100字范文 > 传播效应 propagation effect英语短句 例句大全

传播效应 propagation effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 17:26:45


传播效应 propagation effect英语短句 例句大全

传播效应,propagation effect

1)propagation effect传播效应

1.The results of numerical calculation for theoretical equations with consideringpropagation effect and Doppler effect in the open LWI system show that: 1) It is more advantageous to obtain LWI in the open system when the probing and driving fields are copropagating.在考虑Doppler效应下,通过理论分析和数值模拟研究了传播效应对开放四能级系统中的无反转激光特性的影响。

2.Using the model of an open Ladder type inversionless lasing system,we analyze the affections ofpropagation effect on the inversionless lasing gain,Rabi frequencies of probe field and driving field, and the populations by the numerical calculation results for the both cases with and without considering the Doppler effect.利用开放的Ladder型无反转激光系统模型,通过数值计算结果,分析了无Doppler效应和有Doppler效应两种情况下,传播效应对无反转激光增益,探测场和驱动场Rabi频率及能级粒子数布居的影响,同时还研究了在特定距离处,无反转激光增益与介质入口处的驱动场Rabi频率和Doppler展宽的关系。


1.effect of nuclear explosion on radio wave propagation核爆炸电波传播效应

2.effect of rocket exhaust on radio wave propagation火箭喷焰电波传播效应

3.The Effect of Visual Communication in Fashion Comment under the Era of Reading Picture;读图时代下时装评论的图片传播效应

4.The Inspiration of Three Word Poems, One Hundred Family Names and One Thousand Essays to Writing;“三、百、千”的传播效应对写作的启示

5.Research on VLF Propagation Based on the Prediction of Environment Parameters基于环境参数预测的VLF传播效应研究

6.Protection of Internet Publishing Copyright and its Spreading Effects;网络出版的著作权保护应兼顾传播效应

7.Study on Qualitative Simulation for Inspirit Process and Its Spread in Enterprises;企业激励过程及其传播效应的定性模拟研究

8.Countrymen Launching Newspapers during Wuxu Reform and Its Spreading Effect戊戌变法时期国人的办报活动与传播效应

9.Very Low Frequency Propagation Phase Prediction and Study on C-layer Effect;甚低频传播相位预测与C层效应研究

10.The Demonstration Study of the Model for Advertisement Communicating Effect Evaluating;广告传播效果评估模型及其应用研究

11.Third-Person Effect in Communication and Its Affecting Factors;传播领域的第三人效应及其影响因素

12.The Relationship between the “Celebrity Effect” and Spread of Chinese Wushu Culture;论“名人效应”与现代中国武术文化传播

13."Entropy" and "SL effect" in Interpretation;口译传播中的“熵”与“原语效应”

14."Double-edged Sword":Political Effects from the Spread of Negative News“双刃剑”:负面新闻传播的政治效应

15.On the Butterfly Effect of New Media Communication论新媒体传播中的“蝴蝶效应”及其对策

16.Media"s Amplifier Effect in Crisis Communication and Countermeasures for It危机传播中媒体的放大器效应及其应对策略

17.Immune Effects and Mechanisms of Transmission Blocking Vaccines in Malaria;疟疾传播阻断疫苗免疫效应机制的实验研究

18.A Research on Bad Effects and the Ways of Gatekeeping of Cyber News-communication;网络新闻传播的负面效应及把关途径研究


wave passage波传播效应

3)fault effect propagation故障效应传播

4)nonlinear propagation effects非线性传播效应

1.A novel audio beam loudspeaker is fabricated by utilizing thenonlinear propagation effects of ultrasonic in the air to generate audible high directivity sound.利用空气中超声波非线性传播效应制作一种可产生高指向性可听声的新型声束扬声器。

2.A novel audio beam loudspeaker which based onnonlinear propagation effects of ultrasonic in the air to generate audible sound with high directivity is presented.提出了一种利用空气中超声波非线性传播效应制作的、可产生高指向性可听声的新型声束扬声器。

5)error propagation effects误差传播效应

1.In order to cancelerror propagation effects of this new method, we converted the ideal single-input multi-output (SIMO) model into an additive Gaussian noise model.为避免两级算法产生的误差传播效应,文章将理想SIMO模型等效为加性噪声模型来处理。

6)cultural transmit impa文化传播效应


