100字范文 > 无煤柱 no pillar英语短句 例句大全

无煤柱 no pillar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-11 06:35:57


无煤柱 no pillar英语短句 例句大全

无煤柱,no pillar

1)no pillar无煤柱

1.Practice onno pillar actual mining at the combined mining face of the middle and thick seam;中厚煤层综采工作面无煤柱回采实践


1.Theory and practice of integrated pillarless coal production and methane extraction in multiseams of low permeability低透气性煤层群无煤柱煤气共采理论与实践

2.Application of the non-coal column recovery technology in fully mechanized top coal caving mining face无煤柱开采技术在综放工作面的应用

3.Practices on Irregular Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Along with Fault and No Coal Pillar沿断层无煤柱开采不规则综放工作面技术实践

4.Application on Non Coal Pillar Mining for Gob-side Entry Retaining Technology in High Gaseous Mine沿空留巷无煤柱开采技术在高瓦斯矿井的应用

5.Research On Mining Technology of No-pillar Complete Caving Shortwall Mechanization无煤柱完全垮落短壁机械化开采技术研究

6.Research of Coal Spontaneous Combustion Laws and Preventing Technology in Easy Self-ignition Coal Seam Exploiting Without Coal Pillar;易自燃煤层无煤柱开采自燃规律及防治技术研究

7.relating to or resembling anthracite coal.无烟煤的或似无烟煤的。

8.pillar of ground运输平巷上方的煤柱

9.Reinforcement Mechanism of Anchored Bolt for Coal Pillar and Analysis of Influence Factors of Pillar Strength煤柱锚杆加固机理与煤柱强度影响因素分析

10.Second Mining under Isolated Pillar Left by Wedge-pillar Mining Method刀柱复采跨隔离煤柱布置探索与实践

11.Study on the Reclimaning of Fault Waterproof Coal Pillar in Mafang Mine;马坊煤矿断层防水煤柱开采回收研究

12.Theoretical determination of the section coal pillar"s reserve-width in medium thick coal seam中厚煤层区段煤柱留设宽度理论确定

13.Analysis on Stability of Coal Pillar in Goaf Area of No.11 Seam in Tangshangou Mine唐山沟煤矿11号煤层采空区煤柱稳定性分析

14.The Standard Component Study and Calculation Program Development about Column and Beam in the House of Completely Assembling Steel Reinforced Concret;全装配型钢混凝土住宅中无配筋煤矸石轻骨料梁、柱标准构件形式探讨及计算方法编程

15.Waste from anthracite coal mines, consisting of fine coal, coal dust, and dirt.无烟煤废渣无烟煤煤矿的废弃物,由细粒无烟煤、煤尘和尘土构成

16.Principal Technology Study on Pillor Mining under the System of Room and Pillor Mining;房柱式开采体系煤柱回收关键技术研究

17.Brief Analysis of Type and Structures of Two-legged and Four-legged Top Coal Caving Hydraulic Powered Support两柱与四柱放顶煤液压支架架型及结构浅析

18.Research on Longwall Rigid Separating Pillar Mining Technology of Small Colliery in YSF Field;榆神府矿区小煤矿长壁布置刚性隔离煤柱房柱式开采研究


anthracitic column mining无煤柱开采

1.The feasibility of application ofanthracitic column mining in this structure is proved.针对急倾斜临界角近距离薄及中厚煤层群开采的特点,对回采工作面煤层巷道矿压显现规律进行研究分析,并采用实验室相似材料模拟试验的方法,分析回采工作面采动影响范围和规律,论证了该煤层结构应用无煤柱开采的可行性,并对试验前后的顶板移近量进行量化对比,确定出合理的无煤柱开采技术参数。

3)Protection roads without pillars无煤柱护巷

4)pillarless fully-mechanized sublevel caving无煤柱综放开采

1.With the help of theoretical analysis,numerical calculation and in-situ observations,the structure around the tailentry in soft rocks and its deformation and failure regularity inpillarless fully-mechanized sublevel caving are mainly introduced.借助理论分析、数值计算、现场实测等方法,主要介绍了无煤柱综放开采沿空软岩巷道围岩结构及其变形破坏规律。

5)top coal drawing with non chain pillar entry protection放顶煤无煤柱护巷

1.Based on the method of finite element orthogonal test,this paper designs the experimental scheme and gives numerical model oftop coal drawing with non chain pillar entry protection.根据有限元正交试验法,设计了有限元正交试验方案,建立了放顶煤无煤柱护巷的数值模型;通过对计算结果分析,得出放顶煤无煤柱开采沿空巷道的布置参数和支护形式,可为放顶煤无煤柱护巷提供理论依

6)coal pillar煤柱

1.Dimension design ofcoal pillar with weak plane in strip mining;条带开采中含弱面的煤柱尺寸设计

2.Analysis on damaged width ofcoal pillar in strip extraction;条带开采煤柱破坏宽度计算分析

3.Study on influence of excavation sequence on the stability ofcoal pillar under final highwall with auger mining;到界边坡下螺旋钻机开采顺序对煤柱稳定性的影响研究


井筒煤柱开采随着开采深度的增加,立井井筒和工业广场煤柱(见矿柱) 的压煤量越来越大。过去井筒煤柱一般留而不采;有时在矿井报废前另建提运井巷进行开采,此法不经济;或采用巷道开采方法开采,回采率极低。自50年代起发展利用本井筒开采自身保安煤柱,并保持井筒功能的新技术,首先在德国和比利时试验成功。1960年以后,在波、苏、捷等国又得到进一步发展。特别是波兰,不仅开采了被井筒穿过的煤柱,而且开采了完全位于井筒之下的煤柱;不仅开采了生产矿井的井筒煤柱,而且对在建和新建成矿井的井筒煤柱也进行了开采试验。近十多年来,中国也进行了开采井筒煤柱的试验。如淮南矿区开采了急倾斜煤层井筒及工业广场煤柱。开采井筒煤柱时,井筒会发生下沉、偏斜、水平和垂直方向的拉伸和压缩变形,以及水平方向的位移和扭动。当井筒穿过含水地层时,如处理不当,还会发生井壁漏水现象。目前,波兰首创的"两步开采法"应用较广;第一步开采井筒周围的一小块煤层;第二步在全煤柱范围内用长工作面一次开采(见图)。方法有:①由煤柱一侧向另一侧回采;②由煤柱中心或稍偏离中心处向两侧回采;③由煤柱两侧向中心回采;④由煤柱一侧前后两个工作面跟随向另一侧回采。如井筒位于煤层一侧,可采用条带方法,并在井筒两侧进行等面积或体积的均衡开采,以减少井筒偏斜。开采井筒煤柱前,要对井壁及井筒装备采取防护措施:①挖去穿过所采煤层内的一段井壁,砌以防护木垛;②在罐道、梯子、排水管、压风管及电缆等管线中增设伸缩接头;③为减轻井壁的垂直变形,在所采煤层上、下一定距离的井壁上,应设置木砖压缩层。井筒煤柱范围内的地面建筑物和构筑物的防护方法,见建筑物下采煤。在井筒煤柱不能开采的情况下,有的国家在新井设计中采用加固井壁及工业广场地面建筑物的方法,以缩小深井筒和大工业广场的煤柱尺寸,减少压煤量。
