100字范文 > 负债经营 liability operation英语短句 例句大全

负债经营 liability operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-12 23:57:02


负债经营 liability operation英语短句 例句大全

负债经营,liability operation

1)liability operation负债经营

1.Onliability operation of commercial banks in China;对我国商业银行负债经营的思考

2.Theliability operation is the operating tactics often adopted by modern enterprises.负债经营是现代企业常采用的一种经营策略,它既可带来财务风险又可带来财务杠杆利益。


1.Solvency Analysis for Liability Operation of Public Medical Institutions;公立医疗机构负债经营偿债能力分析

2.The Research about Operating State of Enterprise in Exessive Indebtedness and the Boundary of Pressed for Funds;企业超负债经营及资不抵债界限研究

3.Study on Early-warning System of Financial Risk in Hospital Liability Manament;医院负债经营财务风险监测预警研究

4.Research of Avoiding the Risk of Operation on Borrowings for Universities;高等学校负债经营及其风险规避研究

5.The Thinking of State-owned Construction Industry Liabilities Operation;对国有建筑施工企业负债经营的思考

6.Talk about Enterprise Management Being in Debt and Prevention of Financial Risk;浅议企业负债经营与财务风险的防范

7.A Study on Management in Debt and Venture Controlling;关于高校负债经营及风险控制的思考

8.One method for risk and effect evaluation of the running on liabilities;负债经营风险与绩效的一种评价方法

9.The Best Capital Structure of Enterprise in View of Positive and Negative Efficiency of Debt-loading Management;从负债经营正负效应看企业最佳资本结构

10.The Developmental Views of Liabilities Management and the Sustained Development of Private Enterprises;负债经营发展观与民营企业的可持续发展

11.Financial Service and Evaluation of Colleges Liabilities: Investigation of the Actuality of Operation with Liabilities of Colleges in Sichuan Province;金融服务与高校负债评价——四川省高校负债经营现状调查

12.Xinjiang s Public Hospitals Operating Liabilities of the Financial Risk Assessment Research;新疆公立医院负债经营财务风险评价研究

13.Superficially Discuss the Effective Control of Liability Operating and Financial Risk about Enterprise;浅议企业负债经营与财务风险的有效控制

14.The Value Appealing,Irregularity of System and Risk Control of Universities Operating Deficit;高校负债经营的价值诉求、制度失范与风险规制

15.The present status and the reasons ofthe enterprises liabilities operation in our country;我国企业负债经营的现状及其成因分析

16.Study on the Establishment of Warning System of Financial Risk for Colleges in Debt高校负债经营中财务风险预警系统的建立探讨

17.This thesis focus on studying in the modern enterprise system, the types of operating risk of enterprise in debt、 the internal management and the methods of process control.主要研究了现代企业制度下,企业举债经营风险的类型及企业负债经营风险的控制方法。

18.He ran into debt because of Bad management.他因经营不善而负债。


operation on borrowings负债经营

1.This paper expounds the preconditions ofoperation on borrowings and the determining factors ofoperation on borrowings, hoping to make enterprise operate on borrowings as much as possible so as to obtain financial lever effect under proper financial risk.对负债经营的基本前提、负债规模的确定因素等进行论述 ,以期在适度的财务风险下 ,使企业尽可能利用负债经营 ,获取财务杠杆效益。

2.Theoperation on borrowings can bring about the benefit to the enterprise, however it has huge risk at the same time.负债经营在给企业带来经济效益的同时,也存在着巨大的风险,所以要实现企业的经营目标,还有赖于对负债经营的正确运用和管理及其风险的控制。

3.The paper explains the meaning ofoperation on borrowings,focusing on the causes of risks,types of risks and risk controlling strategies so as to minimize the risks.负债经营可以为企业在短期内筹集更多的资金并能降低企业的资金成本,但如负债资金在资本结构中所占比重过大,则会发生较大的财务风险。

3)management in debt负债经营

1.Since the disadvantages ofmanagement in debt are unf.我国高校负债经营是在大规模扩招与经费需求增长极不匹配的情况下,高校做出两难选择的结果,也是高校的管理体制缺失及特定制度作用的结果。

2.Through proper understanding and exercise ofmanagement in debt, the author makes an attempt to study the strategy of controlling financial risks inmanagement in debt so as to promote the management efficiency in universities and institutions.负债经营是我国高等院校的一种财务手段,它是高校为谋求发展而在一定风险条件下加以采用的措施。

4)operation in debt负债经营

1.This paper introduces the consept and function of theoperation in debt, and discusses the reasons of taking theoperation in debt as a kind of tactics of managing financial affairs of enterprises.本文简介了负债经营的概念与作用 ,论述了企业将负债经营作为一种经营策略的原因。

5)running into heavy debt高负债经营

1.The author discusses these characters including the estate developerrunning into heavy debt, tendency to induce bubble economy, relatively low realization ability and long economic circles.当前,房地产经济的特殊性在于:开发商高负债经营;容易产生泡沫经济;变现能力相对弱;存在较长的经济周期。

6)runing risk负债经营风险


