100字范文 > 两侧同步焊接 Both-sides Synchronization welding英语短句 例句大全

两侧同步焊接 Both-sides Synchronization welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-22 01:58:22


两侧同步焊接 Both-sides Synchronization welding英语短句 例句大全

两侧同步焊接,Both-sides Synchronization welding

1)Both-sides Synchronization welding两侧同步焊接


1.Study on Laser-TIG Both-Side Synchronization Welding for T-Joint of Aluminum Alloys铝合金T型接头激光—电弧两侧同步焊接技术研究

2.Synchronous muti-data acquisition system of arc welding process based on VC++ DLL基于VC++的焊接多信息同步采集系统

3.a horse trained to a special gait in which both feet on one side leave the ground together.用于训练特殊步法的马,同侧的两蹄同时举步。

4.To move along at an easy gait by using both legs on one side alternately with both on the other.Used of a horse.骝花蹄马同侧的两腿同时举起在两侧轮流向前的轻松的马步

5.Double Side Synchronous TIG Welding Method for 30000m~3/h Making-Oxygen Connection Tower;30000m~3/h制氧机接塔双面同步TIG焊接工艺

6.Draft marks made of steel plate shall be welded and painted on both sides of the fore, middle, aft of the ship.船舶的艏、舯、艉的两侧分别设置焊接钢板吃水标志,并涂以油漆。

7.A gait of a horse in which both feet on one side leave and return to the ground together.溜蹄马同侧两腿同时离地和落地的一种步态

8.Analysis of Synchronous Welding Positioner Based on Ogram Mechanism;基于平行四边形机构的同步式变位焊接机分析

9.Experiment research on laser transmission welding of two different thermoplastics两种不同热塑性塑料之间的激光透射焊接试验

10.Research of Adaptive Synchronous Control for Both Sides of Pressing Down System of Cold Rolling Strip Mill冷带轧机两侧压下系统自适应同步控制研究

11.The union of two metal parts by welding.焊接把两个金属部件焊接为一个整体

12.Another pause, and more eying and sidling around each other.两个人暂停了一会儿,接着又眼对眼,身子侧身子兜着圈子走了几步。

13.Numerical Simulation of Residual Stress for Side Beam of Welding Frame;焊接构架侧梁残余应力数值模拟分析

14.The 3-Dimension Reconstruction of Plasma in Laser Welding;激光焊接等离子体同步高速摄影图像的三维重建

15.Synchronous On-line Detect of Welding Process Parameters and Molten Droplet Images in GMAW-P;脉冲GMAW焊接电参数波形及熔滴过渡图像的同步在线检测

16.The backing plate shall be welded with matching electrodes so that the weld on the clad side is flush with the backing plate surface.底板用配套焊条焊接,使复层侧的焊缝与背衬板表面齐平。

17.It consists of two thin strips of dissimilar metals fused together.它是由两条薄薄的不同金属片焊接在一起而构成。

18.Robust Dynamic Output Feedback Synchronous Control for Both Sides of Pressing Down Position System for Cold Rolling Mill冷带轧机两侧压下位置系统鲁棒动态输出反馈同步控制


double-sides synchronous welding双面同步焊接

3)both wings on the same side同侧两翼

1.Application of diagonal ventilation system ofboth wings on the same side;同侧两翼对角式通风系统的应用

4)two flanks spliced joint两侧拼接

5)two-terminal synchronism两端同步

6)two-axis synchronization两轴同步


