100字范文 > 涌水量预测方法 method for forecasting water inflow英语短句 例句大全

涌水量预测方法 method for forecasting water inflow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-14 05:49:47


涌水量预测方法 method for forecasting water inflow英语短句 例句大全

涌水量预测方法,method for forecasting water inflow

1)method for forecasting water inflow涌水量预测方法


parsion study on water inrush prediction methods of coal mining under rich water aquifer in underground mine富含水层下煤矿开采涌水量预测方法对比研究

2.Methods for Forecasting Water Inflow and Their Suitability Analysis in Karst Tunnel岩溶隧道涌水量预测方法及适宜性分析

3.Some Common Methods for Predicting the Total Yield of the Mine Water浅析矿井水涌水量预测的几种常见方法

4.A question against the "Open well method" predict of mine water inflow关于“大井法”矿井涌水量预测的质疑

5.Questioning on Mine Water Inflow "Virtual Large Diameter Well" Method Prediction“大井法”预测矿井涌水量问题探讨

6.Prediction of Inflow in Roof of Working Face by Seepage-stress Coupling Model工作面顶板涌水量预测的渗流与应力耦合方法研究

7.The Research of One Karst Tunnel Water-Inrush Amount Forecast Methods of Wuhan~Guangzhou High-Way in Shaoguan武广线韶关段某岩溶隧道涌(突)水量预测方法研究

8.Mathematical geology technique and method for prediction of gas content and emission瓦斯含量及涌出量预测的数学地质技术与方法

9.Prediction of Mine Inflow Based on Genetic Algorithm and BP Neural Network基于遗传算法和BP神经网络的矿井涌水量预测

10.Forecast of the Maximum Water Inflow in Mine Pits by Rise-Fall Ratio Method Under a Steady Environment深降比法预测稳态环境下矿坑最大涌水量

11.Stepwise regression method for predicting gas emission from coal faces采煤工作面瓦斯涌出量预测逐步回归方法

12.Application of Gas Emission Geological Prediction Method of New Mine新建矿井的瓦斯涌出量预测地质方法及其应用

13.Probe into Outflow of Mine Gas Prediction Methods勘探阶段矿井瓦斯涌出量预测方法探讨

14.Nonlinear Combination Forecast of Gas Emission Amount Based on SVM基于SVM的瓦斯涌出量非线性组合预测方法

15.Prediction Method of Roof Water Inflow on Multi-working Faces under Mining Effect采动影响下多工作面顶板涌水量预计方法

16.On Hydrogeological Features of Suqiao Mine Field and Prediction of the Outflow Amount;苏桥井田水文地质特征及涌水量预测

17.Research on hydrogeological features and prediction of yield of well of the Kanshang iron mine坎上铁矿水文地质特征及涌水量预测

18.Numerical Method for Forecast Water Gush of Tunnels and Evaluation of Engineering Step Measurement;数值法预测隧道涌水量及工程措施效果量化评估研究


estimation of water-gushing amount涌水量预测

1.To emphasize expatiating on how the method of grey systems analysis works in theestimation of water-gushing amount of the tunnel,then compare the result with two common methods.着重阐述了灰色系统分析方法在隧道涌水量预测中的应用,并采用两种较常用的隧道涌水量计算方法(地下径流模数法及降水入渗法)与之进行了比较,其结果对铁矿隧道及其他隧道的涌水量预测具有一定的参考意义。

3)prognosis of pit water gushing矿坑涌水量预测

4)prediction of engineering inflow工程涌水量预测

5)predict the discharge rate of tunnel预测隧道涌水量

6)Water inflow prediction model涌水量预测模型


涌水涌水water surgeyongshu-涌水(water surge)在地下水面以,F岩(土)体中采矿、开挖墓坑或地下洞室时,地下水不断地流人场地的现象。这是工程建设中常遇到的工程地质间题。涌水不仅给施工带来困难,并且也是造成地下洞室围岩失稳、大坝墓坑渗透破坏或边坡塌滑的重要原因.如中国京广铁路的大瑶山隧洞,在施工中遇到规模大的断层破碎带或喀斯特发育的地段,均发生挟带泥沙的大t突然涌水,并且随着地下水的涌出,塌方频繁发生,严重影响施工的顺利进行。涌水的发生突发性的涌水多发生在喀斯特发育的石灰岩地区(尤其有地下暗河系统)、规模大的断层带或透水性强烈的砂砾层以及基坑下卧有承压含水层等地区.据中国煤矿的调查资料,90%以上的突发性涌水发生在断层破碎带中。并且有的突发性涌水具有充沛的水源补给,其主要渗透通道与地表水或地下暗河或其他含水层有着良好的水力联系.涌水的勘察在可能有突发性涌水地区修建工程,需要进行工程场地及其毗邻地区的地质及水文地质环境的调查,查明含水层分布、厚度、埋藏条件、渗透性能以及补排关系.在喀斯特地区尚需查明喀斯特发育程度、充填情况、喀斯特水的分布及其运动特征等。在分析上述资料的基础上,选用合适的计算方法(如类比外推法、解析法、数值法和水均衡法等)预侧基坑或地下洞室可能发生集中涌水的地段和涌水量,并评价涌水对工程的影响。涌水的防治除采取排水措施降低地下水位外,对于涌水t较大的溶洞、断层破碎带或砂砾层可采取灌策措施,以封堵地下水的渗流通道。
