100字范文 > 参保人数 the number of insured英语短句 例句大全

参保人数 the number of insured英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-20 21:10:18


参保人数 the number of insured英语短句 例句大全

参保人数,the number of insured

1)the number of insured参保人数


1.By the end of, the social security contributions and contributors have ranked the first in the country for consecutively7 years.社保费收入605亿元,增长26%增收125.6亿元,养老保险参保人数达到1700万人。

2.Analsysing Simply the System of Personal Data Protection of Germany--Referring to Federal Data Protection of Germany;简析德国个人数据保护制度——以《联邦德国数据保护法》为参照

3.Optimization and Ergonomics Design of Human-computer Keyboard保健型人机键盘的参数优化与工效学设计

4.The basic health insurance programs involved 94 million people, 17.7 million more than 2001.全国参加基本医疗保险人数为9400万人,增加1770万人。

5.method of retained members保持人数法 保持员数法

6.By the end of 1994, the total number of workers and staff participating in the unemployment insurance program had reached 95 million throughout the country.截止1994年底,全国参加失业保险的职工总数达9500万人。

7.The procession is shouting:‘ protect Xiamen! Join us!’ mobilizing citizens to join in. Numbers are increasing.游行队伍高喊”保卫厦门,加入我们!”动员市民参与,人数有所增加。

8.To save this contact data for future use or reference, specify a file name.要保存该联系人数据以备将来使用或参考,请指定文件名称。

9.Optimization of Technics Parameters of Welding Robot CO_2 Gas Protecting and Welding Based on the Neural Network;基于神经网络的焊接机器人CO_2保护焊工艺参数优化

10.Study on Simulation Methods of Pedestrian Leg Impact Safety and Bumper Parameter Optimization;行人腿部碰撞安全性与保险杠参数优化的仿真方法研究

11.The Dynamic Connection between Aging and Expenditure for Social Security Based on Nonparametric Statistics;基于非参数回归的人口老龄化与社会保障支出的动态关系研究

12.Course Maintain of Tracked Mobile Robot Based on Model Parameter Estimation基于模型参数估计的履带式移动机器人航向保持

13.By the end of 2001, the number of people participating in the general retirement security program saw a net increase of 207,000, thoroughly reversing the downward trend in the number of people paying contribution for the program.年末,全市养老保险参统人数净增20.7万人,彻底扭转了缴费人数负增长的局面;

14.Identification of Parameters and the Transformer Relay Based on Parameter Identification;参数辨识及基于参数辨识的变压器保护

15.People are flocking by hundreds to visit the place.数以百计的人前来参观。

16.Most of them joined the army.他们大多数人都参了军。

17.There was a large [small] attendance at the ceremony.参加典礼的人数很多[少]。

18.The sys tem, which is controlled by MCU, has the multi data display function.具有数据显示、数据保存和参数控制功能。


Member of medicine insurance参保人群

3)Insurance Participants参保人

4)insurance personnel参保人员

5)Retention parameter保留参数

6)shape-preserving parameter保形参数

1.The two of the four parameters are called shape parameters,the other twoshape-preserving parameters.构造了含有4个参数的分段三次有理样条函数(分子、分母均为三次多项式),其中2个参数称为形状参数,另外2个称为保形参数;通过调整形状参数可交互式修改曲线形状,适当选取保形参数曲线是保单调的。


