100字范文 > 广义黏度 generalized viscosity英语短句 例句大全

广义黏度 generalized viscosity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-17 03:10:23


广义黏度 generalized viscosity英语短句 例句大全

广义黏度,generalized viscosity

1)generalized viscosity广义黏度

1.Ageneralized viscosity model was proposed for generalized Newtonian fluids,which was expressed as a function of the invariants of stress and strain rate tensors.针对广义牛顿流体提出了一种具有普遍意义的广义黏度模型,该模型以应力张量和应变速率张量的不变量表示,并根据应变速率张量的第二、第三不变量相互独立性,使该模型不但满足黏度的惟一性,还符合剪切变稀及各种拉伸形态的黏度模型,并能够应用于既有剪切又有拉伸的一般复合流动。

2)generalized magneto-thermoelasticity广义磁热黏弹性

3)Generalized the thick广义厚度

4)generalized scale广义标度

1.A method based on the nature of the proportion scale and the idea of rank difference for constructing fully consistent judgment matrix,calledgeneralized scale method(GS method.从次序一致性和完全一致性关系的讨论出发,指出传统标度方法构造判断矩阵出现不一致性的原因在于违反了次序一致性原则;提出广义标度的定义,基于比例标度的性质和等级差的思想给出广义标度方法的步骤。

5)generalized gradient广义梯度

1.Study ofgeneralized gradient and its application in blind signal separation;广义梯度及其在盲信号分离中应用的研究

2.A newlygeneralized gradient and application to optimization problems;一类广义梯度及其在最优化中的应用


1.An Interpretive Structure Model on the Grad in Generalized-grads Theory;广义梯度理论中梯度的解释结构模型研究

2.A New Generalized Gradient and Applications in Optimization Problems;一类广义梯度及其在最优化中的应用

3.The Exceeding Gencralized Aradient Method for Minimax Problem;极大极小问题的超广义梯度投影算法

4.The Characterization of Strong-Efficient Solution of Set-Valued Vector Optimization with Generalized Gradient用广义梯度刻画集值优化的强有效解

5.The Sustainable Development of Regions in Harmony: A New Perspective from the Generalized Gradient Theory;区域可持续和谐发展的广义梯度理论论纲

6.A General Perturbed Gradient Projection method with Arbitrary Initial Point;初始点任意优化问题的广义摄动梯度投影算法

7.Generalized Torus Harmonic Analysis of Satellite Gravity Gradients Component卫星重力梯度分量的广义轮胎调和分析

8.Multi-innovation Generalized Stochastic Gradient Algorithms for Dynamical Adjusting Models动态调节模型的多新息广义随机梯度算法

9.A Method of Generalized Stiffness and its Application in Calculating the Displacements of a Beam with Step Cross-section by Graphical Multiplication广义刚度法及其在阶梯形截面梁位移图乘计算中的应用

10.Researches on the Plastic Strain Gradient-Dependent Generalized Plasticity Theory for Geo-Materials" Strain Localization Analysis;岩土介质应变局部化问题的广义塑性梯度理论研究

11.Memory gradient method with errors and generalized Armijo step结合广义Armijo步长搜索的带误差项的记忆梯度算法

12.A Generalized Super-Memory Gradient Projection Method of Strongly Sub-Feasible Directions with Strong Convergence for Nonlinear Inequality Constrained Optimization;非线性不等式约束优化一个强收敛的广义超记忆梯度投影强次可行方向法

13.The Study on Industrial Grades Transfer between Guangdong and Guangxi under the CAFTA Framework;CAFTA框架下两广产业梯度转移

14.On the Marine Boiler Drum Water Level Control Based on the Step Generalized Predictive Control基于阶梯式广义预测的船用锅炉汽包水位控制

15.Gradient algorithm has been widely used for training the weights of feedforward neural networks.梯度算法广泛应用于训练前馈神经网络.

16.Study on Green Space Landscape along Gradients in the Urban Fringe of Guangzhou City Based on GIS;基于GIS的广州市边缘区绿地景观梯度变化研究


18.A generalized conjugate condition and related conjugate gradient methods;一种推广的共轭性条件及相关共轭梯度法


generalized magneto-thermoelasticity广义磁热黏弹性

3)Generalized the thick广义厚度

4)generalized scale广义标度

1.A method based on the nature of the proportion scale and the idea of rank difference for constructing fully consistent judgment matrix,calledgeneralized scale method(GS method.从次序一致性和完全一致性关系的讨论出发,指出传统标度方法构造判断矩阵出现不一致性的原因在于违反了次序一致性原则;提出广义标度的定义,基于比例标度的性质和等级差的思想给出广义标度方法的步骤。

5)generalized gradient广义梯度

1.Study ofgeneralized gradient and its application in blind signal separation;广义梯度及其在盲信号分离中应用的研究

2.A newlygeneralized gradient and application to optimization problems;一类广义梯度及其在最优化中的应用

6)broad density广义密度

1.The effects ofbroad density(formation density),pre-stress and exciting force for characteristics of damper was discussed.对AAW-400型金属丝网减振器中的阻尼元件———金属丝网网块进行实验研究,得出金属丝网块的静刚度特性,同时也考察网块的广义密度(成型密度)、载荷和不同激励等对金属丝网块性能的影响。


