100字范文 > 教师教学质量 teachers teaching quality英语短句 例句大全

教师教学质量 teachers teaching quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-12 22:47:00


教师教学质量 teachers teaching quality英语短句 例句大全

教师教学质量,teachers teaching quality

1)teachers teaching quality教师教学质量

1.The evaluation ofteachers teaching quality is of great significance to the improvement of teaching quality.教师教学质量的评价对提高教学质量具有十分重要的意义。

2.Theteachers teaching quality is an integral part of teaching evaluation in colleges and universities.教师教学质量是高等院校教学评估的重要组成部分,本文针对现行教师教学质量评价过程中存在的问题,将层次分析法(AHP)、模糊综合评判具体应用到评价的全过程中,并用C语言编制了计算机程序实现统计、计算的半自动化,该程序在微机上测试通过,操作过程简洁明了。


1.Tentative Discussion on the Teachers" Teaching Quality Appraisal System in Tangshan College唐山学院教师教学质量评价体系探讨

2.On Evaluating Teaching Quality with the Principles of Educational Measurement;用教育测量原理对教师教学质量评价研究

3.FCE Method and Teacher s Teaching Quality Evaluation Question;FCE方法与教师教学质量评价问题

4.Study on the Teaching Quality Assurance of Part-time Faculty in Higher Vocational College;高职院校外聘教师教学质量保证研究

5.System of Teaching Quality Evaluation of University Teachers Based on .NET;基于.NET的高校教师教学质量评估系统

6.The Teacher Evaluation Based on Support Vector Machine;SVM在教师教学质量评价中的应用

7.Development and Design of Teacher Tests System;教师教学质量评测系统的研制与开发

8.Toward a New Index System of Teaching Quality Appraisal;“教师教学质量评价”新指标体系的建立

9.Use AHP to Evaluate Teacher′s Teaching Quality;AHP在评价教师教学质量中的应用

10.On the Improvement of Teacher Quality and Teaching Quality;提高教学质量必须着力提高教师质量

11.On College Teachers Quality and Teaching Quality;大学英语教师的自身素质与教学质量

12.The Comprehensive Qualities of a College Teacher and the Quality of Undergraduate Teaching;高校教师的综合素质与本科教学质量

13.Who Have the Right to Appraises the Quality of College Teacher s Routine Classroom Teaching;该由谁评价大学教师的课堂教学质量

14.To Tap the Abilities of Mathematics Teachers and Improve the Teaching Quality in class;挖掘数学教师能力 提高课堂教学质量

15.On Students Appraisal of Teachers Quality of Teaching in Class;大学生评价教师课堂教学质量的探索

16.Convert Teaching Views. Improve the Quality of College Classroom Teaching;转变教师教学观念 提高大学课堂教学质量

17.Constant reshuffles of staff bear unfavourably on the quality of teaching.经常调换教师对教学质量有不利影响。

18.Discussion of the Primary and High School Teachers Further Education Quality Assurance Mechanism;论中小学教师继续教育质量保障机制


Teaching quality in normal universities高师教学质量

3)teacher quality教师质量

1.A Tentative Analysis of the History, Measures and Experience of American Teacher Union Exerting Influences on Teacher Quality;美国教师组织影响教师质量的历程、举措和经验探析

2.Foreign researchers have done lots of studies about the topic ofteacher quality and teacher incentive in the recent two decades.近来,国外研究者们对教师质量和教师激励的问题进行了许多研究,这些研究可归纳为:教师质量与教师激励;从学校特征角度讨论对教师的激励;工资对教师的激励作用;一些制度性安排对教师的激励作用。

3.The main factors which embody theteacher quality should be made sure first.明确体现教师质量的主要因素,运用多种渠道、多种形式提高教师质量,是提高高校教学质量的关键所在。

4)Teaching quality of class教师课堂教学质量

5)teaching quality evaluation for teachers教师教学质量评价

6)evaluation of undergraduate teaching quality教师课堂教学质量评价

1.Aim at the illegibility ofevaluation of undergraduate teaching quality, we put forward a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on a combination of AHP and fuzzy estimation in the paper.教师课堂教学质量评价是高等院校教学质量管理的重要环节,对于提高课堂教学质量具有积极意义和重要作用。


教师教学与行政的角色教师教学与行政的角色roles of teaching and administration of a teacher教师教学与行政的角色(r olesofteaehing and administration of a teaeher)美国心理学家H .C.林格伦把教师扮演的各种角色归纳为三类,即教学的与行政的角色、心理定向的角色以及自我表现的角色。教师的教学与行政的角色包括如下几种角色:(l)教员。教师是一个发动、指导和评定学习的人。这是教师所表现的首要的和最突出的角色,或者说是一种核心的角色。(2)模范。教师所展示的成人的行为样式,对于学生的行为具有极其重要的深远影响。(3)社会的代表。教师在扮演社会榜样的角色时,被看做是社会的代表。(4)课堂管理员。安排或建立学习情境,为学习任务制定规则和程序,帮助学生和课堂集体养成自觉纪律。(5)办事员。需要做诸如批改作业、评阅测验、登记分数之类的事务工作。(6)青年团体工作者。对学生的课外活动进行指导或辅导,如指导戏剧、音乐会的演出,辅导俱乐部和学生会的活动等。(7)公共关系人员。向学生家长和社区公众讲解学校的计划、目标等问题,以求对学校的了解和支持。(成立夫撰匾巫国审)
