100字范文 > 最低投标价 the lowest bid price英语短句 例句大全

最低投标价 the lowest bid price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-10 09:13:50


最低投标价 the lowest bid price英语短句 例句大全

最低投标价,the lowest bid price

1)the lowest bid price最低投标价

1.To make this method operable,this article expounds in detail the method to determinethe lowest bid price through evaluation,to evaluate the price rationality and non-price factors."经评审的最低投标价"法是我国法律法规规定的评标办法之一,为使该方法具有可操作性,此文详细论述了确定经评审的最低投标价时控制价的确定方法、价格合理性评审的方法以及非价格因素评审的方法,并给出了非价格因素转化成价格的计算方法,提出了保障经评审的最低投标价法实施的措施。


1.On the Feasibility of Evaluated Lowest Bidding Price;浅谈经评审的最低投标价法的可行性

2.The Discussion on the Least Project Bidding;经评审的最低投标价法中标问题的探讨

3.Consideration about the Improvement of the Lowest Price Bidding System by Judgment;对完善经评审的最低投标价中标制度的思考

4.Implement and Supervision of the Lowest Price Bidding Method by Judgment;经评审的最低投标价中标法的实施及监管

5.Discussion on the Evaluated-Lowest-Cost-As-Bid-Winner Approach in its Implementation;推行“经评审最低投标价中标法”有关问题的探讨

6.The boundary conditon for the lowest bid price through judgement;工程经评审的最低投标价中标的边界条件

7.Application of the appraisal lowest competitive prices method in overseas-invested enterprise经评审的最低投标价中标法在外资企业的运用

8.Research on the Application of Evaluated Lowest Bid Price Approach for Construction Projects;工程项目经评审的最低投标价法的应用研究

9.On the necessity of implementing assessed lowest tender;论实施经评审的最低投标价法的必要性

10.accept the lowest tender接受最低价格的投标.

11.Discussion about Winning Tenders at the Lowest Price in Construction Project建设工程招标投标中最低价中标刍议

12.The Differences between the Successful Bid at Lowest Offer and the Competitive Bid at Lowest Price in the Tender of Highway Engineering;论公路招投标中最低标中标与低价竞标的区别

13.Precautions Against the Risks Incurred by Bidding Appraised as Minimum Price经评审最低价评标法投标的风险应对

14.The company that bids the lowest price and most favorable terms will win the contract.投标价格最低,条件最优惠的公司将中标。

15.He makes the lowest bid for the job .他做此事的投标价为最低

16.lowest acceptable bidder可以接受的最低价投标人

17.lowest conforming tender符合要求而索价最低的投标

18.lowest tender to specifications符合规格而索价最低的投标


lowest tender price method最低投标价法

1.The approvedlowest tender price method;谈经评审的最低投标价法

3)lowest tender出价最低的投标

4)lowest bidder最低价投标人

5)lowest tender出价最低的投标书;最低价投标

6)lowest tender索价最低的投标;出价最低的投标


日最低价 日最低价——指当天该股票成交价格中的最低价格。
