100字范文 > 电子能量几率分布函数 electron energy probability distribution function英语短句 例句大全

电子能量几率分布函数 electron energy probability distribution function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-10 22:20:15


电子能量几率分布函数 electron energy probability distribution function英语短句 例句大全

电子能量几率分布函数,electron energy probability distribution function

1)electron energy probability distribution function电子能量几率分布函数

2)electron energy distribution function电子能量分布函数

3)Probability distribution function几率分布函数

1.Three-dimension diagrams of angular probability distribution function of electron in hydrogen atom have been simulated by powerful MATLAB 6.0模拟氢原子核外电子角几率分布函数的三维图像,从而使得人们能够直观形象地了解氢原子核外电子的运动及分布情况。

4)Mean Square Displacement(MSD)几率分布函数(PDF)

5)quasiprobability distribution functions准几率分布函数

1.We introduce the nonclassical characteristics of displaced excited even and odd coherent states, calculate theirquasiprobability distribution functions including Glauber-Sudarshan P function, Metha Q function, Wigner function, and study the different characteristics of these function with different m and β according displaced excited even coherent states.介绍了平移激发奇、偶相干态的非经典性质,计算了它们的准几率分布函数:P函数,Q函数和Wigner函数,并以平移激发偶相干态为例讨论了后两个函数在m与β取不同值时的变化。

6)ion energy distribution function离子能量分布函数


1.Study on the Erosion Process of Amorphous Hydrocarbon Films with Retarding Field Analyzer非晶碳氢膜刻蚀率与离子能量分布函数关系的研究

2.Studies on the Potential Energy Curves of Homonuclear Diatomic Molecular Ions;同核双原子分子离子势能函数的研究

3.The polynomial solutions of the ion velocity distributions in the high-latitude auroral ionosphere高纬极区电离层离子速度分布函数的多项式解

4.generating function for a discrete probability distribution离散概率分布生成函数

5.The statistical law of the nearly independent particle system(Ⅲ)--Canonical distribution function and energy fluctuation formula近独立子系系统的统计规律(三)——正则分布函数及能量涨落公式

6.Finding the Distribution Law of a Two-dimension Random Vector by Form Method;用表格法求二维离散型随机向量函数的分布

7.The Studies of Molecular Structure and Potential Energy Function for Molecules and Ions;分子和分子离子的结构与势能函数研究

8.The expressions of temperature distribution function and displacement function of a easing string by steam flooding are worked out respectively by separate variable method and harmonic function method.用分离变量法和调和函数法分别求解套管温度分布函数和位移函数表达式。

9.The Applications of Coherent State Representation on the Distribution Functions of the Quantum Phase Space相干态表象在量子相空间分布函数中的应用

10.The Ion Distribution Function From Maxwell Molecule Collision Model and Calculations of Incoherent Scatter Spectra麦克斯韦分子碰撞下的离子分布函数及其非相干散射谱的计算

11.Potential and Molecular Reaction Dynamic of Pu Compound Molecules and Molecular Ions;钚化合物分子及分子离子的势能函数和分子反应动力学

12.Distribution of Random Variable Function for Gamma Distribution;服从Γ-分布的随机变量函数的分布

13.Study of Tri-dimensional Surface Molding Technology of IC Image Based on Energy Optimization and Wavelet Energy Distribution Function基于小波能量分布函数的IC图像三维曲面能量优化造型技术研究

14.The Research for Geometry、Potential Function、Energy Level Distribution and Electronic Properties of Au、Cu、Y Micro-clusters;金、铜、钇小团簇的几何结构、势能函数、能级分布和电子特性研究

15.Construction on Annihilators of Boolean Functions and Analysis of Algebraic Immunity of Symmetric Boolean Functions;布尔函数零化子构造及对称布尔函数代数免疫性分析

16.The Bivariate Distribution and Copula Function;二维随机变量的分布与Copula函数

17.Some Experiences in Teaching Course of Distribution for Function of Variables;随机变量函数分布的教学实践与探索

18.The Influence Of Distribution Function Selection On Quality Estimation;分布函数选择方法对质量评价的影响


electron energy distribution function电子能量分布函数

3)Probability distribution function几率分布函数

1.Three-dimension diagrams of angular probability distribution function of electron in hydrogen atom have been simulated by powerful MATLAB 6.0模拟氢原子核外电子角几率分布函数的三维图像,从而使得人们能够直观形象地了解氢原子核外电子的运动及分布情况。

4)Mean Square Displacement(MSD)几率分布函数(PDF)

5)quasiprobability distribution functions准几率分布函数

1.We introduce the nonclassical characteristics of displaced excited even and odd coherent states, calculate theirquasiprobability distribution functions including Glauber-Sudarshan P function, Metha Q function, Wigner function, and study the different characteristics of these function with different m and β according displaced excited even coherent states.介绍了平移激发奇、偶相干态的非经典性质,计算了它们的准几率分布函数:P函数,Q函数和Wigner函数,并以平移激发偶相干态为例讨论了后两个函数在m与β取不同值时的变化。

6)ion energy distribution function离子能量分布函数


反应碰撞能量分布分子式:CAS号:性质:是所有碰撞的麦克斯韦—玻尔兹曼能量分布函数乘以激发函数的积,并以dNR/NdER对正作图即得反应碰撞的能量分布曲线Ⅱ(图暂缺)。I线是所有碰撞的能量分布曲线σR是激发函数的曲线。据阿累尼乌斯活化能定义dlnk/dT=Ea/RT2可得 ,即阿累尼乌斯活化能是引起反应的所有碰撞的平均能量与所有碰撞的平均能量的差值。
