100字范文 > 中卫黄河跨越 Zhongwei Yellow River over-crossing英语短句 例句大全

中卫黄河跨越 Zhongwei Yellow River over-crossing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-26 10:14:59


中卫黄河跨越 Zhongwei Yellow River over-crossing英语短句 例句大全

中卫黄河跨越,Zhongwei Yellow River over-crossing

1)Zhongwei Yellow River over-crossing中卫黄河跨越

1.Described are engineering geological and hydro geological conditions inZhongwei Yellow River over-crossing project and factors and principles that shall be taken into account in route selection.介绍了中卫黄河跨越的工程地质与水文地质条件,线路比选中应该考虑的因素与原则,论证了西气东输管道工程通过中卫黄河穿跨越方案的选择合理性,以及在跨越工程设计中所采用的结构型式及一些工程技术参数的采用。


1.A discussion on the gas pipeline welding inspection standard:A case study of the West-to-East Gas Pipeline in Zhongwei crossing over the Yellow River对天然气管道焊接检测标准的讨论——以西气东输中卫黄河跨越工程为例

2.Transmission Crossing Tower Construction Mode over Rivers送电线路跨越河流的江中建塔跨越方式

3.Construction Practice of 550kV Power Transmission Line Long-span over Yellow River500kV输电线路黄河大跨越塔基工程施工实践

4.A province of east - central China crossed by the Wei He.One of the earliest cultural and political centers of China, the province is densely populated and highly industrialized.Xi"an is the capital.Population, 30, 020, 000.陕西中国中东部跨越渭河的

5.Application of TSP203 Geological Prediction System in Zhongwei Yellow River TunnelTSP203地质超前预报系统在中卫黄河隧道的应用

6.On the Concept Innovation of Realizing the Rapid Development of Tourism in Henan Province;河南省旅游业跨越式发展的思维创新

7.Research on the satial leap-over development and its mechanism in the valley-city;河谷型城市空间跨越式发展及其机制

8.The discussion of pushing the software industry to achieve cross over type development of Hebei Province;推动河北省软件产业跨越式发展刍议

9.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二大河。

10.Research of Erection Schemes for Steel Truss Girders of Main Bridge of Zhengzhou-Xinxiang Yellow River Bridge郑新黄河大桥主桥钢桁梁跨河架设方案研究

11.She travels past the Yellow River and the Black Mountains,她涉过了黄河,越过了黑山,

12.Cementing technology of West to East Project (Zhengzhou) pipeline through Huanghe River西气东输(郑州)穿越黄河管道封固技术

13.From Good to Great to Build to Last-China Telecom s Breakthrough in the New Market;实现中国电信从“优秀”到“卓越”的跨越

14.Other bridges over the East River are open and traffic is running smoothly.其他跨越东河各桥梁的交通,则顺畅无阻。

15.On his way home he came to a narrow bridge over a stream.在回家的路上,他来到一条跨越在小河上的窄桥。

16.Digital divide among different social groups in Henan Province and its solution;河南省不同社会群体的数字鸿沟及其跨越

17.Integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and Leaping over Strategy Selection of Hebei’s Economy;京津冀一体化与河北省经济跨越式战略选择

18.Study on Promoting Great-leap-forward Development ofthe Characteristic Economies in Yanshan Hilly Areas Hebei Province;河北燕山地区特色经济跨越式发展研究


Yellow River crossing黄河大跨越工程

3)Yellow River crossing tower黄河大跨越塔

4)spanning Weihe river跨越渭河

1.Bao Tian second trackspanning Weihe river fifty five times is a need for taking the full advantageous geological condition.宝天二线 5 5次跨越渭河是充分利用有利的地质条件的需要。

5)Zhongwei Yellow River tunnel中卫黄河隧道

1.Taking application and effect of the system inZhongwei Yellow River tunnel of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project as an example,described are basic principles,data acquisition and analysis,interpretation of results and compared are the actual situation of excavation about wall rock,which ensures successful completion of the tunnel.以西气东输中卫黄河隧道施工中的TSP203系统应用及效果为例,具体阐述了TSP203系统的基本原理、数据采集、数据分析、解释结果和围岩实际开挖情况对比分析,确保了中卫黄河隧道的顺利贯通。

6)crossing Yellow River穿越黄河


中卫县宁夏回族自治区银南地区辖县。包兰铁路上的重要城镇,自古为宁夏、甘肃间的交通孔道。位于宁夏西部黄河左岸。面积4671平方公里,人口27万。县府驻城关镇。汉为朐卷县地,元置应理州,明设宁夏中卫,为银川上游屯兵要地,清初改置中卫县。县城附近的莫家楼是黄河上的重要水运码头,曾为内蒙古阿拉善左旗和固原、海原一带的农畜产品集散中心。县境海拔1226米。年均温8.4℃,1月均温-8℃,7月22.5℃,10℃以上活动积温3205℃,年降水量 186毫米。盛产稻麦、瓜果和石膏、煤炭。灌区农田防护林密如蛛网,防治风沙成郊卓著。包兰铁路建成后,县城加工工业发展,有机械、食品、皮革、毛皮、化肥、陶瓷等行业,所产新型专用机床远销50余国。宝(鸡)中(卫)铁路修通后,将成为宁夏的交通枢纽。另有几条公路干线纵横贯境,沟通邻近各市、县及县内各乡镇。城内有明代建筑高庙,富有地方特色。中卫县西境的沙坡头,地处腾格里沙漠的东南边缘,高大的格状新月形沙丘直逼黄河左岸,人从数十数高的"鸣沙山"顶下滑即发出隆隆之声,"沙关钟鸣"自古为中卫一景。沙丘下有"艾泉",明代以前即已辟为"番王园"种植果木,黄沙绿树,蔚为奇景。包兰铁路穿越这一地区,有40余公里线路受流沙威胁。1956年以来,中国科学院和铁道部门在此开展治理沙漠的研究,于铁路两侧铺设3800公顷半隐蔽式麦草方格沙障,栽植花棒、柠条、沙拐枣等固沙植物;同时由黄河扬水营造乔灌木结合的防护林带,形成葱郁的绿色走廊,保证铁路畅通。目前很多流动沙丘已固定,沙面出现1~8毫米厚的结皮;数百亩沙丘已改造成为试验圃和菜地果园,创造了举世瞩目的治沙奇迹。沙坡头附近是宁夏引黄灌区的起点。美利渠渠首引水工程石龙口有黄河中抛石修筑的导水长堤,是汉代以来所建无坝引水的伟大创造,为宁夏著名古迹。现已开辟宁夏中卫县腾格里大沙漠旅游线,沿途可观赏沙漠湖、烽火台、古长城遗址、吊脖梁等景点及上述治沙成果。
