100字范文 > 补偿机制 compensation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

补偿机制 compensation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-28 18:47:55


补偿机制 compensation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

补偿机制,compensation mechanism

1)compensation mechanism补偿机制

1.Study oncompensation mechanism of DSM investment;电力需求侧管理投入补偿机制研究

2.Study on ecologicalcompensation mechanism in water power development;我国水电开发生态补偿机制研究


1.An Analysis of the Foundation of Economic Principles of Eco-compensation Mechanism and the Methods of Compensation;生态补偿机制建立的经济学原理及补偿模式

2.Study on Watershed Ecological Compensation Standards and Ecological Compensation Mechanism流域生态补偿标准及生态补偿机制研究

3.The Compensation Mechanism Study on Land Acquisition--View from the Employment Compensation中国征地补偿机制——基于就业补偿视角分析

4.Studies on compensation system and measure for abstraction and return waters of construction project建设项目取退水影响补偿机制与补偿措施研究

5.A primary research on compensation mechanism for public non-profits seeking medical organizations;公立非营利性医疗机构补偿机制初探

6.The Role of Compensation Mechanism in Economic Restructuring;补偿机制在推行经济体制改革中作用

7.The Study on the Compensation Mechanism of Agricultural Natural Disaster Losses in China;我国农业自然灾害损失补偿机制研究

8.The Research on the Mechanism of the Electric Universal Service Financial Compensation;电力社会普遍服务资金补偿机制研究

pensating Mechanism of Ancillary Services in Electricity Market;市场条件下辅助服务补偿机制的研究

10.The Compensation Mechanism of Enterprise Annuity Management Risk;我国企业年金管理风险补偿机制探析

11.On the Research of Mechanism of Ecological Compensation of the West Line Project of South-to-North Water Division;南水北调西线工程生态补偿机制研究

12.Study on the Post-Compensation Mechanism for "Conversion of Farmland to Forests and Grassland" in Western China;西部地区“一退两还”后补偿机制研究

13.Exploration of Ecological Compensation System about the Regions of Zhangjiakou and Chengde;张家口、承德地区生态补偿机制探讨

14.The Discussion on Externality of Resources and Compensation System of Mining Cities;资源外部性与矿业城市补偿机制探讨

15.Studies on the ecological compensation of mineral resources in Henan province;对河南省矿产资源生态补偿机制探析

16.Study on Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Mineral Resources Utilization in Yunnan Province;云南矿产资源开发生态补偿机制初探

17.Ecological Compensation Mechanism for Mineral Resources Development;论构建矿产资源开发的生态补偿机制

18.The Study of Mechanism of Electric Universal Service Income Compensation;我国电力普遍服务收入补偿机制研究


compensation system补偿机制

1.Studies oncompensation system of water right transfer in Yellow River Basin;黄河水权转换中的补偿机制研究

pensation System on Realizing the Good Coupling between Ecological Construction and Economic Development in the Poor Rural Areas;农村贫困地区实现生态建设与经济发展良性耦合的补偿机制

3.The Establishment of the Inter-catchment s Ecological Compensation System;论流域区际生态保护补偿机制的构建——以闽江流域为例

3)compensatory mechanism补偿机制

1.The reform in China s medicine and health care system must be based on the establishment and perfection of the functioning mechanism includingcompensatory mechanism of medical units, macro regulating mechanism, management functioning mechanism within the medical units, and the contribution mechanism of medical insurance.我国医药卫生体制改革必须建立健全完善的运行机制 ,包括医疗机构的补偿机制、宏观调控机制、医疗机构内部管理运行机制和社会医疗保险分担机制。

2.The paper reveals that thecompensatory mechanism of the new rural cooperative medical system is a discrimi- nating mechanism.本文认为,现行的新型农村合作医疗费用补偿机制必然导致歧视问题。

4)compensating mechanism补偿机制

pensating Mechanism of Ancillary Services in Electricity Market;市场条件下辅助服务补偿机制的研究

2.At present,thecompensating mechanism of China s human capital isn t perfect and there is no positive correlativity between human capital value and income distribution.我国人力资本价值补偿机制尚不健全,人力资本价值与收入分配之间并未呈现一定的正相关关系。

3.This article analyzes the revenue and expenditure of 39 county hospitals in Jiangsu Province,expounds the importance and necessity ofcompensating mechanism.为此,提出了建立县级医院合理补偿机制的策略措施:保证财政补偿并对其投入方向有所调整、提高医疗服务价格、加强药品管制、降低运营成本等。

5)compensating system补偿机制

1.Through reviewing and summarizing of the modern China s reform, the paper theoretically expounds the reasons for shortage of the current reform s impetus, and puts forward fourcompensating systems for the further deepening of the reform.本文通过对当代中国改革的回顾和总结,从理论上阐述当前改革动力不足的原因,提出继续深化改革的四项措施:第一,建立合理的补偿机制;第二,确定实际应当获得补偿的对象;第三,建立间接的不完全补偿机制;第四,确立由改革受益阶层承担主要补偿成本的原则。

6)reimbursement mechanism补偿机制

parative study on New Rural Cooperative Medical Systemreimbursement mechanism at different economic and social development level:a positive research of Tangchang,Taixing and Ganyu in Jiangsu Province不同经济、社会发展水平下新农合补偿机制比较研究——基于江苏省太仓、泰兴、赣榆三地的实证分析


