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屋架结构 Roof truss structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-04 21:56:27


屋架结构 Roof truss structure英语短句 例句大全

屋架结构,Roof truss structure

1)Roof truss structure屋架结构

1.Based on the experiments of G550 cold-formed thin-walled steel roof truss structures,an analysis model considering geometry and material non-linearity is established using general FEM software ANSYS.基于已完成的G550冷弯薄壁型钢屋架结构承载力试验,采用通用有限元软件ANSYS,建立考虑材料和几何非线性的分析模型。


1.Analysis on Load-Carrying Capacity of New Cold-Formed Thin-Walled Steel Roof Truss新型冷弯薄壁型钢屋架结构承载力分析

2.Technical specification for steel structure of light-weight buildings with gabled frames门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程


4.Research on Static and Dynamic Performance of Roof Structure with Steel Tubular Truss;钢管桁架屋盖结构的静动力性能研究

5.Simulation Analysis on Wind-induced Vibration of Long-span Grid Roof Structures;大跨度网架屋盖结构风振的仿真分析

6.Visualization for Roof Net Construction of Shenzhen Civil Center;深圳市民中心屋顶网架结构的可视化

7.Discussion About The Design Of Light Steel Structure With Door Rigid Frame门式钢架轻型房屋钢结构设计的探索

8.A structure made with timbers, as the framework of a boat or house.木结构如船或房屋的木架结构等用木料造的结构

9.A rigid framework, as of wooden beams or metal bars, designed to support a structure, such as a roof.桁架用木棒或金属棒做成的坚硬的构架,用于支撑屋顶等结构

10.an assemblage of beams forming a rigid structure (as a roof truss).把梁木按一定结构搭好形成的一个严密的结构(如屋顶的构架)。

11.Analysis of Seismic Resistance of the Steel Tower Atop Concrete Frame;屋顶带钢塔的混凝土框架结构抗震性能分析

12.Research in Theory and Application about Arched Corrugate Sheet-Truss Unitized Roof;拱形波纹板—桁架组合结构屋盖理论研究与应用

13.Research of Fault Diagnosis for the Roof Latticed Truss Structure Base on Data Fusion Techniques;基于数据融合的屋顶网架结构故障诊断研究

14.Design and Study on Foundation of Light-weight Steel Structure;门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构基础的设计与研究

15.The Discussion of Construcfion s Choice for Brick Masonry Building with Frame-Shear at the Bottorn;底部框架抗震墙砌体房屋结构选型的研究

16.Design of Safe Early-Warning System for Roof Spatial Latticed Structure of Wuhan Natatorium武汉游泳馆屋顶网架结构安全预警系统设计

17.Construction Technology for Strengthening Steel Roof Structure of Existing Industrial Plant in Shanghai World Expo Park世博园旧工业厂房钢结构屋架加固施工技术

18.Experience in applying grid structure to main building roof for power plant网架结构在发电厂主厂房屋面中应用的经验


steel roof truss structure钢屋架结构

3)steel structure roof钢结构屋架

1.The limited element analysis ofsteel structure roof with static force钢结构屋架静力有限元分析

4)roof latticed truss structure屋顶网架结构

1.Taking the health intelligent monitoring system of the roof-latticed truss structure of Shenzhen Citizen Center as an engineering background,a fuzzy pattern recognition method used to identify the stress field of the boxing brace steel brackets ofroof latticed truss structure is systematically presented in the paper.本文依据模糊模式识别理论,以深圳市民中心屋顶网架结构的智能健康监测系统为背景,系统地介绍了屋顶网架结构支承箱型钢牛腿应力场的模糊模式识别方法。

5)roof-truss structure屋架结构型式

6)long-span grid roof大跨网架屋盖结构

1.Based on FEM and the data obtained from the wind tunnel test,the equivalent wind-load factors of along-span grid roof are calculated.采用时程分析方法,在有限元建模的基础上,直接采用风洞试验的数据,以台州市体育中心为例,计算了大跨网架屋盖结构的竖向位移风振系数。


