model英语短句 例句大全

探究-反思教学模式,Inquiry-reflective teaching model

1)Inquiry-reflective teaching model探究-反思教学模式

2)Inquiry Teaching探究式教学模式


1.Probing Teaching Model and "Task-driving" Teaching Method;探究式教学模式与“任务驱动”教学法

2.Application of Inquiry-Based Teaching Model in SQL Server探究式教学模式在SQL Server教学中的应用

3.Application of A Probing Mode of Teaching in Teaching Chemistry for High School;试论高中化学探究式教学模式的运用

4.Reflections on Team-Centered Teaching with Effective Interaction Between Teaching and Studying法理学探究式教学模式的实践与反思

5.Inquiring Teaching Pattern Research Based on the Curriculum Integration;基于课程整合的探究式教学模式研究

6.The Corpus Investigation Chemistry Classroom Teaching Mode Implement Research;化学教学中实施主体探究式教学模式研究

7.Application of Inquiry Teaching Mode in Middle School Football Teaching;探究式教学模式在中学足球教学中的运用研究

8.Application Research of Exploration Style Teaching Mode in Geography Teaching;探究式教学模式在地理教学中的应用研究

9.Experimental Research on the "Cooperation-exploring" Teaching Model Used in Basketball Teaching;合作——探究式教学模式在篮球教学中的实验研究

10.On the Experimental Research of Probing Pedagogies in the Teaching of Tennis;探究式教学模式在网球教学中的实验研究

11.Studies on Chemisty Teaching Model of Construction and Inquiry;“建构—探究”式化学教学模式研究

12.Study on the "Dialogue Teaching" Models of College English;大学英语“对话式”教学的模式探究

13.A study of Scaffolding Instruction on English Writing;大学英语写作课支架式教学模式探究

14.Experiment Research on "Inquiry" Physics Teaching in Senior One;高一物理“探究式”教学模式的实验研究

15.The Exploration of the Middle School Biology "Context-Inquiry" Teaching Model;中学生物学“情境—探究”教学模式探析

16.On Teaching Models of "Research Studying" in junior Maths;初中数学“探究”学习教学模式初探

17.Study of the Laddered Approach of Bilingual Teaching Mode;“阶梯式”双语教学模式的研究与探索

18.Study on the mode of “immersion bilingual education”in colleges and universities;高校“浸润式”英汉双语教学模式探究


Inquiry Teaching探究式教学模式

3)educational pattern of inquisition探究性教学模式

1.For training efficaciously students comprehensive capability and original awareness and satisfying nowadays society reply to talent with high quality,course of college mathematics should promoteeducational pattern of inquisition vigorously.为了有效培养学生的综合能力和创新意识,满足当今社会对高素质人才的需要,高职数学课应大力倡导探究性教学模式·该模式就是创设一种情境,突出案例与问题·它有利于教学相长,有利于学生自主创新学习和团结协助,有利于建立和谐的师生关系·运用探究性教学模式,教师可根据教学内容、学习对象等实际情况,设计灵活适用的教学方法·实践证明,探究性教学模式在高职数学教学中必将发挥越来越重要作用

4)exploration-oriented teaching model探究型教学模式

1.This paper,in the light of the reality of vocality teaching at teachers colleges and building on new educational concepts such as "initiative","exploration" and "cooperation",puts forward anexploration-oriented teaching model that is centered by research-oriented learning.本文从高师声乐教学的实际以及"主动"、"探究"、"合作"的新型教育理念出发,针对高师声乐教学的现状,提出构建以研究性学习为核心的探究型教学模式。

5)researching teaching model探究教学模式

1.Among them,researching teaching model is a well-imformed topic of great influence.探究教学模式是在探究式学习的基础上发展起来的。

6)reflective teaching mode反思教学模式

1.Meta-cognition theory is very important in the construction ofreflective teaching mode which will present the process of thinking,the choice,accomplishment of strategies and so on.元认知理论在高中思想政治课教学中具有指导作用,在元认知理论的指导下,构建高中思想政治课反思教学模式。


