100字范文 > 根除失败 Eradication failure英语短句 例句大全

根除失败 Eradication failure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-28 01:13:47


根除失败 Eradication failure英语短句 例句大全

根除失败,Eradication failure

1)Eradication failure根除失败


1.Study on Resistance Condition of Helicobacter Pylori and Mechanism of Post-treatment Resistance;Hp耐药及根除失败后耐药机制的研究

2.Analysis of Common Reasons for Unsuccessful Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori and Rescue Therapy Strategy幽门螺杆菌根除失败原因及补救策略分析

3.Levofloxacin Based 10 Day Sequential Therapy as Rescue Therapy for Hp Infection with a Previous Failed Course含左氧氟沙星10日序贯疗法对Hp初次根除失败的补救治疗

4.The Value of Probiotics on Helicobacter Pylori Eradication After Failure of the First Time微生态制剂在幽门螺杆菌根除失败后补救疗法中的应用

5.determined to root out corruption决心根除腐败现象.

6.Procrastination is the father of failure.因循是失败的根源。

7.A delete operation failed because the entire delete could not be completed.由于无法完成全部删除,删除操作失败。

8.Unable to deallocate media - deallocate call failed.无法解除分配媒体-解除分配调用失败。

9.Objective Antibiotic resistance has increasingly been recognized as the major cause of treatment failure for Helicobacter pylori infection.目的抗生素耐药越来越被公认为是根除幽门螺杆菌 (hp)治疗失败的主要原因。

10.Despite efforts to eradicate it, corruption persists尽管人们努力想根除腐败,但腐败现象仍存在着,

11.The new president has pledged to root out corruption wherever it exists.新总统保证要根除所有地方的腐败。

12.To Eradicate Corruption is the Historical Mission of the Party Members of China;根除腐败是中国共户党人的历史命题

13.It"s better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all.-- A.H.Clough奋战过而失败,强于根本未战。--克拉夫

14.The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown.失败的根本原因尚未搞清。

15.In the last analysis, the responsibility for this failure must lie with the chief engineer.追根究底,失败的责任在于总工程师。

16.It is better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all.-Arthur Hugh Clough奋斗而失败,胜于根本不奋斗。--克洛

17.In the last analysis, the responsibility for this failure must lie with the minister.归根结底, 这次失败的责任由部长承担。

18.Analysis of the Root of "Separation" and "Failure" in A Passage to India;析《印度之行》中“分离”与“失败”的根源


To Eradicate Corruption根除腐败

1.To Eradicate Corruption is the Historical Mission of the Party Members of China;根除腐败是中国共户党人的历史命题

3)endodontic failures根管治疗失败

4)knock the hindsight off彻底打败;消灭;根除

5)A failure;a fiasco.失败;惨败


1.Clinical analysis of 45 casesfailure by conservative medicine treatment of ectopic pregnancy;药物保守治疗异位妊娠失败45例分析

2.Failure Analysis of Bacteria-killing by Autoclave;高压蒸汽灭菌失败原因分析

3.Epidemiologic Study on IUD Use and Failure in Nine Provinces of China;中国9省农村育龄妇女IUD使用及失败现状的流行病学研究


