100字范文 > 资源化评价 evaluation of resource英语短句 例句大全

资源化评价 evaluation of resource英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-11 02:52:57


资源化评价 evaluation of resource英语短句 例句大全

资源化评价,evaluation of resource

1)evaluation of resource资源化评价

2)cultural resources evaluation文化资源评价

3)resources assessment资源评价

1.Sinopec′s approaches to the issues emerging in the new round of national CBMresources assessment, such as the low-limit depth of CBM weathering zone, CBM mineable coefficient, and reliability of CBM geological reserves, are briefly presented for the purpose of advancing CBMresources assessment in China.本文简要介绍了在新一轮煤层气资源评价中,中国石化对煤层气风化带下限深度、煤层气可采系数和煤层气地质资源量可靠性评价等重要技术问题的处理方法,旨在通过评价方法技术的讨论,推动我国煤层气资源评价工作的顺利发展。

2.In the new round of national oil and gasresources assessment sponsored by the Ministry of Land and Resources and National Development and Reform Commission, CBM is included in the evaluation as an important substitute resource.在国土资源部和国家发改委联合启动的新一轮全国油气资源评价工作中, 煤层气资源作为石油的重要替代资源被纳入评价之中。

3.Based on detailed studies on geological relicresources assessment,the authors plot the factors of index system into two classes:resources sight value and resources exploitation condition value.虽然最近几年国内外都在大力推进地质公园的申报建设工作,但对地质遗迹资源调查评价的基础研究工作较少,本文在对地质遗迹资源评价内容进行详细归纳总结的基础上,将其评价指标体系划分为资源景观价值和资源开发利用条件两大类,其中资源景观价值包括科学价值、美学价值、历史文化价值、稀有性、自然完整性、经济价值等6个指标;资源开发利用条件包括区域经济水平、与中心城市距离、可进入性、基础服务设施、环境容量及地域类型组合等6个指标。


1.Agricultural Resources Assessment --Assessment of Resources Richness Rate Index;农业资源评价——资源丰度指数评价法

2.Global Water Assessment Task Force全球水资源评价工作队

3.The applicaton of fuzzy evaluaton to tourism resources appraisal;模糊评价法在旅游资源评价中的应用

4.Evaluation and Exploitation of Wind Energy Source of Zhuozi in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古卓资风能资源评价及开发对策

5.Research on the Estimation of Geological Landscape--Tourism Resources Based on the Valuation of Tourism Resources of Biology Reefs in Anxian County;地质景观旅游资源评价研究——以安县生物礁旅游资源评价为例

6.Application of Multi-method Evaluation of Groundwater Source in Water Source Argumentation多方法地下水资源评价在水资源论证中的应用

7.Tourism Resource Development and Appraisement旅游资源开发与评价

8.A new approach to water resources system assessment--set pair analysis method水资源系统评价新方法——集对评价法

9.Quantitative evaluation of the three - river source area ecosystems tourism resources三江源区生态旅游资源的定量评价

10.A Contrastive Analysis of Appraisal Resources in Chinese and English Book Reviews in Linguistics英汉语言学类书评评价资源对比分析

11.A Appraisal Model of the Value of Human Resource Based on Rough Set in New Economy;新经济下人力资源价值粗集评价研究

12.Assessment on the Resource Value of Cultivated Land in Urumqi City;乌鲁木齐市耕地资源价值评价与分析

13.The Economic Analysis of Ecological Resource in Project Appraisal;项目评价中的生态资源经济价值研究

14.Fuzzy Comprehensive Appraisal Model for Water Resources Worth of Jinan Urban;济南市城区水资源价值模糊综合评价


16.To Evaluate the Tourist Resources of Banan District in Chongqing with an Integrated Value Method;运用综合价值法评价巴南区旅游资源

17.An Evaluating Method of Human Resource Value Based on Rough Set;一种人力资源价值的粗糙集评价方法

18.The Value Assessment of Dalian Xinghai Park Tourism Resources大连星海公园旅游资源经济价值评价


cultural resources evaluation文化资源评价

3)resources assessment资源评价

1.Sinopec′s approaches to the issues emerging in the new round of national CBMresources assessment, such as the low-limit depth of CBM weathering zone, CBM mineable coefficient, and reliability of CBM geological reserves, are briefly presented for the purpose of advancing CBMresources assessment in China.本文简要介绍了在新一轮煤层气资源评价中,中国石化对煤层气风化带下限深度、煤层气可采系数和煤层气地质资源量可靠性评价等重要技术问题的处理方法,旨在通过评价方法技术的讨论,推动我国煤层气资源评价工作的顺利发展。

2.In the new round of national oil and gasresources assessment sponsored by the Ministry of Land and Resources and National Development and Reform Commission, CBM is included in the evaluation as an important substitute resource.在国土资源部和国家发改委联合启动的新一轮全国油气资源评价工作中, 煤层气资源作为石油的重要替代资源被纳入评价之中。

3.Based on detailed studies on geological relicresources assessment,the authors plot the factors of index system into two classes:resources sight value and resources exploitation condition value.虽然最近几年国内外都在大力推进地质公园的申报建设工作,但对地质遗迹资源调查评价的基础研究工作较少,本文在对地质遗迹资源评价内容进行详细归纳总结的基础上,将其评价指标体系划分为资源景观价值和资源开发利用条件两大类,其中资源景观价值包括科学价值、美学价值、历史文化价值、稀有性、自然完整性、经济价值等6个指标;资源开发利用条件包括区域经济水平、与中心城市距离、可进入性、基础服务设施、环境容量及地域类型组合等6个指标。

4)resources evaluation资源评价

1.Team organization model and itsresources evaluation method under collaborative design mode;协同设计模式下团队组织模型及资源评价方法

2.The applications of decision support system inresources evaluation;决策支持系统在资源评价中的应用

3.Geological features andresources evaluation of Cretaceous oil sand,Wuerhe Mine,Xinjiang新疆乌尔禾白垩系油砂矿地质特征及资源评价

5)resource assessment资源评价

1.Method approach ofresource assessment and ore delineation for cobalt-rich crust;富钴结壳资源评价和圈矿方法探讨

2.Oil-gasresource assessment is very important for exploration investment plan.油气资源评价对于制定勘探投资计划非常重要,对于已有油气藏发现的评价单元,统计评价法更方便、实用和可靠。

3.The boundary of gas hydrate formation zone limits the distribution of gas hydrate in nature environment,and uses as the base of the gas hydrateresource assessment.天然气水合物稳定带的顶、底界面在空间上限制了天然气水合物在自然界中的实际分布,同时也是进行天然气水合物资源评价的基础,对了解其成矿规律、指导勘探开发具有重要意义。

6)resource evaluation资源评价

1.Application of multi-level fuzzy judgment in source-contacting gasresource evaluation;多层次模糊综合评判法在根缘气资源评价中的应用

2.Application of scope sequence method toresource evaluation of developed oil-gas accumulation zones-taking central uplift belt, Dongying sag as an example. PGRE,;规模序列法在已开发油气聚集带资源评价中的应用——以东营凹陷中央隆起带为例

3.Some techniques on borehole engineering andresource evaluation of in-situ leaching uranium in Kazakstan are introduced, including reserve calculation index of sandstone uranium deposit, well configuration and construction, well cleaning, geophysical logging, etc.介绍了哈萨克斯坦砂岩型铀矿床的储量计算指标、地浸钻孔结构及施工工艺、洗井、地球物理测井等钻孔工程与资源评价相关技术。


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
