100字范文 > 井筒保护 protection of pit sha ft英语短句 例句大全

井筒保护 protection of pit sha ft英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-31 01:28:56


井筒保护 protection of pit sha ft英语短句 例句大全

井筒保护,protection of pit sha ft

1)protection of pit sha ft井筒保护

2)protecting pillar in pit shaft井筒保护煤柱

3)shaft support井筒支护

1.Aiming at technicalproblems ofshaft support,by study and analysis,brings forward the new type of shaft structural shape which suit for the formation characteristics of the area of goaf and subsidence,and corresponding methods of design calculation are given.为实现高定位技改,某矿需要在采空塌陷区新建进、回风井筒,针对井筒支护的技术难题,通过研究分析,提出了适合采空塌陷区地层特性的新型井壁结构型式,并给出了相应的设计计算方法。


1.Field test study of methods for supporting large-section inclined shaft in gravel layer卵砾石层大断面斜井井筒支护方法现场试验研究

2.Shaft Liner Design of Development Shaft for Phase Ⅲ Project in Lancang Lead Mine云南澜沧铅矿三期开拓竖井井筒的支护设计

3.Application of Rigid and Fiexible Combined Suppor to New Shaft Maintanace in Coal Mine钢柔性联合支护在煤矿新井井筒维修中的应用

4.Physical modeling experiment of rock stress distribution and timbering strength for shaft井筒围岩应力分布及支护强度相似模拟

5.wellbore storage domination井筒储存起支配作用

6.Maintenance and Destroy Cause Analysis of the Ore Pass out of the Vein盘区脉外溜井破坏原因分析及井筒维护

7.Corrosion Inspection and Corrosion Inhibition Prevention of Shaft of Pump Recovery Well in Tahe Oilfield塔河油田机采井井筒腐蚀监测及缓蚀剂防护技术

8.Analysis of Roadway Supporting Technology Used in Wind Shaft Station of ZhuJi Thousand Meters Mine朱集矿千米深井风井车场巷道支护技术及分析

9.Applying Combined Supporting to Controlling Arch Body Deformation and Damage of Auxiliary Shaft Wall利用联合支护手段治理副井井壁碹体变形破坏

10.Design and construction of the core tube supporting of Guanjiang international hotel灌江国际大酒店核心筒支护设计与施工

11.Application of prestressed rod in roadways井巷预应力拉杆支护方式应用及探讨

12.The Comprehensive Supporting Technique of the Sparging and Anchoring Net ofinclined shaft in Yangjiacun杨家村矿斜井锚网喷注综合支护技术

13.The Understanding and Practice of Construction Bolting in the Coal Mine煤矿井巷锚杆支护施工的分析与探讨

14.Research on the suitable support form of deep gob-side entry in fully mechanized top coal caving mining深井综放沿空掘巷合理支护形式研究

15.Mechanism of Narrow Pillar Protecting Roadway and Support Technology of Gob-Side Entry in Deep Mine深井沿空巷道小煤柱护巷机理及支护技术

16.Code for design of inclined shaft and chambers of coal mine煤矿矿井斜井井筒及硐室设计规范

17.Experience on the shrink shaft drilling construction reserve period缩短立井井筒凿井施工准备期的经验

18.a shaft driven upward is called a raise; one that is driven downward is known as a winze.从下往上开拓出来的井筒叫天井;从上往下开拓出来的井筒叫盲井。


protecting pillar in pit shaft井筒保护煤柱

3)shaft support井筒支护

1.Aiming at technicalproblems ofshaft support,by study and analysis,brings forward the new type of shaft structural shape which suit for the formation characteristics of the area of goaf and subsidence,and corresponding methods of design calculation are given.为实现高定位技改,某矿需要在采空塌陷区新建进、回风井筒,针对井筒支护的技术难题,通过研究分析,提出了适合采空塌陷区地层特性的新型井壁结构型式,并给出了相应的设计计算方法。

4)pass maintenance井筒维护

5)borehole thermal insulating井筒保温

1.However, theborehole thermal insulating is indispensable, no matter what are used.无论采用何种热力开采方式 ,井筒保温都十分必要。

6)protect canister保护筒

1.The design and application ofprotect canister for thermometers;体温计保护筒的设计与应用


井筒钻进井筒钻进shaft drilling{Ingtong zuonj旧井筒钻进(shaft drilling)用竖井钻井法掘进时,利用钻井设备钻凿竖井井筒的作业。井筒钻进、洗井和支护是竖井钻井法掘进的三大工序,其中井筒钻进是主体工序。它包括钻井准备工作、钻凿、防偏和测斜、故障处理等,所用时间占总工期的80%一85%。准备工作在此期间应完成的工作有:平整井场,保证水、电管线及道路和通讯的畅通,钻凿井筒的检查孔,建立工业和生活福利设施,检查并安装钻井设备,制备洗井泥浆,进行综合试运转等。准备工作所需时间取决于钻井工程的规模、设备大小、施工组织的合理程度。钻凿主要工作有:下钻、起钻、接长钻杆和钻进。下钻包括下钻头、钻头就位、接钻杆、下放钻杆钻头、接风管和混合器、接主动钻杆等工作。起钻按下钻相反的顺序进行。当主动钻杆钻到最低位置时,需接一根钻杆(又称加尺),这时要停止钻进和停止泥浆循环,把主动钻杆提出转盘,并提出风管,接长一根钻杆,重新安上风管和主动钻杆,继续钻进,依此循环不已,直至钻完整个井筒。钻进时要根据地质条件正确选择合理钻进参数,注意观察转盘、钻具运转和排碴等情况。防偏和测斜采用钻井法掘进井筒时,对井筒偏斜率有严格要求:当钻井深度小于30om时,允许偏斜率不得超过0.1%;钻深为300~4O0m时不得超过32omm,401一SOom时不得超过400mm,501~6oom时不得超过48Omm。因此在钻进过程中必须注意防止偏斜过大。井筒偏斜的原因很多,主要有钻井设备安装不当、钻压过大、冲击层中有卵石、工作面岩层软硬不均等。针对上述原因要采取相应的有效防偏措施,及时测量井筒偏斜率。当偏斜率超过允许值时,要及时纠偏。中国矿山常用的钻井测井仪有CJ一501型,CSX-731型和超声波式等。这类测井仪的测量范围是,井筒直径小于10m,井筒深度小于50om,测量精度为l%。测井仪所适应的泥浆,其粘度要小于25Pa·s,密度小于1·39/em3,温度在10一35℃。故障处理钻井时常见的故障有泥包钻头,跳钻,卡钻,掉钻头、刀具和风管等,井筒片帮或坍塌。一旦出现这些故障,要采取相应的措施予以处理。 (何修仁)
