100字范文 > 医疗救援 medical rescue英语短句 例句大全

医疗救援 medical rescue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-10 18:24:30


医疗救援 medical rescue英语短句 例句大全

医疗救援,medical rescue

1)medical rescue医疗救援

1.Strategy ofmedical rescue during Wenchuan earthquake“5.12”汶川地震医疗救援思考及对策

2.The article made a summary on the quality management experience of the field hospital emergency ward during themedical rescue in Indonesia and Pakistan.为加强野战医院急诊室的质量管理,本文总结了印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦救援期间野战医院急诊室的质量管理经验,探讨通过实施"整体、有序、协调、动态"的质量管理原则,建立完善的危重患者抢救程序,准确、及时的检伤分类,有效、灵活的国际救援合作机制,稳定、实时的质量监控方法,提高国际医疗救援中危重患者抢救水平。

3.Medical rescue is urgent and masses of materials, equipments and professionals should be sent to immediately.地震对人类危害巨大,其主要特点是瞬间造成大量人员伤亡,急需派遣大量人员和物资进行救援, 其伤员在地域分布、挖掘、抢救及伤病种类等方面都有特殊性,对医疗救援要求高,并已成为一个突出的社会 医学问题。


1.Medical Emergency Relief International国际紧急医疗救援组织(医救组织)

2.hospital buildings will be built or renovated to meet the requirements of the Paralympic Games.加强医疗救援体系建设,健全急救网络;

3.Clinical Medicinal Engineering Support in Disaster Relief Medicine灾害救援医学的医学工程支持——汶川地震医疗救援的体会

4.Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用

5.The role of emergency medical team in the rescue and relief effort after an earthquake从地震医疗救援的角度看应急医疗队的作用

6.Strategy of medical rescue during Wenchuan earthquake“5.12”汶川地震医疗救援思考及对策

anization and administration of medical remedy net after earthquake地震后医疗救援分级救治的组织与实施探讨

8.Discussion on the training of specialist nurses in disaster nursing from Wenchuan Earthquake practice从汶川地震紧急医疗救援实践探讨我国灾害救援护士的培养

9.Management of Nursing Resources in Field Hospital during Medical Rescue in Earthquake地震医疗救援中野战医院护理人力资源的管理

10.Investigation into the Practice of Ensuring a Steady Blood Supply for Medical Rescue during the Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震医疗救援血液保障的实践与探索

bined Medical Support System of Army and Local Governments During Earthquake Disasters地震灾害军地一体化医疗救援体系探讨

12.Preparation Work of Medical Relief against Cyclone in Southeast Asia赴东南亚某国抗强热带风暴医疗救援准备

13.Investigation of administration strategy of locate medical team after earthquake disaster地震现场医疗救援队的组织救护任务与物质保障探讨

14.A Mental Health Survey of Medical Staffs Who Took Part in Rescue in Disaster Area after Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震后一年参与灾区医疗救援医务人员的心理健康状况调查

15.General psychic reaction of the health care staff directly involved in the 5·12 Wenchuan earthquake relief work and the possible coping strategies5·12汶川大地震医疗救援人员常见心理反应及干预措施

16.On the Emergency Medical Treatment on the Fire Rescuing Spot;论消防部队抢险救援现场的医疗急救

17.Aiding medical teams" function and organization in course of rescue of earthquake casualties外援医疗队在地震救援中的地位与作用

18.Analysis of the Rescue Patterns and Procedures of Foreign Medical Teams Following the Wenchuan Earthquake汶川大地震境外医疗队救援模式及流程分析


rescue medical vehicle医疗救援车

3)disaster emergency rescue救援医疗队

1.Thedisaster emergency rescue is compared with the mobile medical service from the security objects,the standards of equipment,the training content and the evaluation standards.从保障对象、装备配备标准、训练内容及评估标准等方面比较了救援医疗分队训练与机动卫勤分队训练的不同之处,从训练内容、训练方式和组织、配备装备共享等方面阐述了其相同之处,并从加强组织领导、增加行动内容、加大投入力度、军事训练与考核大纲相协调等方面提出了如何将救援医疗队与机动卫勤分队训练及装备更好相结合。

4)Medical relief model医疗救援模式

5)Medical succor system医疗救援体系

1.Establishment of emergent medical succor system for disasters and accidents;构架灾害事故的紧急医疗救援体系

6)emergency medical rescue紧急医疗救援

1.Then the author put forward some experiences aboutemergency medical rescue in heavy earthquake to do good work combining with the practice of medical rescue in Wenchuan earthquake.本文通过对地震救援卫勤保障的特点与难点的分析,结合军队医院医疗队参加汶川地震医疗救援实践,提出了特大地震紧急医疗救援的六点体会,探讨做好地震医疗保障。

2.Aiming at the special circumstances, a forward first-aid unit composed of five doctors and nurses should be established to giveemergency medical rescue with rescuing emergent equipments and medicine packed in portable packages such as portable respiring machine, defibrillator and oxygen device at the battlefront.针对这种特殊情况,由5名医护人员组成前出急救单元,以背囊的形式携带便携式呼吸机、除颤仪和氧气装置等急救装备和药品,深入一线进行紧急医疗救援,可以明显提高伤病员救治的成功率,降低死亡率和伤残率。


豹式坦克救援车(救援豹)(sd.kfz.179)Image:1173451085646707.jpg 豹式坦克救援车(救援豹)(sd.kfz.179)

技术数据:名称:坦克救援车(救援豹)panzerbergewagen (bergepanther) (sd.kfz. 179)型号: vk.3002(man)制造商:man,henschel(亨舍尔),demag制造时间:1943-1945发动机:maybach "hl 230 p30"功率:600/700(ps)单位功率:14/16.3(ps/t)最高速度:55km/h(公路),45.7km/h(丘陵)正常速度:33km/h(公路),25km/h(丘陵)车长:8860mm车宽:3270mm车高:2700mm车重:43吨(战斗状态)燃料箱容量:1075l耗油量(l/100km):280(公路),700(丘陵)行程:320km(公路),160km(丘陵)最大爬坡:35度乘员:3装甲:前部:80mm 35度两侧:40mm 50度后部:40mm 90度底部:15mm 0度车载主武器:1门 2 cm kwk 38车载副武器:1挺7,92 mm mg 34
