100字范文 > γ′-Fe4N纳米晶薄膜 nanocrystalline γ-Fe4N thin film英语短句 例句大全

γ′-Fe4N纳米晶薄膜 nanocrystalline γ-Fe4N thin film英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-05 17:24:27


γ′-Fe4N纳米晶薄膜 nanocrystalline γ-Fe4N thin film英语短句 例句大全

γ′-Fe4N纳米晶薄膜,nanocrystalline γ"-Fe4N thin film

1)nanocrystalline γ"-Fe4N thin filmγ′-Fe4N纳米晶薄膜

2)γ"-Fe4N thin filmsγ-"Fe4N薄膜

3)γ"-Fe4N thin filmγ"-Fe4N薄膜

1.γ′-Fe4N thin films were deposited on single crystal Si(100) substrate by DC magnetron sputtering using an Ar/N2 gas mixture(N2/(Ar+N2)=10%).采用直流磁控溅射方法,以Ar/N2(N2/(Ar+N2)=10%)为放电气体,在Si(100)单晶衬底上获得了γ′-Fe4N薄膜样品。

4)Nanocrystalline thin film纳米晶薄膜

1.The photoelectrochemistry properties of TiO 2 nanocrystalline thin films were studied.研究 Ti O2 纳米晶薄膜电极的光电化学特性 。

2.TiO 2 nanoparticles were synthesized by the forced hydrolysis of TiCl 4 in an aqueous solution, and the transient photocurrent properties of this TiO 2 nanocrystalline thin film electrode were studied in different electrolytes.采用 Ti Cl4 水解法制备 Ti O2 纳米微粒 ,并研究这种微粒形成的纳米晶薄膜电极的瞬态光电流特性 。

3.The photoelectrochemistry of α Fe 2O 3 nanocrystalline thin films with different thickness in KCl solution was studied.研究了不同α-Fe2 O3纳米晶薄膜厚度及不同光照方向时α-Fe2 O3/ ITO电极在 KCl溶液中的光电化学行为 ,发现当膜的厚度增加时 ,光电流响应减弱 。


1.Preparation and Photoluminescence of SiC Nanocrystal Films;SiC纳米晶薄膜的制备及发光性质

2.Structure of Nanocrystalline γ′-Fe_4N Thin Films and Their Magnetic Properties at Low Temperaturesγ′-Fe_4N纳米晶薄膜的结构及低温磁性

3.Layer by layer growth of CdTe nanocrystal thin films and its photoluminescenceCdTe纳米晶及层状纳米晶薄膜的生长及其光荧光性质

4.The Preparation of Si Doped ZnO Thin Films and Nano-crystals Si Embedded in Al_2O_3 Films by Magnetron Sputtering磁控溅射法制备Si掺杂ZnO薄膜及Al_2O_3包埋Si纳米晶薄膜

5.Study on the Dye-sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO_2 Solar Cells;染料敏化二氧化钛纳米晶薄膜太阳电池研究

6.Preparation of Nano-(Micro-) Crystal Thin Films on Self-Source Substrate;反应性基片上制备纳米(微米)晶薄膜

7.Investigation on Nanocrystalline Fe-N Thin Films Grown by Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering;直流磁控溅射纳米晶Fe-N薄膜的研究

8.Studies on Polycrystalline ZnO Nano-film Deposited by SILAR Technique;SILAR法合成ZnO纳米多晶薄膜的研究

9.Research on Process of Polysilicon Nanofilm Pressure Sensor多晶硅纳米薄膜压力传感器工艺研究

10.Design of Polysilicon Nano-Film MEMS Pressure Sensor Structure多晶硅纳米薄膜MEMS力敏结构研究

11.Development of Nanonized PZT Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator纳米晶PZT薄膜体声波谐振器的研究

12.Preparation and Characteristics of TiO_2 Nanocrystals and Thin Film and Study on Its Conversion of Light to Electricity;TiO_2纳米晶和薄膜的制备、表征及薄膜光电性质研究

13.Studies on the Preparation and Properties of ZnO Nanorod Thin Films by Solution Chemical Method;ZnO纳米棒晶薄膜的溶液化学法制备与性能研究

14.The Preparation and Characteristics of Titania Nanocrystals and Thin Films by Sol-Gel Process;溶胶-凝胶法TiO_2纳米晶与薄膜的制备及表征

15.Molecular Dynamics Simulation on In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Single-Crystal Si Film at Nanoscale;单晶硅纳米薄膜面向热导率的分子动力学模拟

16.The Effects of TiO_2 Nanometer Thin Film on Lens Epithelium Cells;TiO_2纳米光催化剂薄膜对晶状体上皮细胞的作用

