100字范文 > 复合盾构 compound shield英语短句 例句大全

复合盾构 compound shield英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-11 19:04:07


复合盾构 compound shield英语短句 例句大全

复合盾构,compound shield

1)compound shield复合盾构


1.Design Analysis and Optimization on Retractile Disc Cutter of TBM;可伸缩式复合盾构掘进刀盘分析设计及优化

2.The Fully Coupled System of the Excavation Face and the Determination of the Loads Acting on the Cutterhead of a Compound Shield复合盾构掘进界面整体耦合系统及刀盘载荷确定方法

3.Manufacture on foam system of composite EPB shield复合式土压平衡盾构泡沫系统的研制

4.Study on Application Technology of Earth Pressure Balance Shield Tunnelling in Complex Strata;复合地层土压平衡盾构施工应用技术研究

5.Study on Construction Techniques of Composite Shields in Guangzhou Metro;广州地铁工程复合式盾构施工技术研究

6.Research on Ground Surface Subsidence Laws of Compound Stratum during Underground Tunnel Construction by Shield Method复合地层中盾构法建设地铁地表沉降规律研究

7.The Analysis of Abrasion Cutter Head of Large Diameter TBM in Complex Ground复合地层大直径盾构刀盘刀具磨损分析

parison and Application of Chamber-entering Technology of Large-diameter Slurry Shield in Complex Strata大直径泥水盾构复合地层进仓技术比较与应用

9.Risk analysis of cutter head failure of composite EPB shield复合式土压平衡盾构刀盘失效风险分析

10.The shield mechanical driving adaptability analysis of composite formation in Guangzhou subway广州地铁复合地层中盾构机掘进适应性分析

bos Use a Shield Bash/Block, then attack with Revenge.组合技使用盾击/盾牌格挡,然后再使用复仇攻击。

12.Research on Rings Fixing DTA in TBM Construction;盾构施工中管片拟合DTA问题研究

13.Study on Design and Construction Schemes for Metro Station Based on NATM by Using Shield Tunnel;配合盾构法修建地铁车站的方案研究

14.Integrated Earthing Design Schema for Open-digged and Shield-digged Tunnel明挖、盾构隧道综合接地设计方案研究

15.Design and Construction of Shield Rehabilitation Shaft under Complex Environment复杂条件下盾构改造竖井的设计与施工

16.Application of vertically freezing reinforcement in recovery work of a shield tunnel盾构隧道修复工程中的垂直冻结加固应用

17.Case Study on Malfunction Diagnosis and Repair of Thrust System of an EPB Shield Machine土压平衡盾构推进系统的故障诊断与修复实例

18.Construction Technology of Launching and Arriving for Shield Tunnelling in Complex Geology盾构在复杂地质条件下的进出洞施工技术



1.According to the geological and hydrogeological conditions in the section of tunnel through Pearl River, the applicability, economic and safety are discussed by contrast ofpolyshield with slurry shield and EPB shield.针对南珠江段及所属标段的地质和水文条件 ,对比分析了泥水盾构和土压平衡盾构及复合式盾构对该标段的适用性、经济性及安全性 ,为盾构方案过南珠江关于盾构机选型提供参考。

3)composite EPB shield复合式土压平衡盾构

1.Risk analysis of cutter head failure ofcomposite EPB shield复合式土压平衡盾构刀盘失效风险分析

4)contrary compound word矛盾复合

5)Composite shield组合式盾构

1.Composite shield is characterized by self - driving and cast in site reinforced concrete lining instead of segmental lining.组合式盾构的特点是能自行推进,可不用装配式衬砌管片,而采用现浇钢筋混凝土衬砌。

6)shield-combination method盾构综合法

1.According to development background and advantages ofshield-combination method,it is adopted in Dong-shankou Station of No.结合盾构综合法出现的背景及其优势,在广州市轨道交通6号线东山口站采用盾构综合法施工。


