100字范文 > 医疗保险制度 medical insurance system英语短句 例句大全

医疗保险制度 medical insurance system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-06 10:41:12


医疗保险制度 medical insurance system英语短句 例句大全

医疗保险制度,medical insurance system

1)medical insurance system医疗保险制度

1.Analysis of the Impact of Medical Insurance Reform on Hospital Running Reform of Medical Insurance System;医疗保险制度改革对医院运行状况影响的分析

2.The shortcomings of the currentmedical insurance system;我国医疗保险制度的缺失

3.The Research on Reformational Obstacle of Rural Medical Insurance System in China;我国农村医疗保险制度改革的障碍研究


1.System of medical insurance for urban workers城镇职工医疗保险制度

2.Perfecting Medical Insurance System to Share the Burden of Medical Risk健全医疗保险制度 实现医疗风险合理分担

3.Research on the Transition Conditions from Rural Cooperative Medical Service System to Medical Service Insurance从合作医疗制度向医疗保险制度变迁的条件

4.The risk and avoidance of medical insurance system in urban and town residents;城镇居民医疗保险制度的风险及规避

5.The discussion of health insurance institution and health system reform;浅谈医疗保险制度与医疗卫生体制改革

6.Medical Care Demand for the elderly and Reform of Medicare Insurance System老年人口的医疗需求和医疗保险制度改革

7.How to Establish the Supervise System of Medical Services Under the Medical Insurance System;医疗保险制度下医疗服务监督指标体系的建立

8.medical insurance for urban workers城镇职工医疗保险制度改革

9.the basic medical insurance system for urban employees城镇职工基本医疗保险制度

10.An Optimization Study on the Social Medical Insurance System of Chengde City;承德市市本级医疗保险制度优化研究

11.American s Health Insurance Reform by Clinton s Government;美国克林顿政府的医疗保险制度改革

12.Further Research of Reforming Medical Insurance System of the Employee in China;深化我国职工医疗保险制度改革分析

13.Building and Improving Medical Insurance System in Urban Areas;建立与完善城镇医疗保险制度的思考

14.The Problems and Solutions of Xinjiang Medical Insurance System;新疆医疗保险制度存在的问题及对策

15.The Investigation and Thought of Accomplishing Social Medical Treatment Insurance System;完善社会医疗保险制度的调查与思考

16.Analysis of Contract Economic in Reform of Medical Insurance System;医疗保险制度改革的契约经济学分析

17.Analyzing the deficiencies in basic medical insurance system for urban employees;城镇职工基本医疗保险制度缺陷分析

18.The countermeasures for perfecting China s medical insurance system;进一步完善我国医疗保险制度的对策


Medical insurance method system医疗保险法制度

3)medicare system社会医疗保险制度

1.Through the survey research of social appraisement onmedicare system reformation in Wuhan and the system s influence on the town residents, we got the information about people s recognition to present system and discovered what current system need to be improved.通过武汉市医疗保险制度改革对城镇居民就医影响及其社会评价进行调查分析,获知社会成员对现行社会医疗保险制度的认同度,发现现行制度尚需完善之处,从制度社会效应的角度反思我国的医疗保障制度改革。

4)medical insurance payment system医疗保险支付制度

5)basic medical insurance system基本医疗保险制度

1.To explore the payment control of disease underbasic medical insurance system;探讨基本医疗保险制度下的病种费用控制

2.This paper is interested in the following phenomenon: the medical frameworks pay attention to if the patient has taken part in the Basic Medical Insurance System; A lot of people have so many miseries in the medical fees, but at the same time, always a few people waste the limited medical resources.本文着眼于现实医疗市场中,医疗机构对患者基本医疗保险参保身份的关注,大量人群有病不敢看和部分人投机取巧、浪费卫生资源同时并存的现象,选取武汉市一家医保定点医院两个专业科室的主要病种,考察其在某一时间段内所有住院病人的费用清单和病历,从诊疗行为的结果角度对参保病人和非参保病人进行对比统计分析,旨在发现:在基本医疗保险制度下,被排除在制度外的人群在医疗服务的可及、可得方面(特别是医疗费用负担状况)与参保人群相比是否不公平; 两群体医疗需求满足情况如何; 以及在武汉市现行的基本医疗保险政策下,诊疗行为中存在哪些道德风险。

6)Employee health care insurance system职工医疗保险制度