17.Study on Conversion Oflighttoelectricity of Nanocrystalline TiO_2 Films Doped Moified by Dyestuff;染料敏化纳米晶TiO_2薄膜的光电转换性能的研究

18.Deposition of Nanograin Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films and Its Structural Characterization by Hot-Wall LPCVD;纳米多晶Si薄膜的热壁LPCVD淀积与结构特性研究


γ"-Fe4N thin filmsγ-"Fe4N薄膜

3)γ"-Fe4N thin filmγ"-Fe4N薄膜

1.γ′-Fe4N thin films were deposited on single crystal Si(100) substrate by DC magnetron sputtering using an Ar/N2 gas mixture(N2/(Ar+N2)=10%).采用直流磁控溅射方法,以Ar/N2(N2/(Ar+N2)=10%)为放电气体,在Si(100)单晶衬底上获得了γ′-Fe4N薄膜样品。

4)Nanocrystalline thin film纳米晶薄膜

1.The photoelectrochemistry properties of TiO 2 nanocrystalline thin films were studied.研究 Ti O2 纳米晶薄膜电极的光电化学特性 。

2.TiO 2 nanoparticles were synthesized by the forced hydrolysis of TiCl 4 in an aqueous solution, and the transient photocurrent properties of this TiO 2 nanocrystalline thin film electrode were studied in different electrolytes.采用 Ti Cl4 水解法制备 Ti O2 纳米微粒 ,并研究这种微粒形成的纳米晶薄膜电极的瞬态光电流特性 。

3.The photoelectrochemistry of α Fe 2O 3 nanocrystalline thin films with different thickness in KCl solution was studied.研究了不同α-Fe2 O3纳米晶薄膜厚度及不同光照方向时α-Fe2 O3/ ITO电极在 KCl溶液中的光电化学行为 ,发现当膜的厚度增加时 ,光电流响应减弱 。

5)nano-crystalline film纳米晶薄膜

1.A novel anode material of NPC battery:studies on photovoltaic properties of PbTiO_3nano-crystalline film;新型NPC电池阳极材料:PbTiO_3纳米晶薄膜的制备及其光电性能研究

6)nanocrystalline films纳米晶薄膜

1.PbSenanocrystalline films were deposited on glass substrates by chemical bath using the Pb(Ac)2 solution and Na2SeSO3 solution as the reactants.以Pb(Ac)2、Na2SeSO3分别作为铅源和硒源,采用化学浴法在玻璃衬底上沉积PbSe纳米晶薄膜。


Fe-C-O和Fe-H-O系平衡图铁及其氧化物与CO-CO2或 H2-H2O 混合气体达到平衡时的气相组成与温度的关系图(图1)。它是由实验测得的数据绘制的,是冶金过程物理化学常用的一种优势区图。图中三条线分别代表下列三个反应的平衡气相组成:570℃以下:Fe3O4+4CO3Fe+4CO2 (1)570℃以上:Fe3O4+CO3FeO+CO2 (2)FeO+COFe+CO2(3)3Fe2O3+CO─→2Fe3O4+CO2反应达平衡时的一氧化碳分压值太小,几乎与横坐标重合,图中未标出。如果实际气相组成pco/(pco+pco2)高于平衡组成,则反应将向右进行,此时反应式等号右边的固相是稳定的,左边的固相不稳定。图中每条线上方的区域就是该反应式右边固体的稳定存在区。这三条线将整个图划分为三个区域,即Fe、FeO、Fe3O4的稳定存在区。三条线交点是四相(Fe、FeO、Fe3O4及气相)共存点(见相图)。在钢铁冶炼过程中,常利用此图来确定在给定温度和气相组成条件下能够稳定存在的固相。此图还明确表明铁的各级氧化物是逐级转化的(见Fe-O 状态图)。由图1可见,在虚线(Fe-H-O平衡)与实线(Fe-C-O平衡)交点温度(820℃)以上,H2比CO具有更强的还原能力;在820℃以下,则正相反。CO对铁还有渗碳作用。当气体中的比值pco/(pco+pCO2)超过反应(4)的平衡组成时,会发生铁的渗碳反应:2CO(气)─→CO2(气)+[C] (4)[C]表示溶解于铁中的碳。图2绘出了一系列 [C]含量下渗碳反应达到平衡时的气相组成与温度的关系曲线。此图直接示出在给定温度和[C]含量的情况下,气相对铁是渗碳还是脱碳。这类问题在钢的热处理时经常遇到。FeO是非化学计量化合物(见Fe-O 状态图),其中氧含量与其平衡气相组成的关系也在图2中绘出。
