100字范文 > 屋顶钢塔 steel tower atop building英语短句 例句大全

屋顶钢塔 steel tower atop building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-05 19:32:28


屋顶钢塔 steel tower atop building英语短句 例句大全

屋顶钢塔,steel tower atop building

1)steel tower atop building屋顶钢塔

1.Under the different earthquake waves had time history analysis and comparison with three modes: the mode withoutsteel tower atop building,the mode only with thesteel tower atop building and with a TMD system of thesteel tower atop building.本文利用有限元软件SAP2000建立了某四层钢框架模型,对其未设置屋顶钢塔、仅设置屋顶钢塔及设置屋顶钢塔和TMD三种模型进行了不同地震波下的时程分析和比较。


1.Double Earthquake Damping Control Research of Vibration Isolation of Building Roof Steel Tower Bottom and Building Roof Steel Tower as TMD;屋顶钢塔TMD和塔底隔震双重减震性能研究

2.Analysis of Seismic Resistance of the Steel Tower Atop Concrete Frame;屋顶带钢塔的混凝土框架结构抗震性能分析

3.Spire: Steeply pointed termination to a tower or roof.塔尖顶:塔或屋顶上尖锐陡峭的顶部。

4.Cracking in Atmospheric Distillation Pipe of 304# Stainless Steel Material at Atmospheric Column Tower Top常压塔塔顶304不锈钢馏出线开裂分析

5.Leakage treatment in movement joint of a connecting steel bridge某屋顶花园跨楼钢桥变形缝渗漏治理

6.Integral Lift-up Method of Steel Mast in Sichuan TV Tower;四川广播电视塔钢桅杆整体顶升技术

7.a room (often at the top of a tower) where bells are hung.挂钟的一间屋子(通常是在一个塔的顶端)。

8.The cold domed room of the tower waits.塔里的那间冰冷、拱顶的屋子在等待着他。

9."gabled dormers added to spire faces, and steep pinnacles (vertical ornaments of pyramidal or conical shape) added to tower corners."在塔尖顶的面上加入三角形的屋顶窗;和加在塔边的陡直的小尖顶(角锥形或圆锥形竖向装饰)。

10."The church spire originated in the 12th century as a simple, four-sided pyramidal roof capping a tower."教堂塔尖顶起源于12世纪,原是一个加盖于塔顶的简单四边角锥形屋顶。

11.Characteristically, they feature pyramidal, domed or conical roofs built up of corbelled limestone slabs.石屋的特色是由石灰石板撑起的金字塔形、锥形、者球状的屋顶。

12.a thatched roof [cottage]葺草屋顶 [茅屋]

13.The steel roof has been coloured to match the finish of the original wrought iron.钢屋顶上了色,以便和原先的锻铁外观相搭配。

14.Analysis on Collapse of Arch Shell Roof Made of Large-span Pressed Steel Sheet;大跨度压型钢板拱壳屋顶倒塌事故分析

15.Integral stability analysis on steel roof structures of New Guangzhou Railway Station广州新客站屋顶钢结构整体稳定性分析

16.Hoisting Technology on Roof Steel Structure of Performance Center in Expo Shanghai China上海世博会演艺中心屋顶钢结构吊装技术

17.Anchorage of Steel Towers atop Buildings and Structural Analysis楼顶钢塔一种独特的锚固方式及受力分析

18.Dynamic Analysis for Steel Towers Atop Buildings of Different Ways of Anchoring;不同锚固方式下楼顶钢塔的动力性能分析


Large diameter steel tube tower built on building屋顶钢管塔

3)broach roof尖塔屋顶


5)color steel sheet roofing彩钢屋顶

1.By the improvement of process, the application effects of spraying the foam under thecolor steel sheet roofing in the environment temperature below 0℃ is good.介绍了彩钢屋顶硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料喷涂保温施工的优点 ,冬季低温环境下喷涂施工对原料、设备的要求 ,施工实例和施工效果 ,以及施工经验体会等。

6)steel towers atop buildings楼顶钢塔

1.A new way of anchoringsteel towers atop buildings and structural analysis;新型楼顶钢塔的锚固方式及其结构分析

2.In recent years, thesteel towers atop buildings have been adopted in many regions in our country with the development of communication business.目前国内这种组合结构体系的动力性能研究得较少,也尚无统一的抗震鉴定标准和设计规范可循,所以研究地震作用时楼顶钢塔的动力特性以及钢塔和主体结构间的相互影响作用成为工程实践不断发展提出的迫切要求。


