100字范文 > 雕塑薄膜 sculptured thin film英语短句 例句大全

雕塑薄膜 sculptured thin film英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-05 18:44:57


雕塑薄膜 sculptured thin film英语短句 例句大全

雕塑薄膜,sculptured thin film

1)sculptured thin film雕塑薄膜

1.Micro/nano-structuralsculptured thin films (STFs) are anisotropic functional films by means of glancing angle deposition (GLAD) with the rotation of substrate.微纳结构雕塑薄膜是在低温环境下采用倾斜角沉积技术再辅以基片的运动而制备得的各向异性功能性薄膜。


1.Effects of Heat Treatment on TiO_2 Sculptured Thin Films Birefringence Prepared by Electron Beam Deposition热处理对电子束蒸发TiO_2雕塑薄膜双折射性能的影响

2.Translucent sculpture--the use of translucent resin cubes in sculpture;透明的雕塑——薄块透明树脂在现代雕塑中的意义

3.automatic plastic bag film seaming and cutting machine塑料薄膜袋自动封剪机

4.boilable (film) bag可煮的塑料(薄膜)袋

5.plastic film continuous sealing machine塑料薄膜连续封口机

6.stacked plastic film capacitor叠片塑料薄膜电容器

7.as well as the four major types, there are engraved porcelain, eggshell china, full-color porcelain and many other products.四大名瓷以外,还有雕塑瓷、薄胎瓷、五彩瓷等。

8.carved or cast sculpture/relief artwork雕刻或雕塑/浮雕饰品

9.Sculptors take orders for statues.雕塑家们承雕塑像;

10.A thin, flexible, transparent sheet, as of plastic, used in wrapping or packaging.薄膜如塑料的薄的、柔软的并且透明的用于裹或包装的薄膜

11.Blow Molding Process of Biodegradable Plastic Film and Its Properties生物降解塑料薄膜吹塑工艺及其性能研究

12.Plastics--Film and sheeting--Determination of the confficients of frictionGB/T10006-1988塑料薄膜和薄片摩擦系数测定方法

13.Determination of thickness of plastic film and sheeting by mechanical scanningGB/T6672-1986塑料薄膜和薄片厚度的测定机械测量法

14.chest, traveling, of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials旅行箱,塑料薄膜或纺织品制

15.document case, of sheeting of plastics or of textuile materials文件箱,塑料薄膜或纺织品制

16.haversack of sheeting of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials背包,塑料薄膜或纺织材料制

17.dressing case, of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials化妆箱,塑料薄膜或纺织材料制

18.kitbag, of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials长形用具袋,塑料薄膜或纺织材料


plastic membrane塑料薄膜

1.This article introduces a method to determine theplastic membrane tensile modulus by using a normal mart electron tensile testing machine and computers.文章介绍了一种利用普通的智能电子拉力试验机配以计算机来计算塑料薄膜拉伸弹性模量的方法。

3)Plastics Film塑料薄膜

1.Advances of extrusion equipment for plastics film, including blown film lines, biaxially oriented film lines, calendered film lines and various accessories such as dies,air rings,screenchangers,melt bumps, are introduced.介绍了近年来塑料薄膜生产设备的最新进展 ,包括挤出吹塑薄膜设备、双向拉伸薄膜设备、流延设备以及各种辅机 ,包括机头、风环、牵引、换网器等的技术进展。

2.When a biaxially oriented plastics film is breadthwise stretched, the distribution of the crystallizability affected by the temperature and stress will be the most important factor of the thickness distribution.本研究主要针对的是双向拉伸塑料薄膜横向拉伸成型技术,包括对横向拉伸后的应力以及相对结晶度分布的研究。

4)plastic film塑料薄膜

1.The use ofplastic film to prevent the cracking of deep drawing part;用塑料薄膜解决深拉深件的破裂问题

2.Seedling technique covering withplastic film to Lalix gmelini;兴安落叶松塑料薄膜覆盖育苗试验初报

3.The Feasibility of Sericulture under Plastic Film;大蚕塑料薄膜覆盖育可行性研究

5)blown film吹塑薄膜

1.The extrusion of m-PE-LLDblown films was carried out in the presence of vibration field on an electromagnetic dynamic extruder.研究发现,振动力场的加入使m-PE-LLD吹塑薄膜的横向强度增大、纵向强度减小,纵、横向拉伸强度趋于均匀。

2.Firstly,the functions and significances of developing an internal cooling system forblown film are described.首先阐述了吹塑薄膜冷却的作用和意义,然后介绍了吹塑薄膜外部冷却的不足以及膜泡内部冷却系统在各发展阶段的技术特点。

3.The newest types of dies forblown films were introduced.介绍了目前国际上最新的吹塑薄膜机头 ,重点介绍各种叠加机头的结构特点及应

6)plastic film blowing薄膜吹塑


塑料薄膜可熔或可溶的聚合物通过成型加工变成柔软、均匀、非常薄的片层材料。厚度在0.25毫米以下(最薄的可达几个微米)。厚度超过0.25毫米的通常称为片材。电绝缘用塑料薄膜具有高的机械强度和一定的伸长率、高的击穿强度和热态绝缘电阻,并有相应的耐热性。塑料薄膜在电工技术中的应用使绝缘材料大为改观。例如,在电机槽绝缘中用聚酯薄膜代替黄蜡布后,提高了绝缘的耐热性并减小了绝缘的厚度;在电力电容器中用聚丙烯薄膜部分或全部取代电容器纸,能缩小电容器的体积,提高电容器的比特性(单位体积的电容);均苯型聚酰亚胺薄膜的出现更使绝缘结构的耐热等级提高到 H级及以上。塑料薄膜作为电工薄膜绝缘材料需要考虑多种性能。表中归纳了供选择薄膜用的主要特性与评价结果。有些塑料薄膜可作为低温电工绝缘材料。例如聚四氟乙烯、聚酰亚胺,高密度拉伸聚乙烯、聚酰亚胺、聚酰胺(尼龙-11)等的薄膜,均可用作超导低温绝缘材料。
