100字范文 > 故障限流 fault current limiting英语短句 例句大全

故障限流 fault current limiting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 03:47:01


故障限流 fault current limiting英语短句 例句大全

故障限流,fault current limiting

1)fault current limiting故障限流

1.In this paper, SSMES withfault current limiting function for substation applications is proposed.文中研究了应用于变电站的具有故障限流功能的SSMES。

2.A 220 V/25 A/6 kW prototype of superconductingfault current limiting-magnetic energy storage (SFCL-MES) model is designed to test the basic principle of SFCL-MES.提出了一种用于配电系统的SFCL—MES的系统结构,它由2个串联于变 电站负荷的故障限流端口及1个并联于变电站母线的储能端口组成,既可以限制变电站的短路电 流,又可以提高整个变电站的供电质量。


1.Study on Solid-State Fault Current Limiter in Power System;电力系统中的固态故障限流器的研究

2.Research on a Novel Fault Current Limiter in Power System电力系统中的新型故障限流器的研究

3.Simulation study of a new bridge-type superconducting fault current limiter新型桥式超导故障限流器的仿真研究

pensation algorithm of grounding distance protection considering FCL and fault resistance计及故障限流器和故障过渡电阻的接地距离保护补偿算法

5.Researchs on New Method of Limiting Fault Current and Bridge Type High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiter;桥路型高温超导故障限流器及其限流新方法研究

6.Study of Control Strategy of Fault Current Limiter for Improving Power Systems Stability;改善系统稳定性的故障限流器的控制策略研究

7.Topology and Simulation of a PWM-Controlled Fault Current Limiter;基于PWM控制技术的故障限流器的拓扑与仿真

8.Simulation and Test Study of Fault Current Limiter with Series Compensation;带串联补偿故障限流器的仿真和实验研究

9.Feasibility Analysis on Developing High Voltage and Large Capacity Permanent-magnet-biased Fault Current Limiter永磁饱和型故障限流器的高压大容量化分析

10.Research of a New Type Permanent Magnet Magnetic Saturation Fault Current Limiter一种新型永磁磁饱和式故障限流器的研究

11.A Research on Superconducting Fault Current Limiter and its Application Analysis超导故障限流器现状及其实用化研究方向探讨

12.Arc Current-transferring Type Fault Current Limiter Based on High Speed Vacuum Switch基于快速真空开关的电弧电流转移型故障限流器

13.The Impact of MOA-based Fault Current Limiter on Transformer Magnetizing Inrush CurrentZnO避雷器式故障限流器对变压器励磁涌流的影响分析

14.In three model systems of different net structure, characteristic of FCL affecting to voltage sags due to short fault is analyzed by simulation.对故障限流器在系统发生短路故障瞬间的电压跌落问题进行了分析。

15.Control System and Experiments on a New Type of Saturated Iron Core;新型饱和铁芯型高温超导故障限流器控制系统及其实验研究

16.Application and Digital Simulation of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Electric Power Systems;超导故障限流器(SFCL)在电力系统中的应用与仿真研究

17.Simulation and Experiment of a Novel Fault Curent Limiter for Distribution System with Power Quality Improvement;可改善配电网电能质量的新型故障限流器的仿真与实验研究

18.Short-Circuit Fault Simulating Study of Solid-State Fault Current Limiter Applied in Zhejiang Power System with the Voltage Grade of 500kV;新型固态故障限流器在浙江电网500kV系统中的短路仿真研究


fault current limiter故障限流器

1.Advances of saturated iron corefault current limiters;磁饱和型故障限流器的研究与发展

2.Fault Current Limiter with Large Capacity Based on Flux Compensation;基于磁通补偿的大容量故障限流器

3.Topology and Simulation of a PWM-Controlled Fault Current Limiter;基于PWM控制技术的故障限流器的拓扑与仿真


1.FCL Appliced to Power System;几种在电力系统中应用的故障限流器

2.The Simulation of Power System Transient Stability Enhanced byFCL;故障限流器提高电力系统暂态稳定的仿真

