100字范文 > 集成服务 integrated service英语短句 例句大全

集成服务 integrated service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-07 04:30:34


集成服务 integrated service英语短句 例句大全

集成服务,integrated service

1)integrated service集成服务

1.A service-on-demand platform based onintegrated service and for use in collaborative product development;基于集成服务的协同产品开发按需服务平台

2.Research on City-Bus Intelligent Integrated Service System Framework;城市公交客车智能集成服务系统结构研究

3.A Discussion on QoS Routing Mechanisms in the Integrated Service Networks;集成服务网络中QoS路由的讨论


1.The Study of Mobile GIS Integration Service Based on Multi-Agent System Infrastructure;基于MAS体系的移动GIS集成服务研究

2.The Design and Structure of Zone Integration Server;ZIS区域集成服务器的设计与研究

3.Integrates with Lotus and MS Exchange servers.集成了Lotus 和ms Exchange服务器。

4.J2EE Web Service and .Net Web Service IntegrationJ2EE Web服务和.Net Web服务的集成

5.Agent-based Web services integration model and algorithm基于Agent的Web服务集成模型与集成算法

6.Integration of systems in enterprise based on Web Service基于Web服务的矿务信息系统集成

7.B2B E-commerce Integration Based on Web Services基于Web服务的B2B电子商务的集成

8.Research on Web Service Integration of PACS Based on SOA;基于Web服务面向服务架构的PACS系统集成研究

9.You have successfully completed the Cluster Service Configuration wizard.您已成功地完成了群集服务配置向导。

10.You have successfully completed the New Server Cluster Wizard.您已成功完成了新服务器群集向导。

11.E-government Service Integration Models Based on Cost;从成本角度分析电子政务服务集成模型

12.The Study on the Integration of the Heterogeneous Geographical Information Web Services;异构地理信息Web服务集成方法研究

13.Research on Service Composition in SaaS Application;SaaS应用中的服务集成方法研究

14.Research and Implementation of the Web Services Model with ETR Technology;集成ETR技术的Web服务模型研究与实现

15.Study of Web Service Workflow Based on Petri Net;基于Petri网的Web服务集成工作流的研究

16.A Study on the Application Program Integration Based on Web Services;基于Web服务的应用程序集成技术研究

17.QoS and Probability Driven Strategy for Web Service Composition;QoS与概率驱动的Web服务集成策略

18.Research on Agent-Based Web Service Composition Technology;基于Agent的Web服务集成技术研究


integration service集成服务

1.Research on informationintegration service model based on university library website;基于高校图书馆网站的信息集成服务模式研究

2.The Concept and Practice of Common Technical Integration Service for Electronic Information Quality Assurance;电子信息质量保证共性技术集成服务的理念与实践初探

3.The QoS Technology of Transmitting Real-time Multimedia on IP Network Based on Integration Services;基于集成服务的IP网络QoS实现技术


1.Design and Implementation of theIntServ Model in OPNET;OPNET环境下集成服务模型的设计与实现

2.Methods Make use of IntServ model presented by IFTE and distinguish among DiffServ model,multi protocol label switching,traffic engineering,IEEE802.方法利用IFTE提出的集成服务IntServ模型,区分服务DiffServ模型,多标签交换协议,流量工程,IEEE 802。

3.Someservice models and mechanisms and the applications to IP/WDM were addressed,such as IntServ,DiffSery and MPLS,whichwere proposed by IETF to meet the demand for QoS.介绍了IETF提出的几个QoS服务模型和机制,即集成服务(IntSer)/RSVP模型、区分服务(DiffServ)模型、多协议标签交换(MPLS)以及它们在IP/WDM网中的应用。

4)Integrated services集成服务

1.The general approach of implementing Internet integrated services is resource reservation protocal (RSVP).实现 Internet集成服务的一般手段为采用资源预留协议 ( RSVP)进行资源预留 ,其中的一个主要问题就是预留多少资源和如何提高呼叫的准入率 。

5)service integration服务集成

1.Research onservice integration framework based on mobile Agent;基于移动Agent的服务集成框架研究

2.Design and Implementation of Service Integration Based on Web Services;基于Web Services服务集成的设计与实现

3.Research of Web Services-Based Our Government Service Integration for E-Government;基于Web Services的我国政府电子政务服务集成研究

6)web services compositionWeb服务集成

1.In the agent-basedweb services composition framework, each agent represents a web service.基于Agent的Web服务集成框架中的每个Agent代理一个服务,将服务集成流程映射为Agent会话协议,通过Agent会话体现服务交互的自适应,从而发现和恢复服务集成中的错误,使得系统具有一定的容错能力,实现服务交互的自适应。

2.An agent coordinated framework systems oriented on Web services composition is based on the agent and Web services components.多Agent系统适用于Web服务集成的分布式环境;软件Agent相比Web服务具有更好的主动性和交互能力。


