100字范文 > 城市现代化 Urban modernization英语短句 例句大全

城市现代化 Urban modernization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-19 00:55:51


城市现代化 Urban modernization英语短句 例句大全

城市现代化,Urban modernization

1)Urban modernization城市现代化

1.An analysis of the phase of China Urban Modernization;我国城市现代化发展进程的评价与分析

prehensive evaluation of urban modernization of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古城市现代化水平综合评价与分析

3.Ressearch on Relationship Between Urbanization and Urban Modernization;城市化与城市现代化互动共促关系研究


1.Urban modernization is the high stage of the urbanization.城市现代化是城市化发展的高级阶段。

2.Urban Informatization Influences on Tianjin s Modernization;城市信息化对天津城市现代化的影响

3.On Conservation of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities and Modernization of Cities;历史文化名城保护与城市现代化简论

4.Studies on Problems and Strategies of Wuhan s Urbanization and Modernization;武汉市城市化与城市现代化问题与对策研究

5.The Study of the Interactive Relationship between Urbanization and Urban Modernization;城市化与城市现代化的双向互促共进关系研究

6.Ressearch on Relationship Between Urbanization and Urban Modernization;城市化与城市现代化互动共促关系研究

7.Urban Modernization and Urbanization in 20~( th)Century China;1949年以来中国城市现代化与城市化关系探讨

8.Urban Management in Nanjing City in the Processof Economic Internationalization and Urban Modernization;经济国际化、城市现代化进程中的南京城市管理

9.The Index System of Urban Modernization of Chongqing and its Application;重庆市城市现代化指标体系及其应用

10.Study of Developing Spiritual Civilization in the Course of Urban Modernization;城市现代化进程中的城市精神文明建设研究

11.Digital City-an Important Project of Modern City Construction;城市现代化建设中的重要工程——数字城市

12.Constructing Urban Innovation Culture and Promoting Urban Modern Glamour营造城市创新文化,提升城市现代魅力

13.Concessions and Early Modernization of China s Municipal Administration;租界与近代中国城市市政早期现代化

14.A Tentative Study on the Approach of China Urbanization Based on the Relationship Between Urbanization and Modernization;从城市化与现代化的关系探讨中国城市化道路

15.Take vigorous actions to expand the urbanization and speed up the modernizations;积极推进城市化 加速实现现代化

16.Theoretical Reflections on Urbanization and Modernization:The Process of European Urbanization and Modernization;城市化与现代化的理论思考——论欧洲城市化与现代化的进程

17.Urbanization & Modernization of the Countryside Should Go Neck and Neck in China s Modernization Cause;中国现代化进程中的城市化和农村现代化

18.On the Farly Modernization of the Ruling Class in Modern Urban China;近代城市统治阶层的早期现代化研究


city modernization城市现代化

1.Study on Construction of Citizens Morality in City Modernization;城市现代化进程中的公民道德建设研究

2.Through reviewing the Chinesecity modernization development course,we have explained different characteristics ofcity modernization development at the different historical stages in China,and carried on the thorough analysis of the Chinesecity modernization at present,pointed out the the problems and the detailed reasons.城市现代化是国家现代化的重要组成部分和核心内容,是城市化的必然要求和发展的新阶段。

3)modern urbanization现代城市化

1.Industrial structural change inmodern urbanization;现代城市化的产业结构演进初探——中外发展研究对比

4)modern city现代化城市

1.Study of science popularization formodern city;对现代化城市的科普理论思考

2.The old industrial buildings have their own structural features and historical cultural values, transforming old industrial buildings inmodern city can emerge economical values.旧工业建筑具有自身的结构特点和历史文化性,现代化城市中改造旧工业建筑可产生经济效益。

5)city water conservancy modernization城市水利现代化

1.In this way, one of the most necessary things is to realizecity water conservancy modernization.城市化的发展导致了诸多问题的产生 ,建立城市文明生态圈解决城市化引发的问题的必要条件之一是实现城市水利现代化 ;针对城市水利现代化的特点及目标 ,从三个方面提出城市水利现代化建设的方法 ,描述城市水利现代化建设的效

6)city modernization level城市现代化水平


