100字范文 > 抽排水 water pumping and draining英语短句 例句大全

抽排水 water pumping and draining英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-24 03:05:39


抽排水 water pumping and draining英语短句 例句大全

抽排水,water pumping and draining

1)water pumping and draining抽排水


1.The plane shapes of ground collapse hazard mostly appear as round, ellipse, rectangle and irregular shape etc.其中人为塌陷包括抽排水塌陷及采空区塌陷。

2.Research and application on new matching technology of drainage gas production by pumping机抽排水采气配套新技术的研究与应用

3.Design and Application of the Discharge system of Reverse Slopes in Complex Karst Tunnels复杂岩溶隧道反坡抽排水系统设计与应用

4.Discharge the water from light well point into site drainage directly.轻型井点抽出的水直接排入现场排水沟内.

5.Design of anti-seepage drainage system of underground powerhouse for Hongping pumped storage power station洪屏抽水蓄能电站地下厂房防渗排水系统设计

6.Type QJ submersible deep-well motor pumps are mainly used to lift under ground water, irrigation and industrial water supply.QJ 深井潜水泵主要用于抽取地下水,农田灌溉,工业给排水。

7.The allowable tolerances of interval between band drains, verticality and depth shall be ±15cm, not more than 1.5% and ±50cm respectively.用电子测深仪测量或抽检方式检验排水板打设的深度,按不小于30%比例抽检。

8.Spot checks conducted in2000 indicated that total sewage surpassed5.3 billion tons.在2000年进行的一项抽样调查显示,污水总排放量超过了53亿吨。

9.Pricing research of pumped storage power station under different operation modes in market for emission right;排污权市场化下不同运营模式的抽水蓄能电站定价研究

10.Analysis on Causes of siltation of Main and Branch Ditches in Jiaokou Chouwei Irrigation Area and Prevention-control Measures to It交口抽渭灌区排水干支沟淤积产生原因分析及防治措施

11.An Optimization Algorithm for Determining Pumped Storage Power Stations Energy Schedule in the East China Grid华东电网抽水蓄能电站电能计划安排方式优化算法

12.Chai Wan (S.W.) Pumping Station柴湾(海水)抽水站

13.supplemental pumping补充抽吸吸水源抽吸

14.exhaust blower discharge damper抽风机排出口调节门

15.extraction flow排气流量, 抽气流量

16.main scavenging pump主抽气泵,主排气泵

17.Jack, jack, pump the water,杰克,杰克,抽水,

18.sanitary ware, ie toilet bowls,etc洁具(抽水马桶等)


waterlogging water pumping and drainage涝水抽排

1.In the light of the waterlogging forming reasons in the built area and combined with the areal drainage conditions, the planning is considered to adopt the principle of high water level and high-speed drainage, low water level and low-speed drainage, andwaterlogging water pumping and drainage for prevention.该文介绍城市内涝灾害的形成原因,探讨城市治涝的设计标准,针对已建成区的内涝成因,结合地域排水条件,在规划中考虑采用高水高排、低水低排、涝水抽排的原则进行防治。

3)drainage pump station排水抽水站

4)Pumping and drainage of groundwater抽排地下水

5)water pumping and drainage of foundation pit基坑抽排水

6)pumping-drainage system抽排水系统


