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主机 main engine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-07 18:03:36


主机 main engine英语短句 例句大全

主机,main engine

1)main engine主机

1.Analysis to some faults on marinemain engine;几例船舶主机故障现象及其分析

2.Realization of frequency conversion governor of a marinemain engine based on PLC;基于PLC的船舶主机变频调速器的实现

3.Analysis to the cause of stopping up ofmain engine s oil channel;某轮主机油道堵塞原因分析


1.Host &Application主机应用程序(&A)

2.Hostname or IP Address主机名或ip 地址

3.Mainframe computers were very large indeed,计算机主机确实很大,

4.alternating current shaft generator主机)轴带交流发电机

5.microcomputer remote control system for mainengine微机控制主机遥控系统

6.List of hosts without proxy: (host:port, ...)没有代理的主机列表:(主机:端口, ...)

7.Connect to a host and select a cluster on that host连接到主机,并选择主机上的一个群集


9.Marine Multi Main Engine Supervision and Control System Based on DSP;基于DSP的多主机舰船主机监控系统

10.Connect Looking up host %.256s连接正在查找主机%.256s

11.AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface高级主机控制器接口

12.distance by engine revolutions按主机转数计算的航程

13.Connect Please enter password for host连接请输入主机的口令

14.microprocessor master/master operation微处理机主-主操作

15.microprocessor master/master system微处理机主-主系统

16.central file on - line中心[主]文件联机

17.the College of Cardinals,ie the whole group of them,esp as advisers and electors of the Pope(天主教)枢机主教团;(尤指)红衣主教团.

18.The College of Cardinals, ie the whole group of them, esp as advisers and electors of the Pope(天主教)枢机主教团;(尤指)红衣主教团



1.Research ofhost intrusion detection technique and system design;主机入侵检测技术研究与系统设计

2.Design and Implementation of Host Intrusion Detection System Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的主机入侵检测系统的设计与实现

3.Research of Intranet Host Firewall;企业网中主机防火墙技术的研究

3)host computer主机

1.Implementation of new arithmetic forhost computer about defense DoS attack;基于主机资源耗损分析防御DoS攻击的算法及实现

2.Based on the time and attendance system, under the mode of asynchronous communication, we are ready to take Cyclical Redundancy Check to control the communication errors between thehost computer and the secondary computer.本文是基于考勤门禁系统,在主从机在异步通讯方式下,针对从机主动请求,主机应答的状况,采用CRC校验码对通讯系统中的差错进行控制,同时给出了用软件实现CRC校验码的方法。

3.During the hardware upgrading of the third party computer products for the engineer and operator stations of the boiler combustion management system, the following problems emerged: the computer could not identify the large capacity disc, thehost computer of the operator station hung up abnormally and the communication broke up frequently.针对湛江发电厂锅炉燃烧管理系统工程师站 /操作员站第三方计算机产品硬件升级更换中的问题,分析计算机无法识别大容量硬盘、主机死机、通信离线的原因,并提出解决问题的技术措施,为同类设备的升级改造提供借鉴。


1.Calculation of power consumption of themainframe in refiner;热磨机主机功率消耗计算

2.This paper introduces the development of the screw air compressormainframe for the urban rail vehicles based on the theory calculation,structure design and experiment validation of the 1.6 m3螺杆空压机的理论计算、结构设计、试验验证等方面介绍城轨车用螺杆空压机主机的研制情况。

3.\"National Medical Staff Insurance System based on SOA and solution on IBM Mainframe\" through service-oriented architecture(SOA), make use of service-oriented technique, provide a new solution to integrate medical insurance system with every areas, every periods and different policies through incompact coupling of service reassembly and reintegrated.“基于SOA的全国职工医保系统IBM主机实施方案”从面向服务软件体系(SOA)的角度,利用面向服务的技术,通过将服务进行松耦合的不断重组、集成以适应各个地方,各个时期,不同的医保制度。


1.This paper is mainly concerning the system of auto-matic meter reading system which employ master - end andslave- end processor structure .本文介绍了一种远程抄表系统的设计与实现,该系统采用主从式结构,主机用于数据的管理,从机是以单片机为核心的采集器,用于数据的采集,并以C-M-BUS总线,完成了主机与从机的数据通信,实现居民小区水、电、煤气耗能计量的自动管理。

2.The functional characteristics of ASI master are firstly illustrated.首先介绍了ASI主机的性能特点 ,然后具体描述了主机的硬件电路和通信协议。

6)master computer主机

1.It is composed of nursingmaster computer,follow computer,RS485,the acousto-optic warning,LED and so on.系统由护理主机、呼叫分机、RS485总线通讯声光报警及LED显示等组成。


主机1.在成套动力设备中起主要作用的机器。 2.即长机。率领和指挥机群或僚机执行任务的飞机。
