100字范文 > 碟形扁壳 dished shallow shells英语短句 例句大全

碟形扁壳 dished shallow shells英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-19 19:22:33


碟形扁壳 dished shallow shells英语短句 例句大全

碟形扁壳,dished shallow shells

1)dished shallow shells碟形扁壳

1.Nonlinear Local Stability of Dished Shallow Shells;碟形扁壳的非线性局部稳定问题

2.A theoretical analysis is presented for the snap_buckling behavior ofdished shallow shells under axisymmetric distributed line loads.本文对轴对称线布载荷作用下碟形扁壳的非线性稳定问题进行了分析,得到了各种常见边界条件下碟形扁壳特征关系的二次近似表达式·讨论了几何参数β,γ和k对非线性特性的影


1.On Local Stability of Dished Shallow Shells under Line Loads线布载荷作用下碟形扁壳的局部稳定问题

2.Vibration equations of the thick flat shells by transverse shearing deformation考虑横向剪切变形厚扁壳的动力方程

3.Nonlinear Mechanics Behaviors of the Shallow Reticulated Spherical Shell with Rectangle Underside;矩形底面扁球面网壳的非线性动力学行为

4.Numerical Simulation on Surface Deflection of Doublecurved Shallow Shell by Viscous Pressure Forming粘性介质压力成形双曲扁壳面畸变的数值模拟

5.Influence of deformation degree on the stiffness of automotive shallow shells变形程度对曲面扁壳类汽车覆盖件刚度的影响研究

6.quad flat package四列直插式扁平外壳

7.oval shape case卵形壳, 蛋形表壳

8.Hard eggs, squishy eggs, leathery eggs,硬壳卵、扁卵、皮革般外壳的卵、

9.Of or belonging to the phylum Nemertina(or Nemertea).扁形动物门的扁形动物门的或属于扁形动物门

10.Only a special kind of the large deflection of truncated shallow revolutionary shells with variable thickness had numerical solution because of intricacy.变厚度开顶旋转扁薄壳的大挠度计算因为复杂,仅见一种特殊情形的数值解答。

11.The coiled, flat, chambered fossil shell of an extinct mollusk belonging to the class Cephalopoda, which was abundant in the Cretaceous period.菊石,鹦鹉螺化石已灭绝软体动物的螺旋形、扁平的化石外壳,属头足纲动物,大量存在于中生代

12.The round, flattened seed of this plant.小扁豆这种植物扁平的圆形种子

13.ticks having a hard shield on the back and mouth parts that project from the head.背部有硬壳的扁虱,其硬嘴从头部伸出。

14.tick lacking a dorsal shield and having mouth parts on the under side of the head.背部无护壳的扁虱,嘴部分在头的下方。

15.and I"ll smash your skull between them like a walnut,把你的脑壳挤扁,就象轧碎胡桃一样,

16.Micro-Computer Program for Solving Flat Shells Using Spline Function Method样条函数法解扁壳的微型计算机程序

17.Nonlinear Thermal Buckling of Laminated Composite Shallow Spherical Shell;复合材料层合扁球壳的非线性热屈曲

18.Study on Static and Dynamic Performance of Hyperboloid Vierendeel Latticed Flat Shell双曲空腹扁网壳结构静、动力特性研究


dishing shell碟形薄壳

1.We study thedishing shell of revolution by regarding it as combination of a toroidal shell and a spherical shell,and establish respectively the complex variable equations of two shells.对于承受轴对称荷载的加筋碟形薄壳,壳体内力可分为薄膜应力和弯曲应力,可以先把筋条按某种准则“均摊”在壳体上,从而用有效薄膜厚度和有效抗弯厚度来分别代替壳体厚度,再分别利用含待定复系数的旋转薄壳复变量方程,递推代换求解薄壳的薄膜解;以及利用幂指数摄动级数近似法求解薄壳的抗弯解;并通过环壳球壳交接处的协调条件以及边界条件,联立求解薄壳复变量方程中未知的待定复系数,从而使问题得以解决。

3)stiffened torispherical shell加筋碟形薄壳

1.This paper presents an approximate analytic method for thestiffened torispherical shell with opening under uniform external pressure, that is, the equivalent spherical shell method.本文提出一种外压作用下开孔加筋碟形薄壳屈曲的近似分析方法──等价球壳方法。

4)globular lattice flat shell球形网格扁壳

1.The dynamic analyses ofglobular lattice flat shells with rectangular bottom;矩形底面球形网格扁壳的动力分析

5)rectangular reticulated shallow shells矩形网格扁壳

1.This paper deals with non-linear vibration ofrectangular reticulated shallow shells by applying non-linear elastic theory of such structures established by the author.本文运用作者已建立的矩形网格扁壳的非线性弹性理论,求解了该类结构的非线性振动问题。

6)Trangular shallow shell element三角形扁壳元


碟形 一.型态分析 碟形的股价与成交量变动情形和圆形反转形态差不多,标准的碟形是以一连串一个以上的圆形底的形态出现,后一个的平均价格要比前一个高,每一个碟形的尾部价格,要比开始时高出一些。[编辑] 二.市场含义 和圆形顶形态一样,碟形是代表着上升的意义,不过上升的步伐稳健而缓慢,并非是大幅抢升,股价每当升势转急时,便马上遭受回吐的压力,但回吐的压力不强,当成交量减少到一个低点时,另一次上升又开始。股价就是这样反复地移升上去。这型态告诉我们:(1)这是一个上升形态,每一个圆形的底部都是一个理想的买入点。(2)当碟形走势可以肯定时,股价波动的形式将会一直持续,直到图表上出现其他形态为止。[编辑] 三.要点提示 (1)盘型整理形态向上变动时,其价差通常从左端到右端增加10-15%,从碟形的右端到底部的价差约为20─30%,形成一个碟形所需的时间往往在5-7周之间,很少短于3周,因此整个上升过程显得稳健而缓慢。(2)从该形态的成交量可见,大部分投资者都在股价上升时购入(因此成交量大增);但当股价回落时,他们却又畏缩不前(因此圆形底成交减少)。其实,当分析者在图表上检视出这形态时,应该在成交量最低沉时跟进,因碟形总是在升势开始转急时回落。
