100字范文 > Unipol气相法乙烯聚合 Unipol gas-phase ethylene polymerization英语短句 例句大全

Unipol气相法乙烯聚合 Unipol gas-phase ethylene polymerization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-30 05:24:55


Unipol气相法乙烯聚合 Unipol gas-phase ethylene polymerization英语短句 例句大全

Unipol气相法乙烯聚合,Unipol gas-phase ethylene polymerization

1)Unipol gas-phase ethylene polymerizationUnipol气相法乙烯聚合

1.Procedure of switching into condensation mode operation of gas fluidized bed reactor inUnipol gas-phase ethylene polymerization plant was monitored by acoustic emission technique.在Unipol气相法乙烯聚合装置中,对流化床反应器切换到冷凝操作模式的过程进行声发射检测试验。

2)Unipol polyethyleneUnipol聚乙烯

1.This article introduced the original purge method of seed bed water removal inUnipol polyethylene process,discussed the improved purge method and compared the effects of these two methods,suggested to use the improved purge method in practical operating procedures.介绍了Unipol聚乙烯工艺中种子床脱水置换的常规方法 ,讨论了改进的置换方法 ,并对 2种方法的效果进行了比较 ,建议在实际操作过程中采用改进的置换方

2.This article introduced the common accidents in the product discharge system ofUnipol polyethylene process.介绍了Unipol聚乙烯工艺中出料系统的常见事故,分析了事故发生的原因,并提出了相应的预防措施。

3)Lnipol gas phase polymerization processUnipol气相法

4)gas phase ethylene polymerization乙烯气相聚合

1.WT5BZ]Polyethylene(PE)/BuMgCl/TiCl 4,CCl 4,catalyst(PM-C) showed high activity ingas phase ethylene polymerization.研制出以聚乙烯粉末为载体的乙烯气相聚合催化剂 ,在特定的催化体系中 ,它能取代二氧化硅载体使催化剂呈现良好的催化活性 ,同时使聚合产物保持较好的颗粒形态。

2.The process ofgas phase ethylene polymerization in fluidized bed reactor (FBR) is one class of typical multivariable nonlinear systems.工业流化床乙烯气相聚合过程是一类典型的多变量复杂非线性系统。


1.Bimodal polyethylene produced by oscillating operation of hydrogen in single gas-phase polymerization reactor乙烯气相聚合过程中氢气振荡操作制备双峰聚乙烯

2.Study on Flow Pattern in Gas Phase Ethylene Polymerization Fluidized Bed Reactor;乙烯气相聚合流化床反应器流动模式的研究

3.Simulation of Particle Size Distribution in Gas Phase Ethylene Polymerization Fluidized-Bed Reactor;乙烯气相聚合颗粒粒径分布模型的研究

4.Studies on Gaseous Phase Polymerization of Ethylene with Highly Active Catalyst(Ⅰ)──The Gaseous Phase Homo-and Copolymerization as well as Kinetics of Gaseous Phase Polymerization of Ethylene新型高活性催化剂乙烯气相聚合的研究(Ⅰ)──气相均聚和共聚反应及气相均聚动力学

5.Vapor/Liquid/Solid Multiphase Photopolymerization of Vinyl Acetate;醋酸乙烯气/液/固多相光聚合研究

6.Study on Phase Equilibrium and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Ethylene Slurry Polymerization System;乙烯淤浆聚合体系相平衡及气液传质研究

7.Study on the Synthesis of PE In-situ Alloys by Gas-phase and the Relationship between Its Properties and Structure;气相法聚乙烯原位合金的合成及其结构—性能关系的研究

8.Study on Novel Ziegler-Natta Catalyst for Ethylene Gas Phase Polymerization新型Ziegler-Natta气相聚乙烯催化剂的研究


10.New closed recirculation process for recycling tail gas from polymerization of vinyl chloride氯乙烯聚合尾气闭路循环回用新工艺

11.Preparation of Poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene)-Coated Silica by Surface Initiated Polymerization and Its Application to High Performance Liquid Chromatography表面引发聚合制备苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯聚合物包覆硅胶固定相

12.A Quantitative Determination of Styrene Monomer in Polystyrene Materials by DGE-GC间歇气提气相色谱法测定聚苯乙烯材料中的苯乙烯单体

13.Determination of residual styrene monomer in polystyrene and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins by gas chromatography.聚苯乙烯和丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂中残留苯乙烯单体的测定气相色谱法.

14.Synthesis of Mesoporous Polystyrene Using Reversed Microemulsion Template Method反相微乳液模板法合成介孔聚苯乙烯

15.The Inverse Microemulsion Ploymerization of Acrylamide and Sodium Styrene Sulfonate丙烯酰胺/对苯乙烯磺酸钠的反相微乳液聚合

16.Determination of residual styrene monomer in polystyrene by gas chromatographyGB/T4614-1984用气相色谱法测定聚苯乙烯中残留的苯乙烯单体

17.Determination of the vinyl chloride monomer in poly vinyl chloride food packaging materials by capillary gas chromatography method毛细管气相色谱法测定聚氯乙烯食品包装中的氯乙烯单体

18.Catalytic Bromination of Polystyrene to Synthesize Brominated Polystryrene;聚苯乙烯催化溴化合成溴化聚苯乙烯


Unipol polyethyleneUnipol聚乙烯

1.This article introduced the original purge method of seed bed water removal inUnipol polyethylene process,discussed the improved purge method and compared the effects of these two methods,suggested to use the improved purge method in practical operating procedures.介绍了Unipol聚乙烯工艺中种子床脱水置换的常规方法 ,讨论了改进的置换方法 ,并对 2种方法的效果进行了比较 ,建议在实际操作过程中采用改进的置换方

2.This article introduced the common accidents in the product discharge system ofUnipol polyethylene process.介绍了Unipol聚乙烯工艺中出料系统的常见事故,分析了事故发生的原因,并提出了相应的预防措施。

3)Lnipol gas phase polymerization processUnipol气相法

4)gas phase ethylene polymerization乙烯气相聚合

1.WT5BZ]Polyethylene(PE)/BuMgCl/TiCl 4,CCl 4,catalyst(PM-C) showed high activity ingas phase ethylene polymerization.研制出以聚乙烯粉末为载体的乙烯气相聚合催化剂 ,在特定的催化体系中 ,它能取代二氧化硅载体使催化剂呈现良好的催化活性 ,同时使聚合产物保持较好的颗粒形态。

2.The process ofgas phase ethylene polymerization in fluidized bed reactor (FBR) is one class of typical multivariable nonlinear systems.工业流化床乙烯气相聚合过程是一类典型的多变量复杂非线性系统。

5)gas-phase polymerization of ethylene乙烯气相聚合

1.The characteristics of Ti-Mg catalyst for thegas-phase polymerization of ethyleneat atmospheric pressure or 0.研究了乙烯气相聚合Ti—Mg催化剂的聚合性能。

6)gas phase polyethylene气相法聚乙烯

1.Research and commercial application of a high activitygas phase polyethylene catalyst SLC-G were discussed.介绍了高活性气相法聚乙烯SLC-G催化剂的开发和工业化应用情况。


