100字范文 > 线阵探测器 linear-array detector英语短句 例句大全

线阵探测器 linear-array detector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-10 03:54:40


线阵探测器 linear-array detector英语短句 例句大全

线阵探测器,linear-array detector

1)linear-array detector线阵探测器

1.Based on thelinear-array detector with 1024 channels, pixels with bad and noise and large non-uniformity and non-linearity were identi.以1024通道线阵探测器作为硬件基础,对其存在的坏像元、噪声像元及其不一致性、非线性较大的像元和通道进行了识别,并对该探测器特性有了一个直观、感性的认识。


1.Design of CPLD-based driver of multi linear sensors基于CPLD的多线阵探测器驱动电路设计

2.Information acquisition technology of the 512 pixels GaN based UV Linear Detector512元GaN基紫外线列阵探测器信息获取技术

3.The design of the linear array detector and Cassegrainian optics is the critical part of the work.该项技术研究的关键是线阵列探测器和卡氏光学系统的设计。

4.The Research of Linear Photodetector to Fiber Grating Demodulation System基于线阵光电探测器的光纤光栅传感解调系统的研究

5.Primary Discussion on Linear-array Angle-spectrum Long-distance Detection Technique线列阵角度谱远程目标探测技术初探

6.Discussion on Synthesis Method of Array NaI(Tl) Detector γ-ray Spectrum阵列NaI(Tl)探测器γ能谱合成方法探讨

7.Detection and Control of Deviation Based on Linear CCD;基于线阵CCD传感器的跑偏检测与控制

8.The Research of the Intelligence Detect Method in Linear CCD and the Sensor;线阵CCD智能检测方法及其传感器研究

9.Simulation Study on Detecting Principles of Wedge-Ring Poor Pixels Detector楔环形贫点阵探测器探测机制仿真研究

10.lead-tin telluride detector arrays(热成像用的)铅锡碲化物探测器阵列

11.Research on Infrared Focal Plane Array Detector Key Technology;红外焦平面阵列探测器关键技术研究

12.The Discussion on Synthesis Method of Array NaI(Tl) Detector γ-ray Spectrum阵列NaI(Tl)探测器γ能谱合成方法研究

13.An Active/Passive Combined Array MMW Detector Based on Time Division时分式主被动阵列复合毫米波探测器

14.Research on detection method of infrared sensor array一种红外传感器阵列探测方法的研究

15.Design of fuze MEMS electrostatic detection array引信MEMS静电探测器阵列设计(英文)

16.320×256 InGaAs Short Wave Infrared Focal Plane Arrays Detector320×256 InGaAs短波红外焦平面阵列探测器

17.mercuric iodide X-ray detector碘化汞x射线探测器

18.EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Detector)能量弥散x 射线探测器


2048 linear array detector2048线阵探测器

3)LDA(Linear Diode Arrays)LDA(线阵探测器)

4)Single array detector单线阵探测器

5)Linear array detector线阵列探测器

1.The design of the linear array detector and Cassegrainian optics is the critical part of the work.该项技术研究的关键是线阵列探测器和卡氏光学系统的设计。

2.Design of X-ray linear array detector real-time imaging system;试验结果表明,X-SCAN X射线线阵列探测器可以实现16b it高速图像数据获取,空间分辨率可达0。

6)linear transducer array线性阵列探测器

1.A fast photoacoustic (PA) imaging system based on multi-elementlinear transducer array and phase-controlled focus method was developed and tested on phantoms.报道了一种基于相控聚焦的多元线性阵列探测器进行快速光声层析成像的方法和装置,并实现了模拟组织的光声层析成像。


核爆炸地震波探测(见核爆炸探测)核爆炸地震波探测(见核爆炸探测)nuclear explosion seismic detectionhebaozho dizhenbo tanee核爆炸地震波探测(nuclear explos,onseismie detecuon)见核爆炸探汉,l。