3.A novel solid state Fault Current Limiter (FCL) with bypass reactor for high-voltage electric network is presented.提出一种适用于高压电网的具有旁路电感的新型固态故障限流器,分析了新型固态故障限流器的工作机理,给出了在各种短路故障情况下的控制策略,并对其进行仿真研究。

4)fault current limiter故障电流限流器

1.In this paper, afault current limiter with series compensation is proposed.提出—种新型的具有串联补偿功能的故障电流限流器,它由补偿电容和旁路电感并联后与限流电感串联而成;和旁路电感相串联的可关断晶闸管(GTO)控制正常时的补偿度和故障时的限流程度。

5)superconducting fault current limiter超导故障限流器

1.Design and test ofsuperconducting fault current limiter based on YBa_2Cu_3O_7 thin film;基于YBa_2Cu_3O_7薄膜的超导故障限流器设计与试验分析

2.According to the characteristics ofsuperconducting fault current limiters(SFCL),the SFCL can be divided into two types:inductor type and resistor type.根据超导故障限流器(SFCL)失超后表现出的阻抗特性,可将SFCL分为2类:电感型和电阻型。

3.Based on the classification of originalsuperconducting fault current limiters, recent progresses ofsuperconducting fault current limiter in power system and international projects are depicted.着重介绍了电阻型、桥路型、桥路串阻型及全控桥型等几种具有较高应用价值的超导故障限流器的原理及特点,并对限流储能相结合的超导设备原理进行了探讨。

6)fault current limiter故障电流限制器

1.Influence on switching capability of HV circuit breakers by employing rectifier typefault current limiter;整流式故障电流限制器对高压断路器开合能力的影响

2.Overseas,somefault current limiters have been put into service.目前我国某些地区短路电流过高制约着电网发展,故障电流限制器可以快速限制短路电流,保证系统安全稳定运行,是具有发展潜力的限制短路电流技术。

3.To give an effective solution to fault current suppressing,an series resonant typefault current limiter(FCL) topology based on fast transfer switch is presented,in which a fast transfer switch is used as the short-circuit element for the capacitor.为限制电力系统短路电流,提出了一种开关作为电容器短路元件的串联谐振型故障电流限制器拓扑。


换流站逆变侧交流系统故障换流站逆变侧交流系统故障AC system faults on inverter side of converer stationhuanl一uZhonn{b一oneeJ一00!旧xltong guZhong换流站逆变侧交流系统故阵(AC systemfaults on inverter side of eonverter station)直流抽电受端交流系统发生的故障,包括三相短路、两相短路、两相对地短路、单相对地短路以及断线等.在常规的直流物电系统中,逆变器必须在受端交流系统提供的换相电压支持下才能正常工作。交流电网的故障会使逆变站交流母线电压的幅值、相位和波形发生变化,这些变化将可能引起逆变侧控制系统失去同步基准信号、阀触发系统储能不足,或逆变器的换相失败(见换流莽故降).逆变侧交流系统故障对直流系统的形响比整流侧的严重,其形响的程度往往以是否引发逆变器的换相失败或换相失败后是否能自行恢复正常来衡t。三相对称故瘫,将由于故障地点的远近不同而使换相母线电压的下降程度不同,通常下降至额定电压的70%~60%时,逆变器就可能发生换相失败。由换相电流关系式可推导出三相交流电压下降造成逆变器发生换相失败的极限下降系数,即护万v[eos下。一eos(7。一y。。+600)〕式中。岛为换相电抗;几为直流运行电流,y。为关断角整定值;ym.二为极限关断角;U为故障前交流母线线电压有效值。如果采用低压限流(VDCL)的措施.通常在额定电压的40%时,还可维持直流系统运行。交流系统不对称故障会使逆变站交流母线各相电压幅值和相位发生不同程度的变化。不对称故障除了降低换相电压外,还引起换相电压过零点的不对称移动,从而又直接影响到换流阀的关断角。通常不对称故障对关断角的影响比对称故障更严重。当逆变侧交流系统发生不对称故障时,逆变器往往会由于关断角变小而发生换相失败。
