100字范文 > 二元不相容流体 Binary immiscible fluids英语短句 例句大全

二元不相容流体 Binary immiscible fluids英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-08 18:25:50


二元不相容流体 Binary immiscible fluids英语短句 例句大全

二元不相容流体,Binary immiscible fluids

1)Binary immiscible fluids二元不相容流体

2)High performence liquid chromatography二元流动相体系

3)binary fluid phase equilibrium二元流体相平衡

4)incompatible elements不相容元素

1.In this paper, the distribution, abundance and occurrence states of U in mantle xenoliths are studied by ~(235)U fission track method, and the movement of mantle fluids is revealed by means of U-tracer, which is a representative ofincompatible elements in the mantle.在此基础上进一步把铀作为不相容元素群的示踪剂(tracer),指示地幔流体在深部地幔岩中的活动轨迹。

2.On the contrary,the second type of peridotite,which contains metamorphic tectonic fabric,highly depletedincompatible elements(e.其中,第Ⅱ类橄榄岩的化学成分非常局限,高度富集Co,Cr,Ni,贫乏Ti,V,Cu,Y;亏损不相容元素(K+Na,Al。

5)incompatible element不相容元素

1.The fractionation and evolution of someincompatible elements in pegmatite veinNo.对三号伟晶岩脉某些不相容元素的分异与演化进行了研究,结果表明,岩浆作用中的不相容元素Nb、Ta的不相容性在花岗伟晶岩浆演化过程中已大大减弱,Nb、Ta独立矿物如铌钽铁矿、细晶石等能形成于伟晶质熔体的各个演化阶段。

2.It is pointed out that the metasomatism,melting of the previously formed minerals,and fill-in action of the mantle liquid rich inincompatible elements resulted in the formation of several new kinds of minerals existing in kimberlite in China and South Africa,including yimengite series,mathiasite series,K-Cr priderite,ar.指出富含硅酸盐不相容元素的地幔流体交代、熔融先期形成的矿物以及充填作用,形成了近年来我国和南非金伯利岩中发现的多种新矿物相,包括沂蒙矿系列、蒙山矿系列、K-Cr柱红石、阿玛科矿、Zr-Ti氧化物(锆钛矿)、REE-Ti氧化物(铈钛矿)等。

6)incompatible polymer blends不相容体系

1.The influence of staggered angle of kneading block in melt conveying section on the phase morphology ofincompatible polymer blends in a co-rotating twin screw extruder was studied.对啮合同向双螺杆挤出机,将捏合盘置于熔体输送段,通过改变捏合盘错列角,研究双螺杆挤出过程熔体输送段捏合盘错列角对不相容体系共混物相态结构的影响。


1.Study on Compatibilization Effects of Montmorillonite on Immiscible HDPE/PS Blends;蒙脱土增容HDPE/PS不相容体系的研究

2.Study on Immiscible Polypropylene/SAN Blends and Partly Miscible Polypropylene/K-resin Blends Compatibilized by Nano-CaCO_3;纳米碳酸钙增容不相容体系PP/SAN和部分相容体系PP/K树脂的研究

3.A system composed of the nearly immiscible liquids H2O and CCL4 has two phases.由几乎不相容的液体H2O和CCL4组成的体系具有二相。

4.The Morphological Evolution of Immiscible Polymer Blend Undercomplex Flow Field;复杂流场下不相容聚合物共混体系相形态学与流变学研究

5.It is biocompatible, meaning that it does not provoke the body"s immune system.褐藻酸盐具有生物相容性,意味它不会刺激人体的免疫系统。

6.Structural rheology of immiscible PET/PP blend聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯/聚丙烯不相容共混体系的结构流变学

7.A Study on the Morphology, Rheology and Conductivity of Carbon Black-Filled Immiscible Polymer Blends;炭黑填充不相容高分子复合体系的结构与性能研究

8.Study on the Morphology and Electric Conductivity of Polymer Blends Filled with Carbon Black;碳黑/二元不相容聚合物体系微观形态与导电性研究

9.The Relationship between Somatic Incompatibility and RAPD Analyzing in China Cultivated Strains of Pleurotus Ostreatus;中国栽培平菇品种的体细胞不相容性及与RAPD分析的关系

patibility of PVC/PS Blends with Melt SpinningPVC/PS熔融纺丝体系的相容性

11.Influences of compatibilizer on the morphology structure of PVC/PA6 blend systems相容剂对PVC/PA6体系形态结构的影响

12.HLA histocompatibility systemHLA组织相容性系

13.Study on Rheology of Partially Miscible Polymer Blend;部分相容聚合物共混体系的流变学研究

14.Study on the Influence of Compatibilizer on the Mechanical Properties of PC/ABS Blends;相容剂对PC/ABS共混体系性能影响的研究

15.Study on the Compatibility of PVA/SF Blend System and the Properties of the Membranes;PVA/SF共混体系相容性及其薄膜性能的研究

16.A Regulatory System for Land-use Compatibility: Theo-retical Analysis and Policy Proposals;对建立土地使用相容性管理规范体系的思考

17.Syntheses and Properties of Compatilizers for Starch/Polylactic Acid Blends淀粉/聚乳酸共混体系相容剂的制备及性能研究

18.Perfection and Development of Engine/Intake Compatibility Evaluate Criterion进气道/发动机相容性评价体系的完善与发展


High performence liquid chromatography二元流动相体系

3)binary fluid phase equilibrium二元流体相平衡

4)incompatible elements不相容元素

1.In this paper, the distribution, abundance and occurrence states of U in mantle xenoliths are studied by ~(235)U fission track method, and the movement of mantle fluids is revealed by means of U-tracer, which is a representative ofincompatible elements in the mantle.在此基础上进一步把铀作为不相容元素群的示踪剂(tracer),指示地幔流体在深部地幔岩中的活动轨迹。

2.On the contrary,the second type of peridotite,which contains metamorphic tectonic fabric,highly depletedincompatible elements(e.其中,第Ⅱ类橄榄岩的化学成分非常局限,高度富集Co,Cr,Ni,贫乏Ti,V,Cu,Y;亏损不相容元素(K+Na,Al。

5)incompatible element不相容元素

1.The fractionation and evolution of someincompatible elements in pegmatite veinNo.对三号伟晶岩脉某些不相容元素的分异与演化进行了研究,结果表明,岩浆作用中的不相容元素Nb、Ta的不相容性在花岗伟晶岩浆演化过程中已大大减弱,Nb、Ta独立矿物如铌钽铁矿、细晶石等能形成于伟晶质熔体的各个演化阶段。

2.It is pointed out that the metasomatism,melting of the previously formed minerals,and fill-in action of the mantle liquid rich inincompatible elements resulted in the formation of several new kinds of minerals existing in kimberlite in China and South Africa,including yimengite series,mathiasite series,K-Cr priderite,ar.指出富含硅酸盐不相容元素的地幔流体交代、熔融先期形成的矿物以及充填作用,形成了近年来我国和南非金伯利岩中发现的多种新矿物相,包括沂蒙矿系列、蒙山矿系列、K-Cr柱红石、阿玛科矿、Zr-Ti氧化物(锆钛矿)、REE-Ti氧化物(铈钛矿)等。

6)incompatible polymer blends不相容体系

1.The influence of staggered angle of kneading block in melt conveying section on the phase morphology ofincompatible polymer blends in a co-rotating twin screw extruder was studied.对啮合同向双螺杆挤出机,将捏合盘置于熔体输送段,通过改变捏合盘错列角,研究双螺杆挤出过程熔体输送段捏合盘错列角对不相容体系共混物相态结构的影响。


