100字范文 > 端头掩护支架 face end hydraulic powered shield support英语短句 例句大全

端头掩护支架 face end hydraulic powered shield support英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-15 03:48:20


端头掩护支架 face end hydraulic powered shield support英语短句 例句大全

端头掩护支架,face end hydraulic powered shield support

1)face end hydraulic powered shield support端头掩护支架


1.Application of Remote Controlled Face End Hydraulic Powered Shield Support to Rapid Removing of Fully Mechanized Longwall Mining Face Equipment遥控式端头掩护支架在综采面快速回撤中应用

2.heavy type sectionalized shield重型分节式掩护支架

3.Flexible Shield Support Mining Spontaneous Combustion Control Technology Study;柔性掩护支架开采自燃防控技术研究

4.Design and Research of the Automatic Advanced Hydraulic Bracket in Compositive Area;综放面端头自移式超前支护液压支架的设计研究

5.Analysing Mechanics Character of Special Canopy and Two-legged Caving Power Support支顶支掩式掩护式放顶煤液压支架的力学特性分析

6.Repetition goes on until the best structure of the flexible shield support is achieved.如此反复,直至获得柔性掩护支架的最佳结构。

7.Study on Adaptability of Shield Support in Large Cutting Height Working Face;两柱掩护式大采高强力液压支架适应性研究

8.Application of Protective Shield with Flexible Mesh Coal-mining System in Tangpu Colliery柔性掩护支架采煤法在棠浦煤矿的应用

9.Application and Improvement of Flexible Shield Support Mining in Xintie Coal Mine柔性掩护支架采煤法在新铁煤矿的应用及改进

10.Rapid laying of wire mesh as support in last cutting stope of fully mechanized working face综采工作面末采掩护式支架快速上网技术研究

11.Shield Type Hydraulic Support Overall Parameter Optimizes Mathematical Model掩护式液压支架总体参数优化的数学模型

12.Application of Flexible shield Support with Pseudo-tilt in Coal Mine Production伪倾斜柔性掩护支架在煤矿生产中的应用

13.Analysis on Control Methods of Role of Equilibrium Jack of Two Led Hydraulic Shield两柱掩护式支架平衡千斤顶控制方式的分析

14.The paper pointed out the development tendency of the pseudo inclined coal mining with flexible shield supports.提出了伪斜柔性掩护支架开采技术以后的发展趋势。

15.Characteristics and Prevention Technology of Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf Area of False Dip Longwall Mining Face with Flexible Hydraulic Powered Shield Support伪倾斜柔性掩护支架工作面采空区自然发火特点及防治技术

16.Research of Mechanics Analyse and Improve Secheme to the ZY3600/14/32 Type of the Shieed Support;ZY3600/14/32型掩护式液压支架受力分析与改进方案的研究

17.Research on the Relationship between Two-Leg Sublevel Caving Shield Support and Surrounding Rocks and Adaptability两柱掩护式放顶煤支架与围岩关系及适应性研究

18.a supporting structure composed of a system of connected trestles; for a bridge or pier or scaffold e.g..横木两端支以人字支脚而成,成对使用;以支撑桥梁、码头和绞手架等。


shield support掩护支架

1.Safety and high efficient coal mining technology for coal mining face withshield supports;掩护支架工作面安全高效开采技术

2.Ways to Improve Unit Productivity in Working Face with Flexible Shield Support;提高柔性掩护支架采煤面单产的途径

3.Application of flexibleshield support mining in the secondary inclined coal seam;柔性掩护支架采煤方法在次急倾斜煤层中的应用

3)hydraulic powered shield supports掩护支架

1.Coal mining method in the deeply inclined coal seams withhydraulic powered shield supports on single leg sustai;大倾角煤层单腿支撑式柔性掩护支架采煤法

2.Analysis and handle some question and hitch in the mining coal face ofhydraulic powered shield supports;掩护支架工作面问题分析和故障处理

4)shield support掩护式支架

1.By calculating the load-carrying ability,the angle between the canopy and the shield,and the stroke of the stubilising ram,the peper makes a detailed study of influences of the connection position dimensions on performances of two-legshield supports using computer simulation analysis, and lays the theoretical foundation for designing the rational connection position dimensions.探讨了平衡千斤顶定位尺寸对二柱掩护式支架承载能力,顶梁与掩护梁间夹角和平衡千斤顶行程等支架性能的影响。

2.Balance ram is a key component of a two-legshield support.平衡千斤顶是二柱掩护式支架的关键部件,在实际工作过程中时常发生损坏。

3.Taking a two-legshield support as an example,this paper presents the theory of theshield supporting ability areas.本文以二柱掩护式支架为例。

5)sides hydrolic shield端头支架

1.Shoring technology of the Ahead of time to thesides hydrolic shield in the roadway;顺槽端头支架超前支护技术

6)end support端头支护

1.The design and installation of an automatic sliding fully mechanized faceend support in the application of a good security,the economy,technology and social benefits.结合裴沟煤矿井下安全生产实际,介绍了自动滑移装置的设计以及在综采工作面端头支护中的应用,取得了良好的安全、经济、技术和社会效益。

2.In view of the situation of fully mechanized mining face in Dongtan Mine, the delay-arrangement method of end hydraulic support is put forward to solve the practical problem ofend support in haulage gate.针对东滩煤矿二分层综采工作面的情况,提出用端头液压支架滞后布置的方式,解决运输顺槽端头支护困难的实际问题,既提高端头支护的可靠性、安全性,又促进矿井生产的发展。


打掩护1.在主力部队的侧面或后面跟敌人作战,保护主力部队完成任务或撤退。 2.比喻掩饰﹑遮盖或包庇。
