100字范文 > 沟通技巧 communication skill英语短句 例句大全

沟通技巧 communication skill英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-06 14:22:50


沟通技巧 communication skill英语短句 例句大全

沟通技巧,communication skill

1)communication skill沟通技巧

1.Discussion on the effectivecommunication skills between blood station and hospital;血站与医院之间沟通技巧的探讨

2.The methods and effect ofcommunication skills training for nursing staff;提高护士沟通技巧的培训方法与效果

3.It expounded the connotation of therapeutic communication,influencing factors of application therapeutic communication in nurse-patient relationship,and the applied strategy of nurse-patient therapeuticcommunication skill.阐述治疗性沟通的内涵,护患关系中应用治疗性沟通的影响因素以及护患治疗性沟通技巧的应用对策。


1.Be excellent communication and coordination skills.优秀的客户沟通技巧,出色的沟通协调能力。

2.Good skills of product presentation and technical discussion. Customer friendly character as a trustful “consultant”.良好的产品介绍及技术交流沟通技巧.

3.Fluent English and good communication& coordination skills.英语流利,并具备良好的沟通技巧。

4.Be integrity, self-Discipline, Patient and have good communication skill.·诚信,有原则,耐心,并有良好的沟通技巧。

5.Good communication skills will be essential.良好的沟通技巧至关重要。

6.Good communication skills and inter-personal skill is a must.良好的沟通技巧与人际关系处理能力。

7.Excellent communication. Good English speaking skills.有良好的沟通技巧.能用英语交流.

8.B2B sales experience, strong presentation and communication skills.机构业务销售经验,很强的沟通技巧。

9.Talking about the Communication Skill for the Deputy to Power Customer in Telephone 95598;95598电力客户代表沟通技巧漫谈

10.Application of Non-Linguistic Communication Skillsin Physical Education Teaching;非言语沟通技巧在体育教学中的应用

11.Talking about the Skill of Communication between the Librarians and the Readers in the Circulation Department of the University’s Library;高校图书馆流通部馆员与读者的沟通技巧

12.Child and Youth Development-cum-Communication Skill Course [Hong Kong Police Force]儿童及青少年发展与沟通技巧课程〔香港警务处〕

13.Good communication skills and team work spirit; Aspirant and willing to improve continuously有良好的沟通技巧和团队合作意识,锐意进取

14.Good analytical skills, pleasant telephone personality, excellent team player.杰出的分析问题能力、话沟通技巧、队合作精神。

15.Good teamwork, communication skill and organization ability.良好的团队精神,沟通技巧及组织协调能力。

16.Chatterbox will help build children"s expressive and social skills in a fun and easy way.,帮助您的小朋友建立沟通技巧及社交能力。

17.The methods and effect of improving the skills of communication with the pediatric accompany提高与儿科陪护人员沟通技巧的方法与效果

18.The application and investigation of the communication technique between nurses and patients in clinical practice护患沟通技巧在临床工作中的应用及调查


Communication skills沟通技巧

1.The process of forming communication skills by diploma nursing students in clinical practice;护理大专学生在临床实习中沟通技巧的形成过程

2.The object of the program is to increase parent effectiveness for bringing up children with healthy personality ,self-control, responsibility and warm heart by changing traditional parenting concept,teaching parents two basic principles which are inconsistency and problem-belonging and three communication skills which are active liste.的目标是通过改变父母教养理念,教授两个基本原则(不一致原则和问题归属原则)与三大沟通技巧(主动倾听、我—信息、冲突解决双赢法),增进父母效能从而培养出有健全人格、有自制力、有责任感、有爱心的孩子。

3.Nurses at operating rooms nurse for elderly patients by verbal and nonverbal communication skills to better meet the communication needs of elderly patients,so that elderly patients need surgery to maintain good psychological state,treatment and nursing to achieve the purpose of cure.手术室护士通过语言和非语言的沟通技巧对老年病人进行护理,更好地满足老年患者的沟通需求,使需手术的老年病人保持良好的心理状态,接受治疗和护理,从而达到治愈的目的。

3)BC principles and guidelines沟通原则和技巧

4)effective communication skill有效沟通技巧

5)communication knowledge and skill沟通知识与技巧

6)On the Skill of Administrative Communication行政沟通技巧刍议


产品沟通性产品沟通性product"s communicability产品沟通性(produer’5 eommunicabi一sry)参见“产品可察性”。
