100字范文 > 同轴接头 coaxial joints英语短句 例句大全

同轴接头 coaxial joints英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-25 16:54:51


同轴接头 coaxial joints英语短句 例句大全

同轴接头,coaxial joints

1)coaxial joints同轴接头


1.The method of moment used to calculate the characteristic impedance for the theoretical model oftwinax is described.介绍了运用矩量法计算二同轴接头理论模型特性阻抗的基本原理,并将计算结果与HFSS仿真结果作比较,由对比可知此方法准确、快捷,是分析二同轴接头理论模型特性阻抗的一种有效方法。

3)coaxial fitting同轴电缆接头

4)waveguide coaxial junction波导管 同轴接头

5)coaxial single lap bonded joint同轴单搭接胶接接头

1.Investigation on stress distribution incoaxial single lap bonded joint;同轴单搭接胶接接头应力分布的探讨

6)precision small coaxial microwave connector精密微波同轴小接头


1.precision microwave coaxial miniature connector精密微波同轴小接头

2." Rigid precision coaxial lines and their associated precision connectors, Generic specification of"GB/T14313-1993精密硬同轴线及其精密连接器总规范

3.Development of a Miniaturized Air-tightness Rectangular Waveguide-coaxial Converter小型气密矩形波导-同轴转换器的研制

4.coaxial N type adapter N型同轴线接头转接器

5.Research on Screw Joint for Precise Assembly of Miniature Parts微小型零件精密装配中的螺纹副联接技术研究

6.Study of the Coaxial Probe in Measuring the Permittivity of the RF/Microwave Dielectric;同轴探头在微波/射频介质材料复介电常数测量应用中的研究

7.FEM Analysis of Open-ended Coaxial-line Using for Dielectric Constant Measurement of Microwave biochemistry and Biological Tissue;微波生物化学及生物组织中同轴探头的有限元分析

8.High quality rotary joints and two delicate bearing installed in high-stiffness axle are to ensure vibration-free performance in long-term operation.高品质旋转接头和2个精密轴承装置在高刚性转轴上,担保长时间运转无振动。

9.The design of coaxial-to-rectangular waveguide transitions adapter with SMA connector at high frequency在高频段下带SMA接头的同轴——矩形波导转换器的设计

10.The Design of Coaxial Filter and UWB Microstrip Filter;同轴滤波器与UWB微带滤波器的设计

11.The Design and Simulation of Microwave Coaxial Dielectric Filter;同轴型微波介质滤波器的设计与仿真

12.Precise Joint Angle Measurement System for Direct Drive Robot直接驱动机器人轴角的精密测量系统

13.Remove sealer from axle tube to housing junction, if necessary.如有必要,拆卸轴管和轴管接头间的密封件。

14.Accurate main shaft structure for heavy cutting, the main shaft is installed on a integrated main shaft head, with excellent rigidity for heavy cutting.重切削精密主轴结构。主轴安装在一体成型主轴头,重切削刚性佳。

15.The Design of Ka Band Waveguide/coaxial line TransitionKa全频段同轴/波导转接器的设计

16.Precision round hole and cylindrical grinding: ultra-long and ultra-thin axis grinding, with precision to2μ, coaxial jumping within2μ.★ 精密内、园磨削:超长、细轴磨削,尺寸精度达到2μ,同轴跳动2μ以内.

17.Precision cylindrical grinding: ultra-long and ultra-thin axis grinding, with precision to2μ, coaxial jumping within2μ.★ 精密外园磨削:超长、细轴磨削,尺寸精度达到2μ,同轴跳动2μ以内.

18.Internal Bore Processing of Precision Miniature Bearings Based on Spark Grinding基于电火花磨削的精密微型轴承内孔加工



1.The method of moment used to calculate the characteristic impedance for the theoretical model oftwinax is described.介绍了运用矩量法计算二同轴接头理论模型特性阻抗的基本原理,并将计算结果与HFSS仿真结果作比较,由对比可知此方法准确、快捷,是分析二同轴接头理论模型特性阻抗的一种有效方法。

3)coaxial fitting同轴电缆接头

4)waveguide coaxial junction波导管 同轴接头

5)coaxial single lap bonded joint同轴单搭接胶接接头

1.Investigation on stress distribution incoaxial single lap bonded joint;同轴单搭接胶接接头应力分布的探讨

6)precision small coaxial microwave connector精密微波同轴小接头


关同《关山行旅图》轴五代山水画家关同的存世作品。关同(10世纪),长安(今陕西西安)人,善画山水。此图绢本,墨笔,纵144.4 厘米,横56.8厘米。作品画寒山枯木,山店行旅,突出高耸入云的危岩险峰和深邃的幽谷寒林,巨石突兀,峭壁万仞,境界雄奇壮阔,真实地再现了秦岭、华山一带北方山川的自然景观和气势特征。山石用笔粗简雄健,皴染凝重,富有坚实硬峭的质感和体积感。树木有干无枝,具荒寒之感。此图反映了关同的山水画典型风貌,是有所依据的传本。本幅无作者款印,上方乾隆题诗一首。钤有"悦生图书"、"天历之宝"、"晋国奎章"、"司印"及安岐等鉴藏印。裱边有清王铎题。《石渠宝笈·续编》著录。现藏台北故宫博物院。
