100字范文 > 高压换流 high-voltage commutation英语短句 例句大全

高压换流 high-voltage commutation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-19 10:26:08


高压换流 high-voltage commutation英语短句 例句大全

高压换流,high-voltage commutation

1)high-voltage commutation高压换流


1.Main Technical Principles for Combining HV AC and DC Converter Station Construction高压换流站交、直流合建主要技术原则

2.Discussion On ±800 kV UHV Converter Station Noise Control±800kV特高压换流站噪声控制探讨

3.Simulation and Study on Switching Overvoltage and Arrester Application at DC Side of ±800kV UHVDC Converter Station;±800kV特高压换流站直流侧操作过电压仿真与避雷器配置方案研究

4.Wide-band Modeling of Converter Systems in HVDC Converter Stations高压直流换流站换流系统宽频建模研究

5.Study on the Noise Control Scheme for UHVDC Converter Stations特高压直流换流站噪声控制方案研究

6.Partial Discharging Test Research on Converter Transformers in Gaoling Converter Station高岭换流站换流变压器局部放电试验分析

7.HVDC test is one of routine tests on the converter transformer.高压直流试验是换流变压器的例行试验之一。

8.Insulation Structure of Lead-Out Wire for HVDC Converter Transformers高压直流换流变压器引出线的绝缘结构

9.Summarization of Converter Transformer Operation and Maintenance of EHVDC Power Transmission Systems超高压直流输电系统换流变压器运行维护总结

10.Arrester Protection at Valve-side of Highest Potential Converter Transformer in ±800 kV UHVDC Project±800 kV特高压直流换流站最高端换流变阀侧避雷器保护研究

11.Time-domain Simulation of Conducted EMD Caused by HVDC Valves in Substations高压直流换流站中换流阀传导骚扰时域仿真分析

12.Over-current Failure Mechanism of IGBT Within Voltage Source Converter Based High Voltage Direct Current电压源换流器高压直流输电装置中IGBT的过电流失效机制

13.Multi-load model for reliability assessment of HVDC converter高压直流换流器的多载荷可靠性评估模型(英文)

14.Development and Application of Loss Calculation Software for HVDC Converter Station高压直流换流站损耗计算软件的开发和应用

15.Research on Harmonic Models of Convertor in UHVDC Transmission System;特高压直流输电三脉动换流器模型的研究

16.The Choose of the Main Electrical Connection in ±800kV YUN-GUANG UHVDC Transmission Project±800kV云广特高压直流输电工程换流站主接线选择

paring Research on HVDC Transmission Systems with the Capacitor Commutated Converters基于CCC换流器的高压直流输电的比较研究

18.Research on Control System Design for HVDC Convertor Station高压直流输电换流站控制系统设计研究


HVDC converter stations高压换流站

3)high voltage changing current valve高压换流阀

4)HVDC converter station高压直流换流站

1.Analysis of eddy current losses and shielding effectiveness in the valve hall blocking materical ofHVDC converter station;高压直流换流站阀厅穿墙套管封堵材料的涡流损耗和屏蔽效能分析

5)HVDC converter高压直流换流器

6)UHVDC converter station特高压直流换流站


