100字范文 > 加工工艺与仿真 processing technology and simulation英语短句 例句大全

加工工艺与仿真 processing technology and simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-05 04:59:28


加工工艺与仿真 processing technology and simulation英语短句 例句大全

加工工艺与仿真,processing technology and simulation

1)processing technology and simulation加工工艺与仿真


1.The Perspective of Process and Simulation to a Model for Multi-function Die CAXA WEDM多功能角度样板凹模CAXA线切割加工工艺与仿真

2.Research on Piston Machining Process and Resource Scheduling and Their Simulation;活塞加工工艺与资源调度及其仿真的研究

3.The Research on Processing Method and Coupling Performance of Tapered Fiber;锥形光纤加工工艺与耦合性能仿真研究

4.High Speed Milling Process Planning Analysis and Emulation of B - slot;B°型槽的高速铣削加工工艺分析与仿真研究

5.Development of a Processing Regime and a Formula for Block-Type Cheese Analogue;块状仿真干酪加工工艺及配方的研究

6.The Study of Processing Craft of Tension-assisted Cold Rolling and Simulation;冷拉伸滚压加工工艺研究及数值仿真

7.Processing Information Extracting and Machining Process Simulation of the Rotational Parts零件工艺信息的提取与加工过程的三维动态仿真

8.Study on the Machining Technology and Neural Network Simulation of Powder Mixed EDM;混粉电火花加工工艺及神经网络仿真研究

9.The Establishment to the Numerical Simulation Model of the Ring Rolling Process;建立冷辗扩加工工艺的数值仿真分析模型

10.The Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ultra-precision Processing of Micro-structure微细结构超精密加工工艺分子动力学仿真

11.Analysis and forecast of the machining system deformation in turning machining simulation车削加工仿真中工艺系统受力变形分析及预测

12.Research of Simulation Method Based on Validation of NC Process Plan基于数控加工工艺验证的仿真方法研究

13.Study on Edible Oil Extraction Technology of New Solvent and Simulation of Experiment Equipment;新型溶剂浸出工艺与装置仿真的研究

14.Simulation and Optimization of Casting Technique on Upper Beam of 80MN Rapid Forging Press80MN快锻机上横梁铸造工艺仿真与优化

15.Studies on Modeling and Simulation of PECVD ProcessPECVD工艺过程的建模与仿真的研究

16.A Method for Automatically Picking up Process Technical Information of Bend Pipe Part in an Emulator System加工仿真系统中弯管类零件加工工艺信息的自动提取

17.The Generation Mechanism and Simulation of the Maching Error in Virtual Milling虚拟铣削加工中加工误差的产生机理与仿真

18.Application of CNC Machining Based on UG NX and CNC Machining Simulation Software基于UGNX与加工仿真软件的数控加工实践


process simulation工艺仿真

3)process simulation加工仿真

1.Numerical controlprocess simulation based on Pro/E and VERICUT;基于Pro/E和VERICUT的数控加工仿真

2.A Way for Interpolation Computing In the System of Process Simulation Based On 3D-entity;基于三维实体的加工仿真系统中插补计算的一种解决方法

parisonprocess simulation experiments were made to verify the system,which shows that the system can greatly improve the electrode design efficiency.研究了电火花成型(EDM)中因电极平动所造成的加工误差,提出了基于二维及三维的电极平动补偿方法,开发了以UG系统为平台的电极平动补偿及加工仿真系统,并进行了仿真对比实验。

4)machining simulation加工仿真

1.Machining simulation of CNC machine tools based on UG IS&V;基于UG IS&V的数控机床加工仿真

2.Study on Machining Simulation System of CNC Spiral Bevel Gear Grinding Machine;数控螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机加工仿真系统的研究

3.The Research and Application of the Full-progress NC Machining Simulation Based on VERICUT;基于VERICUT的全过程数控加工仿真研究与应用

5)machining simulation仿真加工

1.The application of 5-axis milling center inmachining simulation based on UG software;基于UG的5轴数控高速铣削中心在仿真加工中的应用

2.And also,this paper presents themachining simulation of helical gear based on Pro/NC,generates the NC codes of helical gear through a postprocessor.并基于Pro/NC实现了斜齿轮的仿真加工,且通过后置处理器生成了加工斜齿轮的数控程序。

6)processing simulation加工仿真

1.The digitizing design andprocessing simulation method for forming spiral groove of screw and formedmilling cutter are introduced.介绍了螺杆螺旋槽面和成形铣刀的数字化设计及其加工仿真方法 ,构建了 CAD与加工仿真系统 ,分析了系统的总体结构和各组成部分的功能特点。

2.In order to test manufacturing of surface model and solid model,tests of Mastercame softwareprocessing simulation and rapid prototyping layer.为了检验曲面模型和实体模型的可制造性,分别进行了Mastercam软件加工仿真及快速成型片层文件的生成,最后指出对于具有不同表面形状的产品,选择适当建模方法及逆向加工路线是快速原形的关键。

3.0,the 3-D entity model of steam turbine blade is upbuilt by parametric modeling method with mixed surface,and is smoothed by spline curve;then based on it\"s CAD model,the maching technology process of the blade is analyzed,processing simulation is practiced by CAM function of Pro/E,and the NC-code is created.0中文版为基础,用曲面混合的参数化建模方法建立了汽轮机叶片的三维实体模型,并用B样条曲线对其进行了光顺处理;在CAD模型的基础上,分析了叶片的加工工艺流程,并用软件的CAM功能对叶片进行了数控加工仿真,生成了NC代码。


