100字范文 > 大断面公路隧道 large cross section highway tunnel英语短句 例句大全

大断面公路隧道 large cross section highway tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-09 05:47:07


大断面公路隧道 large cross section highway tunnel英语短句 例句大全

大断面公路隧道,large cross section highway tunnel

1)large cross section highway tunnel大断面公路隧道


1.Design and Study on a 3-lane Expressway Tunnel with Large Cross-section Passing through Extremely Soft Rocks极软岩3车道大断面公路隧道设计与研究

2.Study on Load Mode of Road Tunnel with Extra-large Cross-section and Low Flat-ratio and Its Application;扁平特大断面公路隧道荷载模式及应用研究

3.Rheology Model Identification about Longtoushan Large Section of Highway Tunnel龙头山特大断面公路隧道流变模型辨识(英文)

4.With development of high grade highway in China, the three-lane highway tunnel with large cross section will be an important component for high grade highway.随着我国高等级公路的发展,三车道大断面公路隧道将成为高等级公路隧道的重要组成部分。

5.CFD Based Simulation Analysis on Research of Smoke Features of Vehicle Fire in Large Cross-section Road Tunnel;基于CFD模拟分析的大断面公路隧道汽车火灾烟气特性研究

6.CFD Based Simulation Analysis on Research of Temperature Properties of Vehicle Fire in Large Cross-section Road Tunnel;基于CFD模拟分析的大断面公路隧道汽车火灾温度特性研究

7.The Mechanical Response & Wall Rock s Stability Evaluation Study of Big Section Highway Tunnel;大断面公路隧道力学响应及围岩稳定性评价研究

8.The Study on the Smoking Disposition of a Fire in a Tunnel with a Big Section and the Features of Ventilation in It;大断面公路隧道火灾烟气分布与通风风速特性研究


10.Study on Construction Mechanical Behavior of Highway Tunnel with Large Section and Small Spacing;扁平大断面小净距公路隧道施工力学研究

11.Stimulation Analysis on Large Cross Section Extra-long Highway Tunnel Excavation采用ANSYS软件仿真分析大断面特长公路隧道开挖

12.Construction Technique for Loess Tunnel Puts on the Highway on Big Cross Sectio大断面黄土隧道下穿高速公路施工技术

13.Talking about Spread Excavation Technique for the Construction of Large-section Loess Tunnel of the Highway along the Yellow River浅谈沿黄公路大断面黄土隧道扩挖施工技术

14.The Technology Research of Large Section Tunnel Flame-retarded Asphalt Pavement特大断面隧道阻燃沥青路面技术研究

15.Technical and cost analysis of large-section railway tunneling;大断面铁路隧道施工技术与造价分析

16.The Analysis on Mechanism of System Rockbolts for the Flat and Large Cross-section Expressway Tunnel;扁平大断面高速公路隧道系统锚杆支护作用机理分析

17.Research on Ground Settlement Controls of Shallow and Large Section Loess Tunnel Through High Speed Highway;浅埋大断面黄土隧道下穿高速公路的地表沉降控制研究

18.Design Option for a Shallow Large Section Loess Tunnel Underpassing Expressway浅埋大断面黄土隧道下穿高速公路设计方案研究


extra-large cross-section and low flat-ratio road tunnel扁平特大断面公路隧道

1.With the development of road tunnel construction and assorting with muti-lanes freeways,extra-large cross-section and low flat-ratio road tunnel become a new shape in recent years.扁平特大断面公路隧道是近几年为适应多车道高速公路建设而发展起来的一种隧道形式。

3)large section tunnel大断面隧道

1.Taking for example of the excavation Pansteel Baima iron ore mine,the construction method and precautions forlarge section tunnel in fracture weak strata were introduced.以攀钢白马铁矿一期工程1600主平硐的开挖为例,介绍了在软弱破碎岩层中大断面隧道的施工方法及注意事项。

2.This paper is based on the construction of linjiangmen station tunnel of the Chongqing Jiaoxin Light Railway, the demolition shock absorption applied to urban shallow coveredlarge section tunnel in hard rocks under complicated conditions is introduced.以重庆轻轨较新线临江门车站隧道为例,介绍了复杂条件下城市浅埋硬岩特大断面隧道减震爆破施工方法,由于采用了一系列综合减震措施,开挖爆破对隧道周边围岩的影响降低到最小程度;在爆破设计中,掏槽眼增加了减震孔,周边眼增加了导向孔,采取隔孔装药方式,对提高炮眼利用率起到了良好的作用。

4)tunnel with large cross section大断面隧道

1.The numerical simulation of constructional mechanical responses of highwaytunnel with large cross section;大断面隧道施工力学响应数值模拟研究

5)large-section tunnel大断面隧道

1.The development of road needslarge-section tunnel badly.公路的发展迫切需要大断面隧道,通过介绍隧道基本开挖方法和辅助施工方法,并对全断面法、双侧壁导坑法、台阶法和中隔墙法进行了分析比较,选择了适合大跨度隧道施工的方法,为大断面隧道施工提供了参考。

2.In order to master the mechanical behavior of surrounding rock and lining support in shallow-depthlarge-section tunnel when tunneling, and provide scientific laws for safty construct in shallow-depth large -section tunnel.论文结合达成铁路宝石岩隧道和家乡沟隧道的工程实际,重点对浅埋大断面隧道在施工期间围岩和支护结构发生的力学行为进行研究,为浅埋大断面隧道的安全施工提供科学依据。

3.Consequently,the optimum bolts layout scheme oflarge-section tunnel in weak rock can be obtained at certain class of surrounding rock from the foregoing calculation results.采用有限差分程序FLAC分析软岩大断面隧道在同类围岩条件下用同一种方式开挖时,分别采取不同的锚杆布置方式时围岩应力分布、锚杆受力状态对围岩稳定的影响等,可以确定出软岩大断面隧道在一定的围岩级别下最优的布锚方案,并可为大断面隧道与地下工程的锚杆支护参数的优选、技术规范的修订提供参考。

6)large cross-section tunnel大断面隧道

1.The applicability of CRD construction method forlarge cross-section tunnels located in such geological conditions and the technical measures and machinery matching technology taken to achieve safe and rapid tunnel co.结合厦门翔安海底公路隧道陆域段大断面全-强风化花岗闪长岩隧道开挖施工工法、施工组织和机械化施工配套技术等施工手段的实施情况,介绍了大断面隧道CRD工法施工对该地层的适应性和实现安全快速施工的技术措施和机械配套技术。

2.On basis of summarizing the experience in the construction of the passenger-dedicated railway tunnels in China,the authors present the technical features of the construction thelarge cross-section tunnels and the selection of the excavation methods for the tunnels.通过对国内部分已建和在建客运专线大断面隧道的施工总结,结合生产实践,主要论述了大断面隧道的施工技术特点及开挖方法选择;并以合武铁路隧道施工为例,对隧道开挖方法进行了探讨;可为大断面隧道施工提供参考。

3.On basis of the statistics of construction oflarge cross-section tunnels crossing directly underneath existing Metro lines and the large number of monitoring data obtained in the job site,the author makes detailed analysis on the construction dynamics so as to provide reference for other similar works.对大断面隧道近距离穿越既有结构的施工状况进行了统计,并结合现场采集的大量监测数据,对施工动态进行了详细的分析,可为类似的工程提供借鉴。


