100字范文 > 社会协同机制 social coordination mechanism英语短句 例句大全

社会协同机制 social coordination mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-08 19:44:43


社会协同机制 social coordination mechanism英语短句 例句大全

社会协同机制,social coordination mechanism

1)social coordination mechanism社会协同机制

1.Suggestions made by the article were to improve government′s supportive mechanism,enhance the internal governance mechanism of agricultural insurance organizations,and establish thesocial coordination mechanism between agricultural insurance undertakings and other participants.基于此,本文研究了我国农业保险经营机构的发展状况,分析其存在的共性问题及其形成原因,并探讨了如何构建促进农业保险经营机构发展的机制,即完善政府的支持机制,加强农业保险经营机构自身的内部治理机制,建立农业保险经营机构与有关各方的社会协同机制,以形成促进农业保险经营机构发展的"合力",推动我国农业保险事业的健康发展。


1.On Building Social Coordination Mechanism Model for Social Management;论社会管理的社会协同机制模型构建

petition and Synergy: Innate Mechanism of Forming a Harmonious Society;竞争与协同是构建和谐社会的内在机制

3.Operation Moving Mechanism of Sustainable Development Society: The Theory of Competition,Synergy and Harmony;可持续发展社会运行机制:竞争·协同·和谐理论

4.On Social Deliberative Mechanism of Trade Associations;论社会协商机制——以行业协会为视角

5.Research on the Linking Mechanism and Its Performance of Enterprise Synergy Innovation Network from the Angle of Social Capital社会资本视角下企业协同创新网络联结机制与绩效研究

6.Study on social capital in Public crisis collaborative governance;公共危机协同治理中的社会资本研究

7.Study on Constructing Coordination Mechanism of Jiangxi Social Benefit in Harmonious Society;和谐社会下江西社会利益协调机制构建研究

8.Interest s Coordination Mechanism under the Socialist Harmonious Society;社会主义和谐社会视域下的利益协调机制

9.Study of the Interests Coordination Mechanism in the Construction of the Harmonious Socialist Society;构建社会主义和谐社会的利益协调机制研究

10.On the Social Coordinating System of Socialist Market Economy;试论社会主义市场经济的社会协调机制

11.Harmonious Society: The Systematic Society under the Harmonious Operation of Three Mechanisms和谐社会:三种机制协调运作的系统社会

12.The Agreeable Mechanism of Forming a Socialist Harmonious Society;构建社会主义和谐社会的社会认同机制

13.Studies on the Mechanism of Benefit Coordination in the Vision of Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野下的利益协调机制研究

14.Improve Benefit Coordinating Mechanism,Promote Social Equity and Justice;完善利益协调机制 促进社会公平公正

15.To Perfect Society Moderate Mechanism,and to Integrate the Benefits Relation;完善社会协调机制 整合群体利益关系

16.Constructing Coordinate System and Promoting Realization of the Target of Harmonious Society;构筑协调机制 促进和谐社会目标实现

17.Interest Coordinating Mechanism between Harmonious Society and Public Policy;和谐社会与公共政策的利益协调机制

18.Interest Coordinating Mechanism in Political System and Harmonious Society;政治系统与和谐社会的利益协调机制


social coordination社会协同

1.The positive significance of social capital to economic development is built onsocial coordination.社会资本对经济发展的积极意义是建立在社会协同基础之上的。

3)Society moderate社会协调机制

4)social cooperation mechanism社会协作机制

1.A Social Cooperation based Multi-Agent Evolutionary Algorithm(SCMAEA) which integrates thesocial cooperation mechanism and multi-agent evolution for numerical optimization is proposed.借鉴社会协作机制,定义可信任度表示智能体的历史活动信息,控制智能体间的相互作用;引入"熟人关系网"模型构建和更新智能体的局部环境,利用多智能体之间的协作特性来加快算法收敛速度;并构造了非一致变异算子保证智能体种群的多样性。

5)agreeable mechanism社会认同机制

1.Forming a socialist harmonious society needs not only correct guidelines and policies, but also anagreeable mechanism.构建社会主义和谐社会,不仅需要制定执行正确的路线、方针、政策,还需要建立社会认同机制,其主要内容有:强化意识形态建设机制,坚持马克思主义指导思想的一元化;建立健全对党的路线、方针、政策的社会宣传和教育机制;建立政府与民间的信息沟通机制;建立公众利益表达、诉求机制等。

6)synergy chance协同机会


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
