100字范文 > 分闸 opening英语短句 例句大全

分闸 opening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-24 12:27:38


分闸 opening英语短句 例句大全



1.Theopening motion characteristic of circuit breaker equipped with hydraulic mechanism is analyzed.对配液压机构的断路器分闸运动特性进行了分析,建立了描述断路器分闸过程的数学模型。

2.According to the motion equations of driving device in circuit breaker,this paper derives the new equations which can be used to calculate theopening speed of circuit breaker by using computer,and also gives the design methods of computer program.从高压断路器传动系统的运动方程式出发,推导出了适用于计算机辅助计算分闸速度的方程组,并在此基础上给出了相应的软件设计方法。

3.The conductor poles are not parallel whenopening.GW4型隔离开关通常出现合闸终了时两侧导电杆不在一条直线上,或者分闸终了时两侧导电杆不平行,针对这种现象,分析探讨了产生的原因,并提出了解决这一问题的有效方法。


1.Break-brake operations have three kinds of break-brake electromagnet, over-current trip and manual button.分闸操作有分闸电磁铁,过电流脱扣电磁铁及手动按钮操作三种。

2.Analysis on the reason of low-tension vacuum separate switch lead to electric leakage trip and its countermeasures低压真空开关分闸引起漏电跳闸的原因分析及对策

3.Analysis on false switch-in and failure switch-off of 10 kV generator"s outgoing switch and treatment measures10kV发电机出口开关误合闸及拒绝分闸故障分析与处理

4.Analysis of pivot bolt breaking for water gate of Xinqiao ship lock新桥船闸闸门支铰连接螺栓断裂分析

5.Space Finite Analysis of Sector Lock Gate Structure;船闸三角闸门结构的空间有限元分析

6.Estimation and analysis on delays at busy waterway lock繁忙船闸的船舶待闸时间分析与估算

7.Water went rushing through the lock gates.水流经水闸时十分湍急.

8.Water were rushing through the lock gate.水流经水闸时十分湍急。

9.The Numerical Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Sluice Structure and Foundation;水闸闸室结构与地基力学作用机理数值分析

10.Study on Regulation and Analysis of Sediment Siltation Downstream Tidal Barriers in Sheyang Estuary;射阳河口挡潮闸闸下淤积分析与治理开发研究

11.Energy dissipation effect and mechanism of open ditch energy dissipater in high-head lock高水头船闸闸室明沟消能效果及机理分析

12.Construction Temperature Observation and Back Analysis of Pier-wall C25 Concrete for Caojie Sluice草街冲砂闸闸墩C25混凝土施工温度观测反分析

13.Structure Stress Analysis and Optimization for the Naji Junction Shiplock那吉航运枢纽船闸闸室结构应力分析与优化

14.Application of Monte-Carlo Method in Reliability Analysis against Sliding for Gate Lock Chamber蒙特卡罗法在水闸闸室可靠度分析中的应用

15.An analysis of the isolating switch operation leading to switch trip一起刀闸操作引起开关跳闸事故的分析

16.The Harmonic Analysis and Disposal about Thristor Discrete Variable Frequency晶闸管分级交交变频谐波分析和治理

17.The Study on the Impact of Fluctuating Pressure about the Hydraulic Balanced Wicket to Gate Structure and Flood Carring;水力自动翻板闸门脉动压力对闸门结构及泄流量的影响分析研究

18.The Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Navigation Lock-head Structure with the Application of Biot s Consolidation Theory;应用Biot固结理论的船闸闸首结构非线性有限元分析


Switching off分闸

1.Study of Restrike Overvoltage WhenSwitching off Shunt Capacitors并联电容器分闸重击穿操作过电压研究

2.When switching off electrified circuit, electric arc often appears on the touching ends, which sometimes may even burn a man or damage the appliances.从开关电器电弧产生的一般机理、物理过程,电弧熄灭的随机性等方面进行了分析,就电气操作过程中带电作业时发生的拉弧现象进行了探讨,针对线路分闸时出现电弧现象的原因提出了有效的防制措施。

3)breaking spring分闸弹簧

4)switching off time分闸时间

5)tripping induced transients分闸暂态

6)Breaking phase selected选相分闸


