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神志 spirit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-18 21:48:55


神志 spirit英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper discusses the correlation between the spleen-stomach andspirit.从生理、病理方面论述脾胃与神志相关的理论 ,并从历代医家对神志疾病的认识 ,以及现代研究等方面进行探讨。


1.His mind wandered when he had a very high fever.他发高烧时神志不清。

2.an alcoholic drink intended to wake one up early in the morning.晨起喝的清醒神志的酒。

3.The patient"s mind is lucid.病人的神志是清醒的。

4.He was perfectly sane when he committed the crime.他犯罪时,神志十分清醒。

5.These caused him to recover his balance sufficiently.这些使他神志清醒过来。

6.the more intelligent, the less sane.人越聪明,神志越不清醒。

7.She"s delirious, but has lucid intervals.她神志昏乱, 但时而清醒.

8.epilepsy characterized by paroxysmal attacks of brief clouding of consciousness (a possible other abnormalities).突发性癫痫神志不清楚。

9."Oh, can Pa have lost his mind?""哦,难道爸神志不清了吗?"

10.He raved in his delirium.他神志昏迷说胡话。

11.Perhaps the old woman was out of her head.老太婆也许神志昏迷了。

12.(of a person,his mind,etc)be inattentive,confused or delirious(指人、思想等)走神,胡思乱想,神志昏乱

13.Of, suffering from, or characteristic of delirium.失常的,精神错乱的神志失常的,遭受神志失常的痛苦的,或具有神志失常的特征的

14.I gave a shudder but felt fresher.我打了一个寒噤,神志立刻清爽了。

15.Enough stuff here to chloroform you.这里有的是足以使你神志昏迷的东西。

16.It is not easy to become sane."要神志健全,不是容易的事。”

17.Journal of Clinical Electroencephaloloyg临床神经电生理学杂志

18.Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.感恩是精神高尚的标志。


controlling mental and emotional activities主神志

3)spiritual diseases神志病变

1.After reading and analyzing articles onspiritual diseases in “Shi Re Bing Pian”,Xue Shengbai’s therapeutic methods,such as regulating Qi activity,removing internal heat by Tongfu,nourishing Yin-fluid,breaking and expelling blood stasis,clearing heart-fire and purging liver-fire,inducing resuscitation with herbal aromatics,were discovered.通过对《湿热病篇》有关神志病变的条文研读分析,发现薛生白在治疗神志疾病的过程中,运用了调畅气机、通腑泻热、滋养阴津、破滞通瘀、清心泻肝、芳香开窍等诸法,其立法制方巧妙精奇,对当前中医急症的临床治疗颇有指导意义。

4)Volunteer spirit志愿精神

1.Volunteer spirit is a spirit which means the individual, of his free will, with no promise of compensation, takes part in the development of human and society and perfects the community work.志愿精神是一种在自愿的、不计报酬的条件下参与推动人类发展,促进社会进步和完善社区工作的精神,它体现着个人对生命价值、社会、人类和人生观的一种积极态度。

2.Analyzing the complicated people s demand function has offered the new theory visual field for people to analyze the permanence of volunteer spirit.对"复杂人"进行需求函数分析,为人们分析NGO志愿精神的持久性提供了新的理论视野。

3.With the development of young volunteer action, the volunteer spirit is gaining wide spread.青年志愿者行动在全国广泛展开的同时,志愿精神也得到广泛传播,志愿精神得以发展的基础可以从我国所处的社会转型期的社会现实,以及伦理学和心理学角度来说明。

5)voluntary spirit志愿精神

1.Summary of the essay: In the transition period in China,thevoluntary spirit has a very crucial role for realizing the interaction management among government,market and civil society.在我国社会转型时期,志愿精神对实现国家、市场和社会三者的互动治理具有十分关键的作用。

2.Thevoluntary spirit is reflected in volunteers\" service as a sense of responsibility and dedication.志愿精神是志愿者在从事志愿服务中所体现出来的一种责任意识与奉献作风。

3.The article discusses the effects ofvoluntary spirit on personal harmony,person-to-person harmony,and social harmony.论述了志愿精神与个人和谐、人际和谐、社会和谐的关系,认为志愿精神对和谐社会构建的积极意义是通过促进个体自我和谐、人际和谐、社会和谐来体现的,从而也使得和谐社会的构建具有了可持续的合理的人文支持和行动机制。

6)holy will神圣意志


神志不定神志不定 神志不定 证名。神志异常症之一。见《千金翼方》卷十六。多因心气不足所致。兼见惊悸恐怖,恍惚健忘等证。治宜安神定志,用定志丸、宁志膏、《千金》镇心圆等方。
