100字范文 > 磁场参数 magnetic field parameters英语短句 例句大全

磁场参数 magnetic field parameters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-09 12:21:45


磁场参数 magnetic field parameters英语短句 例句大全

磁场参数,magnetic field parameters

1)magnetic field parameters磁场参数

1.Relationship betweenmagnetic field parameters and oxygen enrichment results;磁场参数与富氧效果的关系分析


1.Simulation of CZ and Optimizaton of Cusp Magnetic Field Character;勾形磁场中直拉硅单晶的模拟与磁场参数优化

2.Effect of magnetic field parameters on properties and microstructure of Fe5 overlay deposit磁场参数对Fe5自熔合金性能及显微组织的影响

3.Optimization on Stator Structure Parameters of Axial Field Flux-Switching PM Machine轴向磁场磁通切换永磁电机定子结构参数优化

4.Parametric Instal and Magnetic Field Analysis Based on Mine Dredger"s Non-contact Magnetic Mine Sweeping Formation扫雷舰非接触磁扫雷编队参数设置及磁场分析

5.Magnetic Field Analysis and Parameter Calculation in End Winding of Submersible Motor;潜油电机端部磁场的分析与参数计算

6.The Data And Test Method Of Switchgear for Field Circuit Breaker (FCB)用作磁场断路器的开关参数及试验方法探讨

7.Analysis of a New Magnetic-field Sensor Based on Polarized Parameters of Fiber Grating基于光栅偏振参数的磁场传感方法研究

8.Analysis of Technological Parameters of Traveling Magnetic Field Affecting Circulation Flow Rate in RH影响RH循环流量的行波磁场工艺参数分析

9.Solution of Magnetic Characteristic Parameters Using Analogizing Finite Element Method for Ferrite Core Inductor类比有限元法求解铁氧体电感器磁场特征参数

10.The Numerical Analysis of the Magnetic Field and Inductance of Controllable Reactor;交流可控电抗器的磁场及其电感参数的数值分析

11.Fast Convergence Pattern on Many Spaces for DPM with Optimal Parameters and Its Application to Electromagnetic Field Problems in the Multi Branch Domains多空间投影分解法及参数优化并在电磁场问题上的应用

12.Influence of steel grid parameter on its shielding effectiveness for indoor distribution substation钢筋网尺寸参数对配电房母排磁场屏蔽效能的影响研究

13.Identification of Generator Excitation System Models and Parameters Based on Site Test and Program Simulation基于现场试验及程序仿真的发电机励磁系统模型参数确认

14.New method of determining permittivity and permeability by scattering coefficients散射参数反演材料电磁参数的新方法

15.The relation of electric field and magnetic field to reference system;电场E和磁场B与参照系的关系研究

16.Influence of Permanent Magnet Cross Section Shape on Field-Control Parameters of Variable Flux Memory Motor永磁体形状对可变磁通记忆电机调磁参数影响

17.Calculation of Electrical Motor & Electromagnetic Fields电机电磁场的数值计算

18.Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields电磁场中的数值计算


EPR spectroscopy零磁场分裂参数

3)Geomagnetic field characteristic parameter地磁场特征参数

4)electromagnetic parameters电磁参数

1.Modified algorithm onelectromagnetic parameters test;一种改进的电磁参数测试算法

2.Measurement ofelectromagnetic parameters for microwave absorbing materials using transmission/reflection method;传输/反射法测量微波吸收材料电磁参数的研究

3.A method for the uncertainty analysis of measurement ofelectromagnetic parameters by employing the flow chart of error transfer;材料电磁参数测量误差传递流程图分析法

5)magnetic parameter磁参数

1.Contents and the each form of Pb,Cu,Zn,Cd,Fe,Mn andmagnetic parameters" values(χ,ARM,SIRM) were measured on a soil core collected near Shougang iron plant.探讨了利用磁参数追踪和指示重金属污染和有机结合态和铁锰氧化结合态重金属的可行性。

2.It was found that,in scientific research work,the realmagnetic parameter of rocks did not agree with the parameters measured by proton magnetometer.岩(矿)石标本磁参数测定结果的精确性直接影响磁异常反演精度,对正确推断地质结论具有特别重要的意义。

3.Because there is a difference between the test results with pulse excitation and standard sinewave excitation, the test system has been calibrated using the SY-8232 alternative B~H hysteresis curve test instrument in order to obtain the hysteresis curve andmagnetic parameters similar to those under sinewave excitation.由于脉冲励磁与标准正弦波励磁的测试结果存在差异,为得到相当于正弦励磁下的磁滞回线及磁参数,通过SY-8232交流B~H回线测试仪对测试系统进行标定,利用LabVIEW进行数据处理和分析,实现了误差修正。

6)electromagnetism parameter电磁参数

1.Effect of ZnO coating Fe_ (0.7)Ni_ (0.3)onelectromagnetism parameter;ZnO包覆Fe_(0.7)Ni_(0.3)对电磁参数的影响

2.Theelectromagnetism parameters of MWCNTs with different diameter types are study.系统地研究了不同管径类型的多壁碳纳米管在2~18GHz的电磁参数性能,结果表明多壁碳纳米管没有磁性,而且磁损耗也很小;部分碳管的介电常数实部和虚部随管径的增大而增大,而随频率的增加而减小,20~40nm和40~60nm的CNTs在一定频段范围内介电常数的虚部大于实部,使得其损耗角正切大于1,有利于吸波性能的提高。

3.Theelectromagnetism parameters are performed and compared with that of traditional carbonyl iron dust under low frequency.用磁控溅射方法制备了Fe/Si3 N4复合多层膜,利用SEM分析了其微观形貌,测试了其电磁参数,然后与传统吸波材料羰基铁粉比较了低频下的电磁参数。


安培环路定律(见磁场强度)安培环路定律(见磁场强度)Ampere"s circuital lawA rlpe{h口。)11L一dingILJ安培环路定律(Amp之re’5 CirC。ital law)见磁场强度。
