100字范文 > 项目实施模式 project implementation model英语短句 例句大全

项目实施模式 project implementation model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-05 07:07:41


项目实施模式 project implementation model英语短句 例句大全

项目实施模式,project implementation model

1)project implementation model项目实施模式

1.The paper establishes a cobb-douglas model forproject implementation model effect based on management economics.基于管理经济学,建立项目实施模式效应的柯布-道格拉斯模型,通过对模型的平衡分析,证明项目实施模式效应存在成本极值点,指出项目实施模式存在两种效应,即形成成本优势的管理技术效应和形成效用优势的管理空间效应,并对它们进行深入分析。

2)project realizable method项目实施方式


1.Selection of implement methods of polyester and its fiber engineering project;聚酯及其纤维工程项目实施方式的选择

2.To Implement Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) by Project (System) Management;以项目管理方式实施实验室信息管理系统

3.The engineering gross contracts and the engineering item that is the engineering item management way of nations vulgate.工程总承包和工程项目管理是国际通行的工程项目组织实施方式。

4.Study on the Implementation of BOT of Highway Construction Project Management高速公路建设项目实施BOT方式管理研究

5.Research on the Supervision and Management Mode of Public Project;论政府投资项目建设组织实施方式及其监管模式

6.Mode of Entrusting Project Management for Construction Project;建设项目实施委托项目管理模式的探索

7.The United States will also structure our missile defense program in a manner that encourages industrial participation by other nations.美国还将以鼓舞其他国家积极参与的方式实施导弹防御项目。

8.Research about the Mode Choice in the Project of 3PL Strategic Alliance;第三方物流战略联盟项目实施中的模式选择研究

9.Discussion about Operation Mold of Corporation Manage as Project Implemented by "Dongfang Weld";“东方焊接”公司实施企业项目化管理的运作模式探讨

10.Study on Operational Mode of EPC for Project Invested by Non-Profit-Oriented Government;非经营性政府投资项目实施工程总承包的运作方式探讨

11.The Deficiencies of Participatory Approaches in Gender Perspective;从社会性别视角看参与式方法在PAAF项目实施过程中的不足

12.The implementation of urban strategic projects in the mode of value chain;价值链模式下城市战略性项目的实施

parison between Two Project Financing Methods--BOT & ABS and their Practice;BOT与ABS项目融资模式比较及实施初探

14.TBT-A Project Financing Model Based on the BOT and TOT;基础设施项目融资的有效方式——TBT

15.New methods for project finance in water transportationinfrastructure construction in China;水路交通基础设施建设项目融资方式

16.Researchon The Financing Mode of Basic Utility-BOT and ABS;基础设施项目融资方式-BOT与ABS的探析

17.Coordinate with lower and middle level client staff and internal team to ensure opportune and quality project delivery.与客户方内部项目组和员工合作保证项目实施进度和实施质量.

18.Studies and Practices of Methods of Project Management;工程项目施工管理方法的研究与实践


project realizable method项目实施方式

3)project implementation项目实施

1.The data shows thatproject implementations fo.结果表明,农村村级饮用水设施和灌溉设施的项目实施与当地村民对这两类基础设施的投资需求呈现出高度的正相关关系;但是,虽然过去两年中样本村实施的道路项目最多,但并不是所有的道路投资都是村民最需要的。

2.To reduce the risk ofproject implementation failure brought by unsuitable project schedule, temporal constraint network was applied to the research of project scheduling.为了降低由进度安排不当导致项目实施失败的风险,将时间约束网络应用到项目实施进度计划研究中。

3.A Research on Dynamic Process of Commitment Transformation in Cross-Sector E-Government Project Implementation;本文针对跨部门电子政务项目,试图从项目建设实施过程中目标演化的视角,通过对多种理论的探讨,来深入分析跨部门电子政务项目实施的过程和影响因素。

4)project implement项目实施

1.This paper discussed the meaning and content about environmental analysis ofproject implement.本文论述了建设项目实施环境分析的涵义和内容,并且以从化市为例,研究了如何对项目环境进行考察与鉴别,最后提出了在从化市建设项目实施过程中大力加强环境保护的建

5)project execution项目实施

bining with real instance, the executing steps of die & mold enterprise managerial system, the change of die & mold factory ofproject execution from forth before behind are stated, and the information project is clarified on how to apply modern managerial system to help the enterprise to ensure goods delivery on time, lower costs, as well as improve quality and service.文中结合实例讲述了模具企业管理系统的实施步骤,以及项目实施前后模具厂的变化,同时也阐明了如何应用现代化的管理系统帮助模具企业保证交货期、降低成本、提高品质和改善服务这一信息化解决方案。

6)IT project implementationIT项目实施


