100字范文 > IIR再生胶 reclaimed IIR英语短句 例句大全

IIR再生胶 reclaimed IIR英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-24 10:04:59


IIR再生胶 reclaimed IIR英语短句 例句大全

IIR再生胶,reclaimed IIR

1)reclaimed IIRIIR再生胶

1.The application of filler Austin Black andreclaimed IIR in inner liner compound of TBR tire was investigated.试验研究填充剂Austin Black和IIR再生胶在全钢载重子午线轮胎气密层中的应用效果。


1.Preparation and properties of RIIR/PP TPVIIR再生胶/PP热塑性硫化胶的制备与性能研究

2.Study of EPDM/IIR Blends for Hood MaterialEPDM/IIR并用胶用于罩体材料的研究

3.Study on Preparation and Properties of IIR/PA Thermoplastic Vulcanization;动态硫化IIR/PA TPV热塑性硫化胶的制备与研究

4.viscose fibre, vicose rayon,再生纤维: 粘胶纤维


6.Application of reclaim in sidewall compound of PCR tire再生胶在轿车子午线轮胎胎侧胶中的应用

7.Reclaimed rubber terms and definitionsGB/T9882-1988再生橡胶术语及定义

8.test method for dispersability of reclaimed rubber in rubber compound再生橡胶的分散性试验方法

9.Study on in vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration of Ficus elastica印度橡胶榕离体培养及植株再生研究

10.Mixing mill for Rubber or Plastics, Shreder for rubber, Refiner, close mixing mill for Rubber, Steel wire tire rubber powder production line, Regenerated rubber( powder) production equipments etc.炼胶机,炼塑机,破胶机,精炼机,密练机,钢丝胎胶粉生产线,再生胶产线设备等。

11.Study on occurring conditions and reuse of gel in production of urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive脲醛树脂胶粘剂生产中凝胶的产生条件及其再利用研究

12.The Project Scheme of Utilizing Abolish Tiresto Produce the Recycled Rubber (Powder);利用废轮胎生产再生胶(粉)项目创业方案

13.Industrial Application Research on Purifying Waste Gases of Rubber Regeneration Process by Using Biological Method;生物法净化再生胶脱硫废气的工业应用研究

14.Study on the Properties of Collagen-chitosan/silicone Bilayer Scaffold and Its in Situ Induced Regeneration of Dermis;胶原—壳聚糖/硅橡胶双层皮肤支架及其原位诱导真皮再生性能

15.Studies on fibrin tissue adhesive in GTR纤维蛋白粘合胶在牙周组织再生中的实验研究

16.Modulation of Angiogenic Potential of Collagen Matrices by Covalent Incorporation of Heparin and Loading with Chinese Herb Huangqi;黄芪载入肝素修饰胶原促血管再生的实验研究

17.Study on Surface Modification of Pyrolytic Carbon Black and Reinforcement of Elastomer;再生炭黑的表面修饰及其在橡胶补强中的应用

18.Gelation and Enzymatic Degradation Properties of Regenerated Antheraea Pernyi Silk Fibroin;再生柞蚕丝素蛋白的凝胶化和酶降解性能



1.Preparation and properties ofRIIR/PP TPVIIR再生胶/PP热塑性硫化胶的制备与性能研究

2.The effects of the CM/RIIR blending ratio on the properties of CM/RIIR blend were investigated.研究氯化聚乙烯橡胶(CM)/IIR再生胶(RIIR)并用比对CM/RIIR并用胶性能的影响。

3)reclaimed IIR再生IIR

1.Application ofreclaimed IIR in inner liner of BTR tire;再生IIR在全钢载重子午线轮胎气密层中的应用

4)reclaimed rubber再生胶

1.Preparation of polyvinylchloride/reclaimed rubber/vulcanizedrubber powder blended thermoplastic elastomer;动态硫化聚氯乙烯/再生胶/硫化胶粉共混型热塑性弹性体的研制

2.Analyzed the present status and development trend ofreclaimed rubber industry domestic and abroad, and put forward the development idea.分析国内外再生胶行业的现状与发展趋势,对我国废旧橡胶综合开发利用提出发展思路、措施和建议。

3.The influence of the amount of devulcanizing agent and compounding ingredients, reclaiming time and reclaiming temperature on the performance ofreclaimed rubber was discussed in detail.用自制的De link再生剂对废旧胎面胶的再生工艺进行实验研究 ,分析再生剂和配合剂的用量及再生时间和再生温度对再生胶性能的影响 。

5)renewable powder再生胶粉

1.In order to broaden the application of the powder, the paper mainly from three aspects of the fine,superfine powder production,the powder surface modification, the production ofrenewable powder expounded on the application of powder to broaden the ways and feasibility.为了拓宽胶粉的应用,主要从精细和超细胶粉的生产、胶粉的表面改性、再生胶粉的生产三个方面阐述了拓宽胶粉应用的途径和可行性。

6)rebirth silica gel再生硅胶

1.This paper explores a method of adopting household-use microwave heating therebirth silica gel, and ex- amines the relation between power of microwave, time andrebirth silica gel quality.采用家用微波炉加热再生硅胶的方法,考查了微波功率、时间及再生硅胶质量之间的关系,结果表明,微波加热干燥硅胶500g,功率为60%时,只需10分钟,颜色由粉红色变为深蓝色。


生胶 天然橡胶是由栽培的橡胶树上割取的胶乳,经稀释、过滤、凝固、滚压、干燥等步骤加工而得的弹性固体。是以异戊二烯为主要成分的不饱和状态的天然高分子化合物、其结构式见图。n约为10000左右,分子量分布在10-180万之间,平均分子量70万左右。实际上天然橡胶是多种不同分子量的聚异戊二烯的混合体。橡胶烃含量约91%-94%,其余为少量的蛋白质、脂肪酸、糖分、灰分等,不含杂质的然橡胶透明而略带黄色。相对密度(20 ℃/4℃)0.93,Tg=-70 ℃。加热到130-140 ℃完全软化,200 ℃左右开始分解,270 ℃则急剧分解。折射率1. 5195,溶解度参数δ=7.9-8.1。溶于苯、甲苯、二甲苯、溶剂汽油、二硫化碳、四氮化碳、氯仿、松节油等。不溶于乙醇和丙酮。天然橡胶具有很好的弹性,伸长率大(1000%)、机械强度较高,门尼粘度较高,自粘性好,耐透气性较好,耐碱,不耐浓强酸。耐油、耐溶剂性差,耐老化性不佳。 天然橡胶贮存时可发生粘度和硬度增加的贮存硬化现象,低温易结晶,应贮存于阴凉、通风、温度为10-30 ℃的库房内,防止日晒,不可重压,贮存期1年。
