100字范文 > 培训有效性 training effectiveness英语短句 例句大全

培训有效性 training effectiveness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-13 01:03:23


培训有效性 training effectiveness英语短句 例句大全

培训有效性,training effectiveness

1)training effectiveness培训有效性

1.Obstacles for Organizations to Improve Training Effectiveness;组织提高培训有效性的障碍研究

2.This paper firstly introduce different methods of evaluatingtraining effectiveness , then focus on how to measure the economic value of training programs from aspects of cost and benefit, ROI and utility.本文将首先对培训有效性进行介绍 ,然后从经济价值的角度 ,介绍和分析了培训有效性的几种评估模型 ,并着重阐述了效用分析模型 ,并对其中的难点问题进行了相关探讨。


1.Theory Exploring of Elevation Validity about Teachers Training in Active Service;提高在职教师培训有效性的理论探讨

2.On the Validity of Teachers Training in Vocational Education;关于职业教育教师培训有效性的思考

3.Exploration on Five Basic Elements of Effecting on In-service Teacher Training影响教师培训有效性的五个基本环节

4.On Effectiveness of Managerial Strategy Training in English Teaching外语教学中管理策略培训有效性研究

5.Performance Analysis on How to Enhance the Validity of Training Programs for Countryside Teachers;提高农远教师培训有效性若干问题的绩效分析

6.Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Training in EFL Listening Learning;外语听力学习中元认知策略培训有效性研究

7.Study on the Effective School-based Training of Higher Vocational College Teachers;关于高职院校教师校本培训有效性策略研究

8.The Reasons of the Less Effectiveness of the Headmasters Training of Primary and Middle School in Our Country;我国中小学校长培训有效性不高的归因分析

9.A Visual Angle of Teacher Knowledge: an effective Interpretation of On-the-job Teacher Training;在职教师培训有效性的解读:教师知识的视角

10.On the Effectiveness of College Teacher Training;熔铸教学名师的高校教师培训有效性研究

11.Research on the Effectiveness of Authentic Assessment in ESP Training真实性测试应用于专门用途英语培训有效性的研究

12.Research on Middle-level Leadership Civil Servant Competency Training Effectiveness Model中层领导职务公务员胜任力培训有效性模型研究

13.How to Improve the Efficiency of Human Resources Training;如何提高人力资源培训过程的有效性

14.The effective way to training the public servants;公务员培训的有效方法——“双讲式”培训

15.An Empirical Study of Explicit Strategy Training and Efficient Reading关于直接策略培训与有效阅读的实证性研究

petence-based Training System and Research on Its Validity;基于胜任力培训体系及有效性实证研究

17.Research on the Effectiveness of Middle School Bilingual Teacher s Training Approach;中学双语教学师资培训途径有效性的研究

18.Development of School Master;个性化培训:中小学校长成长的有效途径


Training validity analysis培训有效性分析

3)Effective Training有效培训

1.Effective Training and Training Effectiveness;有效培训和培训的有效性

4)effectiveness of reading strategy training阅读策略培训的有效性

5)effectiveness of training培训实效性

6)effective teacher training有效的教师培训


