100字范文 > 麻仁软胶囊 Maren Ruan Capsule英语短句 例句大全

麻仁软胶囊 Maren Ruan Capsule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-17 08:04:13


麻仁软胶囊 Maren Ruan Capsule英语短句 例句大全

麻仁软胶囊,"Maren Ruan Capsule"

1)"Maren Ruan Capsule"麻仁软胶囊

1.Methods Sixty subjects were randomized into treatment group and control group(n=30),and respectively treated by "Changbi Decoction" and"Maren Ruan Capsule" ,with a course of 4 weeks.方法将60例慢传输型便秘患者随机分为治疗组和对照组(各30例),分别应用肠痹方和麻仁软胶囊治疗,疗程均为4周。

2)Gatrodia softgel天麻软胶囊

3)α-flax acid capsuleα-亚麻酸软胶囊

4)Compound Wurenchun Soft Capsule复方五仁醇软胶囊

1.Stability research ofCompound Wurenchun Soft Capsule;复方五仁醇软胶囊稳定性研究


1.Determination of Schizandrol A in Fufangwurenchun Soft Capsules by HPLCHPLC法测定复方五仁醇软胶囊中五味子醇甲的含量

2.Study on the Extraction Process of Extractive Material from Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis within Compound Wurenchun Capsules复方五仁醇胶囊中五仁醇浸膏提取工艺的研究

3.Determination of schisandrin,schisandrol B,deoxyschizandrin,and schisandrin B in serum containing drug of Compound Wurenchun Capsula复方五仁醇胶囊含药血清中五味子醇甲、五味子醇乙、五味子甲素、五味子乙素的测定

4.Assay of Schisandrin in Kanglaonianchidan Soft Capsule by HPLCHPLC测定抗老年痴呆软胶囊中五味子醇甲的含量

5.Determination of schizandrin in shengmai elastic capsule by HPLCRP-HPLC法测定生脉软胶囊中五味子醇甲的含量

6.Study on Sleep Improvement by Jujuboside-ranae Compound Capsule酸枣仁林蛙油复方胶囊改善睡眠功能的研究

7.The Analysis and Management of Marketing Positioning in the Whole Course--The Positioning in the Whole Course of Compound Jujube Kernel Capsule营销全程定位分析及管理——兼论复方枣仁胶囊的全程定位

8.Clinical Effects of the Compount Yiren-Tongfeng Capusule on the Primary Hyperuricemia;复方薏仁痛风胶囊治疗原发性高尿酸血症的临床观察

9.Determining of L-Tetrahydropalmatine in Compound Zaoren Capsules by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定复方枣仁胶囊中左旋延胡索乙素含量

10.Research on Preparation Method and Quality Standard of Compound Brufen Soft Capsules;复方布洛芬软胶囊生产工艺及质量标准研究

11.Clinical Effect of Salbutamol Sulfate Granula on Co ugh Variant Asthma(CVS)复方硫酸沙丁胺醇胶囊吸入治疗咳嗽变异型哮喘临床观察

12.Buyang Huanwu Decoction Re-development-Study on the Quality Control Methods of Compound Capsule (Granula)补阳还五汤二次开发—复方胶囊(颗粒)的质量控制方法研究(Ⅰ报)

13.Studies on the Extraction Methods and Determination of Compound Xinnaokang Soft Capsules;复方心脑康软胶囊制剂提取工艺及含量测定方法的研究

14.Re-development of Buyang Huanwu Decotion--Study Pharmacodynamics and Acute Toxicity on Compound Capsule (Granula)补阳还五汤二次开发——复方胶囊(颗粒)药效和急毒研究(Ⅰ报)

15.The clinical research on treating oligospermia or asthenospermia patients with the combination of Co-Xuanju capsules and Wuzi Yanzong Bolu复方玄驹胶囊加五子衍宗丸治疗少、弱精子症的临床研究

16.Determination of Stachydrine Hydrochloride in Compound Leonurus Soft Capsules by HPLCHPLC法测定复方益母草软胶囊中盐酸水苏碱的含量

17.Determination of schizandrol in Jiannao Capsule by HPLCHPLC法测定健脑胶囊中五味子醇甲的含量

18.The research of the complex emulsion stabilizers of rape bee pollen capsules油菜蜂花粉软胶囊复配乳化剂的研制


Gatrodia softgel天麻软胶囊

3)α-flax acid capsuleα-亚麻酸软胶囊

4)Compound Wurenchun Soft Capsule复方五仁醇软胶囊

1.Stability research ofCompound Wurenchun Soft Capsule;复方五仁醇软胶囊稳定性研究

5)Compound Peach Kernel Softening Liver Capsule复方桃仁软肝胶囊

1.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B caused Liver Fibrosis byCompound Peach Kernel Softening Liver Capsule;复方桃仁软肝胶囊治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化患者的临床观察

6)GuiRen Capsule归仁胶囊


麻仁软胶囊药物名称:麻仁软胶囊英文名:别名: 麻仁软胶囊 药理作用: 能促进和提高正常小肠排便和排便次数,软化肠道内容物。 适应症: 同麻仁丸。 用法用量: 口服,一次3-4粒,一日2次。 注意事项: 同麻仁丸。 规格:每粒装0.59克 ===================================================另一厂家======================================主要成分: 火麻仁、大黄、杏仁、白芍、枳实、厚朴 功能主治: 润肠泻热,行气通便。用于肠燥便秘。 用法用量: 口服,平时一次1-2粒,一日1次;急用时一次2粒,一日3次。注意事项: 1、孕妇忌服,年老体虚者不宜久服。2、年轻体壮者便秘时不宜用本药。3、忌食生冷、油腻、辛辣食品。4、按照用法用量服用,有慢性病史者、小儿及年老体虚者应在医师指导下服用。5、服药三天后症状未改善, 或出现其他症状时,应及时去医院就诊。6、药品性状发生改变时禁止使用。7、儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。8、请将此药品放在儿童不能接触的地方。9、如正在服用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。规格: 0.1g*6s 类别:泻药及止泻药
